girl is prego


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kiwi1973 said:
hi guys thanks for all the support, it really is an amazing thing to bring a new life in to this world
I am more in love with my boy than anything

a good sideffect of this is i havent had time to worry about the hair
only just remember to take the finasteride and minoxidil.

I only hope that Tony and George leave him with a world worth living in

Congrats on being a father buddy!


too bald too furious

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tynanW said:

Teethering... :adminfinger: else everyone will :firing: u

Congratulations Kiwi :) are a genius :salut:

The Gardener

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kiwi1973 said:
I only hope that Tony and George leave him with a world worth living in

In my day, people said the same thing about Ronnie and Maggie. Things come and go, ebb and flow, and all troubled times pass and every action is countered by an equal re-action. By the time that your child is aware of things such as the evening news, and politics, the world that the issues that we worry about will probably be far different that those being handled, or manhandled, depending on your point of view, than those we worry about now.

Given a bent towards excess conservatism, by the time your child votes the issue will probably be one of an excessively liberal reaction to the politically conservative themes we are faced with now. Who knows. But, no matter what happens, one thing that seems certain is that your child is born to a father who loves him very much and wants the best for him... and that is really what it's all about.

Congratulations, having a child is such a glorious thing, and I hope your child is happy and healthy and ready to take on the world.