Girls/women just don't think of me in sexual terms


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I don't know if it's the hairloss or what, but women/girls just never seem to be sexually attracted to me. They generally seem to like me and laugh at my jokes, but they never show the obvious signs of someone who finds you physically attractive (or even mentally). I'm beginning to think that my scent hormones are off. I'm not a bad looking guy (other than the hairline recession), so I don't get it. There is something missing in terms of my ability to attract the opposite sex, and it perplexes me to no end. Someone help.


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If you love yourself,
everything else should follow.

Take care of your body, work out a lot and eat healthy. It makes such a huge difference in day to day life.


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To the op, I hear where you're coming from. I seem to always be labelled as the nice guy, good guy or whatever even before I open my mouth and women don't seem to be sexually attracted to me. I'm cocky/funny, dress well and I work out 4 times per week and I'm in great shape. My only real problem(s)? Being 5'8" (average height but many women seem to want a guy over 6' even if many are dolts) and a receding hairline (I've tried shaving my head but women seemed indifferent to it). It just sucks especially when you have to watch all of your friends and other people around you hooking up, having success etc when you know that you are the better person and have a better personality. Unfortunately for some reason, good hair is very important to most women in terms of them finding you sexually attractive. Don't ask me why.


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I can´t understand why people who have low success with girls (or generally in their lives) think has a great personality or that, somehow, they are in a higher moral level that the rest of mortals.

Auto-indulgence is not sexy.


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I'm ugly as hell, and I score pretty frequently. My nose is crooked, I've got a laughable bald spot, and my complexion is sh*t.

Why do you think that is?


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baldguy28 said:
To the op, I hear where you're coming from. I seem to always be labelled as the nice guy, good guy or whatever even before I open my mouth and women don't seem to be sexually attracted to me. I'm cocky/funny, dress well and I work out 4 times per week and I'm in great shape. My only real problem(s)? Being 5'8" (average height but many women seem to want a guy over 6' even if many are dolts) and a receding hairline (I've tried shaving my head but women seemed indifferent to it). It just sucks especially when you have to watch all of your friends and other people around you hooking up, having success etc when you know that you are the better person and have a better personality. Unfortunately for some reason, good hair is very important to most women in terms of them finding you sexually attractive. Don't ask me why.

This post isn't helping anybody. If you want to get with more women, you need to explore your personality better. What turns you on? What is a woman's best attribute and go out and find a girl that will make you super interested in her... Next, find some hobbies that you guys like to do together. It doesn't matter is you're 6' or 5', as long as you are honest and confident in yourself.

I'm 5'10, the Average American height, and I've slept with a lot more girls than most guys my age-- It's not because I'm good-looking, or because I am sly and "play" women well, it's because I find a genuine interest in a woman, and manage to manipulate them from there! No, but seriously, make them want to want you. You have your own, life, remember? A girl can go out and find any guy to f*** her. But you gotta be the exception, because you got a better personality, and you can still f*** her.

I hope this helps.

Axon said:
I'm ugly as hell, and I score pretty frequently. My nose is crooked, I've got a laughable bald spot, and my complexion is $#iT.

Why do you think that is?

Okay, Axon. You have a bald spot? I take it your treatments aren't working. What's your hair loss regimen? I'm just wondering.


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Aplunk1 said:
because I find a genuine interest in a woman, and manage to manipulate them from there! No, but seriously, make them want to want you.

Hey this sounds interesting.. can u explain it in a bit more detail? It's an interesting way of trying to pick up women..


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Personally, most guys I know that cant seem to get laid are guys who are either:

1. Overly overtly honry - Girls dont usually like it when guys cant carry on a conversation without constantly bringing up sex or making a sexual innuendos.

2. Guys who go into over-drive with fake confidence (think sleazy car salesmen) - Confidence is something you cant fake if the other person knows how to read people (which mean most girls)... So, if you work at McDonnalds during the day but try to act like you're a big pimp in the evening with the ladies, 99% of the time you'll just get laughed off.

I've found the most important thing to do when it comes to women finding you sexually attractive is to KEEP UP WITH YOURSELF. Ok, there are exceptions to the rule but most girls I know want a guy that can physically turn them on. You dont have to be a Brad Pitt but you do have to do simple things like shave, dress right, take care of your complexion, have white teeth w/o any missing or crooked, neatly trimmed fingernails, good cologne (nothing under $20), ect ect ect. Combine that with a laid back attitude, some humor, and not over doing the sex talk and you should have decent odds.


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Re: re:

Aplunk1 said:
Okay, Axon. You have a bald spot? I take it your treatments aren't working. What's your hair loss regimen? I'm just wondering.

I've had a noticably thinning patch on my crown since I was 20, and am now 26. But my regimen is basically the big three.

That's not the point here. If I have to explain what I was getting at, this forum is more hopeless then I originally thought.


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Axon said:
Aplunk1 said:
Okay, Axon. You have a bald spot? I take it your treatments aren't working. What's your hair loss regimen? I'm just wondering.

I've had a noticably thinning patch on my crown since I was 20, and am now 26. But my regimen is basically the big three.

That's not the point here. If I have to explain what I was getting at, this forum is more hopeless then I originally thought.

Axon, you're a moderator... Why do you think that this forum is hopeless? Do you think that the big 3 amount to nothing? Should we all give up our treatments?

I don't know if this is what you're appealing to, but I hope not.


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Seriouysly, listen to what socks wrote, its all fuuuuuuuuucking true!, its as simple as that, youd need not complicate it, its as simple as it seems.
Just forget about it, theres fanny out there guys, theres a lot of fanny., lets f*****g get it.


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Re: re:

Aplunk1 said:
Axon said:
Aplunk1 said:
Okay, Axon. You have a bald spot? I take it your treatments aren't working. What's your hair loss regimen? I'm just wondering.

I've had a noticably thinning patch on my crown since I was 20, and am now 26. But my regimen is basically the big three.

That's not the point here. If I have to explain what I was getting at, this forum is more hopeless then I originally thought.

Axon, you're a moderator... Why do you think that this forum is hopeless? Do you think that the big 3 amount to nothing? Should we all give up our treatments?

I don't know if this is what you're appealing to, but I hope not.

Andy, I think his point was that it really doesnt matter what you look like. Hairloss, and other physical features do not stop you from being able to get girls.

Also, if he has maintained his hair in the last 6 years then the big 3 must be working. You shouldnt give up based on the opinions of one person anyway.


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You act like a f*****, your gonna get f*** all, so stop giving bald mean abd name by acting such a pussy,
I want to see in the next 15 years, fully haired men, gutted that they cant lose there hair when they they get to about 20 and they finish puberty and become a man, lol , When I see dudes with hair-doos i feel sorry for them, they look fake, less ahir is for men, get that in to your heads
What the f*** is our population becominmg? women ares'nt bothered anymore. and men are acting like faggots
lol this website shouldnt even be, and if it should, it should exist for 16 yeard old kids, were all men, so start acting like it, for fuckls sake!


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Im being f*****g honest!, some people act like faggs on here,! let me tell you , lol you have a massive dis-advantage over many people, you arent the smae, and why the fucjk would u want to be the same.
Grow some balls a,d grow some independance.
You make me sick u sad sheep-following losers.
Sorry, but its true.


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Lst thing boys,Its time to become men. your old enough to knoe better. fucks sake guys, your all fully grown men, leave all the bitching to the 16 year olds,
You dont like it, I hear you scream, lol, no one said life was easy, for fucks sake chaps, it neveer is, just shut the f*** up, and think about what your grand parents did.
I was speaking to my dad the othere day, he was telling me about my granddad, he was bald when he reached 21, ans his job was a gunner in the british army. he fought for his country bald as a f****r, and he kept the german attack out of briatain,
Let me tell you summat the germas attacked us and felt they could take us over like france, but we held strong, just like I need all u men losing your hair right now
Losing your hair isnt a disadvantage. it liberating. so fuckling deal with it. u make me sick with your potions, be men!


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Take that, Japanazis!

Take that, Hitler!

Take that, Boris Yeltsin!

Grab a rifle, boys, and let's curb the Red threat! Treat your rifle like a lady, and stab your Commie brother in the eye!

We don't need teh spelling and grammar! We're real men now!


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LOL!! Freestyle...

Hey omgsftty... your grandpa probably spent some days in the anti-aerial shooting to the sky, while the luftwaffe bombed the city.

If England didn´t fall was because germans weren´t able to get tanks through the channel and fully perform a blitzkrieg in your ***.

If your granpa would´ve been a RAF pilot, well, that´s a MAN. Or if only he would´ve been russian... I would believe you have brave genes.

I´m not a nazi supporter, but facts are facts. Russians won that war, and the USA helped in the last instance.

Now, lets keep our heads banging against a wall, being real men...


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omgstfuty said:
You act like a f*****, your gonna get f*** all, so stop giving bald mean abd name by acting such a pussy,
I want to see in the next 15 years, fully haired men, gutted that they cant lose there hair when they they get to about 20 and they finish puberty and become a man, lol , When I see dudes with hair-doos i feel sorry for them, they look fake, less ahir is for men, get that in to your heads
What the f*** is our population becominmg? women ares'nt bothered anymore. and men are acting like faggots
lol this website shouldnt even be, and if it should, it should exist for 16 yeard old kids, were all men, so start acting like it, for fuckls sake!

I was going to call you a flaming a-hole, but you're completely right. We need to be way more confident in ourselves.


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Solo, just shut up u stupid loud mouthed pussy, I would love to see what you capable of, its all well and good, mouthing off behind a computer, saying who is brave and who isnt, they all were u f*****g dolt,
You think about that, if you were about 20/21 never been away from home, and there you are in the middle of france, etc, shooting over men to death to stop your self from getting killed.
Thick f***,you make me sick.


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Man the f*** up

Aplunk1 said:
Axon said:
Aplunk1 said:
Okay, Axon. You have a bald spot? I take it your treatments aren't working. What's your hair loss regimen? I'm just wondering.

I've had a noticably thinning patch on my crown since I was 20, and am now 26. But my regimen is basically the big three.

That's not the point here. If I have to explain what I was getting at, this forum is more hopeless then I originally thought.

Axon, you're a moderator... Why do you think that this forum is hopeless? Do you think that the big 3 amount to nothing? Should we all give up our treatments?

I don't know if this is what you're appealing to, but I hope not.

By hopeless, I meant nothing of hair loss. Rather, I meant the insane, woe-is-me everything is hair loss attitude that revolves around here, as your post indicates.

I say something and it is GROSSLY misinterpreted. Granted, a lot of what I say is ambigious by design; I refuse to spoon feed relatively smart people simplistic concepts. But when I say "man, you misunderstood me. Sometimes this site is hopeless," that has nothing to do with hair loss - rahter, it's a knock on the people in it.

What I was saying in my original post in this thread is that despite my obvious flaws: a nose that goes in about 4 different directions, an obvious thin spot on my crown, and acne scars that make Kevin Spacey's face in Pay it Forward look tame, I still get laid all the f*****g time.

Why? Cause I'm a f*****g man, son; I don't act like a b**ch. It's that simple. I was at some girl's house the other day, and she was wearing this short skirt. We were supposed to go out to run her errands or something. When I got there I suggested we should stay in, she said no. She kept bending over though, and her *** was looking fine, and eventually, that primitive, masculine instinct took over and I bent her over the counter, flipped up her skirt, and had my way with her.

And she loved it. Which didn't make sense to me, because I acted like a serious prick in doing this. I later asked her why she liked it, because really, I just took her ***.

She told me that's how a man should be. And I find this to be true of more women then you think: they want you to pursue them, and they like to play hard to get. They won't admit it, of course, but they want it. You can't be overly timid and expect to score.