Good and bad careers for baldings

GNUist (formerly FC)

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computer programmers (no women to interact with, don't feel self concious)
engineers (ditto)
doctors (projects sanitary image)
chefs/food preparers (ditto)
mathematicians (accepting of diverse ecentricities)
athletes (shaved head aerodynamic, cool)
bouncer (tough image)

lawyers/businessman (lots of "schmoozing" and but kissing aided by hair)
models (duh)
outdoor worker (bald head burns)
news presenter (media biased against balding)
actor (need hair for most roles)
teacher (kids will rip someone losing hair)
customer service (people like haired people)


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Hair loss forum moderator
Uncaring dermatologist

Hair Transplant surgeon


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Diving/watersports instructor



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s.a.f said:
I'll have to disagree on thisone, i'd feel better (as a balding man) getting my hair done by a bald guy as he probebly know better how to handle my hair cause hes went throw it by himself, and assuming he also had hair once so he gets to enjoy both worlds.

For females:
- Mud wrestler (no hair to pull)
- Prostitution (wigs...)
- Lesbian biker
- (Uni) Zoo worker (animals love is unconditional)
- President of an hair products company



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Freedom Coder said:
computer programmers (no women to interact with, don't feel self concious)
engineers (ditto)
doctors (projects sanitary image)
chefs/food preparers (ditto)
mathematicians (accepting of diverse ecentricities)
athletes (shaved head aerodynamic, cool)
bouncer (tough image)

lawyers/businessman (lots of "schmoozing" and but kissing aided by hair)
models (duh)
outdoor worker (bald head burns)
news presenter (media biased against balding)
actor (need hair for most roles)
teacher (kids will rip someone losing hair)
customer service (people like haired people)

In your list, do you notice that you just can't "go into the profession"? Have to be extremely smart and/or go through a ton of schooling. You also have to have some sort of "gift" for computers, cooking, math, body type, special in terms of athletics.

For the bad, only the lawyer is the same way (schooling) and modeling (have to be born handsome). Anyone can be an outdoor worker, a teacher, customer service rep, news presenter or actoe (but to be a successful one you have to be lucky too).


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Smooth said:
s.a.f said:
I'll have to disagree on thisone, i'd feel better (as a balding man) getting my hair done by a bald guy as he probebly know better how to handle my hair cause hes went throw it by himself, and assuming he also had hair once so he gets to enjoy both worlds. :>

OK Good:
Hairdresser for balding guys.

Hairdresser for everyone else.

Most people with hair would be put off by a bald hairdresser, Theyd prefer someone who has great hair themselves. Its abit like an ugly plastic surgeon or an obese fitness instructor.


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Lawyer? Why? They sit in an office all day doing paper work.

I'm a trainee lawyer and virtually all of them (They're older to be fair) are balding.

Personally I think it also suits the out door I almost expect to be bald for some reason.

GNUist (formerly FC)

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HatPrisoner91 said:
Freedom Coder said:
computer programmers (no women to interact with, don't feel self concious)
engineers (ditto)
doctors (projects sanitary image)
chefs/food preparers (ditto)
mathematicians (accepting of diverse ecentricities)
athletes (shaved head aerodynamic, cool)
bouncer (tough image)

lawyers/businessman (lots of "schmoozing" and but kissing aided by hair)
models (duh)
outdoor worker (bald head burns)
news presenter (media biased against balding)
actor (need hair for most roles)
teacher (kids will rip someone losing hair)
customer service (people like haired people)

In your list, do you notice that you just can't "go into the profession"? Have to be extremely smart and/or go through a ton of schooling. You also have to have some sort of "gift" for computers, cooking, math, body type, special in terms of athletics.

For the bad, only the lawyer is the same way (schooling) and modeling (have to be born handsome). Anyone can be an outdoor worker, a teacher, customer service rep, news presenter or actoe (but to be a successful one you have to be lucky too).

You don't need a "gift" for any of those - except maybe a mathematicians. But I just meant any job really where you are judged based on your abilities, rather than super ficial bullshit.


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I think this is a stupid thread.

Bald guys are found in all careers. You cant make generalisations on the basis of having no hair. Its down to the person.


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Fanjeera said:
Bald models are beautiful.

The ones that choose to be and carry the look? Definitely. But it doesn't quite go that well for everyone now does it, sorry to say?

I don't care how buff Jason Alexander became. He'll never look like Jason Statham.


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Freedom Coder said:
You don't need a "gift" for any of those - except maybe a mathematicians. But I just meant any job really where you are judged based on your abilities, rather than super ficial bullshit.

You think just anyone can be a Math wiz or and engineer? Or a doctor? I know I couldn't be them.

Quantum Cat

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HatPrisoner91 said:
Freedom Coder said:
You don't need a "gift" for any of those - except maybe a mathematicians. But I just meant any job really where you are judged based on your abilities, rather than super ficial bullshit.

You think just anyone can be a Math wiz or and engineer? Or a doctor? I know I couldn't be them.

what job do you do?


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HatPrisoner91 said:
You think just anyone can be a Math wiz or and engineer? Or a doctor? I know I couldn't be them.
Everyone can be any of these, unless you suffer some serius retadation.... one of my best freinds suffer from ocd and severe adhd (hes on retaline 24/7), and he studies math + engineering, if he can then EVERYONE can!funny enough, he is a hat prisoner too, i know him for 3 yeas - never seen him without hes hat, balding isnt the excuse tho, he has too much hair, extremly low hairline and he says that he would never take he hat off cause it looks wierd :dunno:


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Freedom Coder said:
You don't need a "gift" for any of those - except maybe a mathematicians. But I just meant any job really where you are judged based on your abilities, rather than super ficial bullshit.

You think just anyone can be a Math wiz or and engineer? Or a doctor? I know I couldn't be them.

If I can do it, so can everyone else....

In my opinion maths is easier than engineering, law, medicine, etc....

The beauty of maths is that it's very structured. I see law as very random, most of the time I don't understand it.


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Army officer, soldier: those guys need to have short hair and they wear hats as well.
Swimmer: No need to dry hair :) (I know diving instructor is already in the list)
Cockney actor: Similar to bouncers, they have a tough guy image. eg Jason Statham, Mitchel brothers, Vinnie Jones (he shaves)

Pimps: I can't imagine Snoop Dogg or Don King without hair.
Latin football (soccer) player: Those guys have beautiful hair :gay:

GNUist (formerly FC)

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ali777 said:
Army officer, soldier: those guys need to have short hair and they wear hats as well.
Swimmer: No need to dry hair :) (I know diving instructor is already in the list)
Cockney actor: Similar to bouncers, they have a tough guy image. eg Jason Statham, Mitchel brothers, Vinnie Jones (he shaves)

Pimps: I can't imagine Snoop Dogg or Don King without hair.
Latin football (soccer) player: Those guys have beautiful hair :gay:

sh*t, good point, army is an awesome job for baldings (or any armed forces).

HatPrisoner91 said:
Freedom Coder said:
You don't need a "gift" for any of those - except maybe a mathematicians. But I just meant any job really where you are judged based on your abilities, rather than super ficial bullshit.

You think just anyone can be a Math wiz or and engineer? Or a doctor? I know I couldn't be them.

Well, being a doctor requires years of boring school and memorization. I don't think I could do that either, and don't really give a sh*t...

But, for the rest of the list, it is also biased towards my interests - math and computers and engineering things - so definitely not an exhaustive list of good carrers.


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I do a bit of PHP, but by trade I'm a syadmin's PFY (ICT tech) (for a shitty Windows network in a school, sadly).
70% of the male employees in the school are post NW3 btw, and yes, they do get ripped on (NW6 in the office next to mine with "boldy" drawn on his door with permanent marker for example...)


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I program, but i'm not planning on persuining it for a living, i kind of do it as a hobby, its very interesting and pretty awesome when you can manipulate various things to work to your liking.