Good two month results with complex regimen (pics)

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I'm not trying to prove anything...I'm not saying i have found the cure, i'm not saying not having orgasms will regrow hair, all i'm saying is...if you are currently taking finasteride in the form of proscar and you have been thinning for 5 years or less and you have not seen results by just taking proscar then i urge you to atleast try this. I want results like mine for everyone out there. It doesn't hurt to atleast try this. Limit orgasms, take finasteride, take curcumin with peperine...No i have no clue what aspect of the treatment is working. All i know is by doing all the above my hair is growing like it use too....Thats it... I started on this whole reducing orgasm deal because i was thinking why does the male show this hair pattern as he gets older and everyone admits male pattern baldness is a sign of sexual maturity....a fertile male = full head of hair a aged male or male that has alot of sex or orgasms and genetically predisposed of male pattern baldness = balding male...i'm not saying any of that is scientifically was just my reasoning to try to not only stop my bad habit with p**rn and masterbation but also to see how by not orgasming for a period of time would help my hair.
Also i was thinking why does females have all their hair and most men lose there hair...It was pissing me off then i realized that most women have very few orgasms throughout their lifetime and men have a whole lot...that was the only difference i could think of besides estrogen and testosterone...but it couldn't be testosterone that is causing it because most men that have all their hair have higher testosterone content in their body. I think by not orgasming the finasteride might be more effective in the body...but like i said i have no clue...all i know is that what i'm doing is working and i have not had any slightest improvement before i started this treatment.


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It was pissing me off then i realized that most women have very few orgasms throughout their lifetime and men have a whole lot...that was the only difference i could think of besides estrogen and testosterone

That's the ONLY difference between men and women? =p Honestly, you can't compare men and women.

...all i know is that what i'm doing is working and i have not had any slightest improvement before i started this treatment.

It's working because you began this no-orgasm thing right around the time when most people begin to see improvements from finasteride.


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why everyone is so afraid of this is beyond me... seriously dudes stop beating your meat
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also i noticed my head was extremely itchy as my hair began to get thinner and thinner by the month....Now my head hasn't itched a bit and the spots that were thinning use to be very tender to the touch now those spot are no different throughout the entire scalp......I'm also wondering if there is a correlation between orgasms and DHT. No clue just trying to put all the peices of the puzzle together. Its not a coincidence that i'm not the first person to bring up this type of observation. Its been brought up numerous times just to be laughed at by the cynics. I bet you each and every person that views this site masterbates compulsively...Hell theres even a damn icon on here that has a smiley face wacking off.....I think we really need to start taking this much more seriously...especially after the results that i'm currently witnessing on my own head....if i can get some pictures takin of my hair i will get them on my computer and show you guys how thick my hair is now....I think that scientists have known that the orgasm after orgasm is destroying the follicles of men with genetic hairloss....You wonder why one of the side effects of finasteride is low sex drive...and why it causes the testicles some pain when you first begin treatment....Who knows but i do know that nobody can make money if the reason for thinning hair is having to many orgasms over years of life for the genetically proned. Also like i said finasteride may work more effectively when orgasms are at a minimum....but like i said i have no clue and avery said that my results occured at the time most see result using finasteride...and yes avery could be right but i'm speaking to those that haven't seen result after the so called time you should be seeing results...for all those people i hope you try this out.... and if you begin to see results please let me know.
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seriously why would my head just all of a sudden calm down and not itch at all....all my tender spots where my hair was thinning are all healed.....what finasteride all of a sudden just starts doing its job. I was reading on regrowth dot com that one guy named kjorn was doing a study by trying to stop masterbating for 3 months of course nobody that tried the study could last even two weeks i think...and all the guys that were doing the study were getting laughed at by other posters...which i understand its kinda funny that guys are so desperate to do this but thats because all who are thinning with genetic male pattern baldness are so addicted to wacking off that they are the ones to blame for there condition anways the ones that did last two weeks they noticed that there shedding decreased and their heads weren't as irritated...I truely believe if these guys were beginning thinners and they lasted longer than just two weeks, they would have noticed there hair thickening back up..
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I'm so excited i want everyone to know...i don't care how i look...this is real me the no orgasm doosh bag...i could careless...I am probably one of the few that have gone about 3 months with this few orgasms and seen amazing results so unless there is someone that has gone as long as i have and still hasn't seen improvement and is also on finasteride and curcumin then and only then you can bash my reasoning. oh i have to reitterate that i am on finasteride and taking one capsul of curcumin with peperine every night before i go to its not just reducing the orgasms...Ok i'm finished i've just had all this built up....If this works for anyone i except money donations haha The hardest part of the treatment of course is with holding the orgasms...I don't have a girlfriend right now so its a little easier for me because its me vs my mindset...but i know it would be very difficult if i was involved with was extremely hard for me because masterbating was in my nightly routine. But as i began trying this reduction of orgasm deal, I would go 2 weeks and then say this doesn't work and start back up masterbating...then as i saw my hair thinning away i would tell myself nick you gotta commit yourself to this. i then went a month and thought i was seeing progress but of course i would get so horny that i had to get back to my bad habits...and of course shedding would follow the week after. Then i would get pissed off at myself...and finally i would go another month then masterbate and then i noticed my hair was thickening up like that motivated me from then on and now my hair is almost back to as thick as it possibly can be given the follicles on my head. You wouldn't even think I'm 25 if you looked at my hair...You know the so called "mature hairline" even that has gone away...I'm going back to my "adolescent hairline". Most people on finasteride say they maintain well but rarely do you hear people say there hair is growing back in all thin spots not just vertex but temples... Thats exactly what my hair is doing. So that is it...Hallealuah and Amen with a yeeehaw ride that horsay!


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you're an idiot.

the truth is masturbation is HEALTHY while taking finasteride because it keeps you "regular" and stretches out your dick tissue to avoid collagen build up (google it).

don't you realize one nightmarish side effect from finasteride is inability to get an erection?

being able to jerk it while on finasteride is proof that you're staying healthy and not experiencing any sexual sides. it's a GOOD thing to do.


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commonsense123 said:
I'm so excited i want everyone to know...i don't care how i look...this is real me the no orgasm doosh bag...i could careless...I am probably one of the few that have gone about 3 months with this few orgasms and seen amazing results so unless there is someone that has gone as long as i have and still hasn't seen improvement and is also on finasteride and curcumin then and only then you can bash my reasoning. oh i have to reitterate that i am on finasteride and taking one capsul of curcumin with peperine every night before i go to its not just reducing the orgasms...Ok i'm finished i've just had all this built up....If this works for anyone i except money donations haha The hardest part of the treatment of course is with holding the orgasms...I don't have a girlfriend right now so its a little easier for me because its me vs my mindset...but i know it would be very difficult if i was involved with was extremely hard for me because masterbating was in my nightly routine. But as i began trying this reduction of orgasm deal, I would go 2 weeks and then say this doesn't work and start back up masterbating...then as i saw my hair thinning away i would tell myself nick you gotta commit yourself to this. i then went a month and thought i was seeing progress but of course i would get so horny that i had to get back to my bad habits...and of course shedding would follow the week after. Then i would get pissed off at myself...and finally i would go another month then masterbate and then i noticed my hair was thickening up like that motivated me from then on and now my hair is almost back to as thick as it possibly can be given the follicles on my head. You wouldn't even think I'm 25 if you looked at my hair...You know the so called "mature hairline" even that has gone away...I'm going back to my "adolescent hairline". Most people on finasteride say they maintain well but rarely do you hear people say there hair is growing back in all thin spots not just vertex but temples... Thats exactly what my hair is doing. So that is it...Hallealuah and Amen with a yeeehaw ride that horsay!

Dude, just stop it. Stop spreading misinformation.

You are not a doctor. You know nothing about the human body. You have no qualifications WHATSOEVER to be making the statements that you are making.

You say you've regrown hair. Congrats, but let's look at the facts. You are on Finasteride for god's sake - a medication that is PROVEN to regrow hair. Yes - not just maintain, but REGROW. Its in the scientific studies, its in the literature included with your prescription, its all over the internet. Some people get cosmetically significant regrowth, some don't. The ones that don't still probably regrew hair on a limited scale - and at the very least maintained.

Your regrowth of hair has nothing to do with the fact that you stopped beating off. What - you think having an orgasm sends a surge of DHT directly to your hair follicles? No. And even if it did, its a one off thing. Your body is continuously producing DHT whether you are touching yourself at night or not. You are balding because your hair follicles are genetically susceptible to the DHT that is present on everyone's scalp. Period.

I think its funny that you say it would be hard to keep this up if you were in a relationship. Are you serious?!? Are you seriously saying that if you got a g/f, you would elect to not have sex with her for the (imaginary) sake of your hair? Dude, having sex with women is the only reason most of us even care about our hair anyway. It's the end result of having hair (or, in more realistic terms, its the confidence that comes with having it).

Give me a break man. I'm sorry to go off on you like this but in the past month or so that I've been browsing these forums I just keep seeing all these BS anecdotal hair regrowth 'secrets" threads, one after another. Or BS anecdotal things that made someone's hair fall out. I had acne as a teen and used to go to those message boards and it was the same damn story.

But dude, if you want to keep believing this that's fine. If it makes you happy and more confident then more power to you. I actually think limiting masturbation is a good idea - just not for the reasons you mentioned. But I do have a challenge for you - give us some pics to show us this regrowth. Because as of right now, all you are is another balding keyboard jockey with nothing to back your statements up.

Now let's all do the OP (first) a favor and get his thread back on track.


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I love he reports all the regular symptoms of finasteride (good results, shed, good results, shed, etc.) but attributes it all to not masturbating. Priceless.


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This supports my theory that finasteride can lead to psychiatric problems. Bald and fun with penis > Hair and limp pee pee, to the sane few anyway.


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This supports my theory that finasteride can lead to psychiatric problems. Bald and fun with penis > Hair and limp pee pee, to the sane few anyway.

Well i prefer Hair and fun with penis watching Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend lesbian acts.


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Well for those with limp dicks:




Seems to me that those are fake boobs but with lesbian acts.


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commensense123, what is that curcumin supplement that you're taking and this pepperine stuff? and amount are you taking it daily?
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Ok haha...well lets see...the past posts have been very productive....Ok so now we know I'm an idiot and i have no clue what i'm talking about...Not a surprise to me what you guys have said.....everytime a post like mine gets brought up all you guys bash the guy that brings it up...all that is fair...I understand where everyone is coming from....but i think we are all here to help each other get our hair back...I hope we can all agree on that.....I would have never posted anything on here just to be BSing anybody...Listen I'm trying to help...and when Avery says i'm just seeing the results of finasteride....Thats not true i never said i was shedding then seeing good results then shedding then seeeing good results...i said i was shedding a week after i got back to masterbating....i never said i saw any good results for the 4 months taking finasteride...But Avery might be right...It could be that i'm finally seeing amazing results because of finasteride...But If we all treat the people on here like you guys are doing we will never solve this huge problem we are facing...why don't we open our minds to everyone who is sincere posting to help another....thats all i'm trying to do....i'm not trying to act like i know more than anyone else....i have been a viewer of this website ever since i started to thin...Believe me I was so depressed with my life....I had lost my girlfriend of 4 years, I dropped out of college, and my identity was gone...I would have never been able to be involved in a relationship simply because my self worth was destroyed due to the downward spiral of my hair...Ok so all that is the boooohoooohooooo stuff which we all can lets put all that crap down and focus on how we can help each other....I'm not some egotistical person that posts crap on here saying i've found the cure...nope i have just recently discovered my hair growing back to its normal condition....and as i was seeing this...i began to get shocked at what i was i had to sign up to this site and tell everybody what i was doing so maybe i could really help somebody...thats really it...I know the reason we want our hair is to have confidence and find a sexy female to date and sleep with....but i'm really getting convinced if you keep wacking off...then your hair will keep thinning and shedding and your confidence will keep going down and down and as a result you will never have enough confidence in yourself to find a lady to love instead you will be dooooped to looking at p**rn at night with a date with your hand and your hair and your self worth going down the drain...Please bash the heck out of my suggestions if you have tried what i've been saying to try...Then I am an idiot and my results are due to finasteride...
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the curcumin is NOW brand and i follow it up with a pinch of black pepper....The pepper which has peperine helps the absorption of the curcumin by %2000 from what i've read...anyways i just take one cap of the curcumin and a pinch of black pepper and drink some water...then take a little bite out of the proscar pill with a glass of water right before i go to bed....then like i said the part that pisses everyone off...ha believe me i'm very happy that what i'm doing is working but i'm also kinda pissed because i want desperately to get back to my bad habits...I really wish i could but i'm seeing these awesome results and its not worth having the 2 second orgasm right now versus the great condition of my hair...Now that my hair is getting confidence is back up...yet i'm extremely humbled by this whole experience...i use to be so cocky about my looks...If there was a mirror there you would find me..thats how bad it was....after this experience with the thinning hair my cockiness is gone and a new sense of appreciation of life has taken over...I'm lucky to have this second chance...I know theres a guy out there that is looking for help...i really hope my post is going to help atleast one person out there.
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ok this is a picture of me and and one of my girl friends at a bar in destin florida and a pic of me on the beach just recently takin in mid may of this summer. Its not great pictures for you to see the condition of my hair or hairline also my face as you can see is fried...but my hairline has grown back to pretty much the way its always been before i started thinning...and my hair is almost as thick as it use to be...its still getting thicker and thicker no sheds atleast that i can notice...A person with the hair that i have at this moment wouldn't be on this site if he didn't experience his hair thinning like mine was thinning...I have some pics of my thinned out hairline on my phone but i don't have a wire to get those pics on my computer at this time...


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commonsense123 said:
the curcumin is NOW brand and i follow it up with a pinch of black pepper....The pepper which has peperine helps the absorption of the curcumin by %2000 from what i've read...anyways i just take one cap of the curcumin and a pinch of black pepper and drink some water...then take a little bite out of the proscar pill with a glass of water right before i go to bed....

So you take curcumin, black pepper and finasteride - all just before you go to bed? Wouldn't black pepper have any effect on the absorption of finasteride?

Btw, have you stopped masturbating at all or just do it once a week or so? And what was your Norwood status before you started curcumin & finas?

Just out curiosity, your girlfriend left you because of your hairloss or depression?
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Ok my norwood status was 1.5 or 2 but its hard to explain... if you follow your temples back along a line my hair was thinning all through that line about 2 inches wide all the way to my vertex at the back of my my temples were at 1.5 norwood but there was a consistent thin area all along that line i just described and at my vertex...My scalp was very itchy and tender to the touch at the thinning areas. I have always spiked my hair...and my hair was so thick i witnessed my hair gradually get thinner and thinner along my temple line and in the i was unable to spike my hair because you could really see my scalp and it just looked really goofy.....i couldn't do anything with my hair which was the reason i was getting so depressed and yes my depression i believe was a huge factor in me and my girlfriend breaking up...I don't think it was the only factor but lets put it this way...i wouldn't want to be involved with me at that time because i would get pissed off at the stupidest things...i never wanted to go out, i never wanted to be in social situations...I was a mess...I was pissed off at God....i would hit myself in the head...talking about psychotic...yah i was going psychotic at the time...but as far as black pepper hindering the absorption of finasteride...I have no clue about that....if it does then finasteride has no role in the success i'm currently having...But i'm not aware of black pepper hindering the absorption of finasteride.
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oh yah and its been about 3 weeks since i last masterbated...i guess i go like 3 weeks or a month then i will do it....but its gotten easier and easier as i've been doing it...before i couldn't go 3 days without doing it....then i got up to a couple of weeks...then a month...but i'm sure if you can go 3 weeks which is crazy hard then that should i said i have no clue...i just try to go as long as i can especially now that i'm seeing such outstanding results way way beyond what i thought would ever happen....i was hoping to maintain what i already had but like i said my hair has gone into overdrive since i began doing this...don't get me wrong you have to be patient but once you run your hands through your hair and you can feel your hair thicker than before thats a sign that its working and then you see your temples closing up and your vertex becoming thick again... also the itching will go away and the tender scalp will vanish..but you gotta stay commited...i think if you do this for a month to 3 months max you will see a major improvement in your hair...especially if you have just started thinning (1-5 years) and from then on you can be the judge on whether you think its worth it or not.