Got Called Bald Today For The First Time :(


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Adults are tough... But man... kids are even worse... I don't want to go to work tomorrow...
Just tell these Asian kids, don't ever say the word "bald" anymore as it's a bad "four letter word" like the word "f***" or "sh*t". And a bad "four letter word" means automatic detention.


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There's literally no discipline in Japanese public schools. Kids that skip every class and smoke in the toilets get passed somehow. Students say some nasty stuff sometimes, some are unbelievably disruptive and nobody does anything. The only time anyone intervenes is if they get very physically aggressive with someone. I've seen kids throw pens at teachers and teachers just laugh it off. Detention doesn't exist. You'd be shocked at how bad Japanese public schools can be


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There's literally no discipline in Japanese public schools. Kids that skip every class and smoke in the toilets get passed somehow. Students say some nasty stuff sometimes, some are unbelievably disruptive and nobody does anything. The only time anyone intervenes is if they get very physically aggressive with someone. I've seen kids throw pens at teachers and teachers just laugh it off. Detention doesn't exist. You'd be shocked at how bad Japanese public schools can be
You should make a documentary on that. I would really watch something like that. I am sure the same things go on in the US too. I think if we had more balding teachers on here, we might hear some similar things.


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Up until my hair transplant I never got any comments. I guess they don't notice receding hairlines as much as they do an obvious thin band of hair at the hairline...
I can't take a video camera into the school anyway, strict rules about videoing students for obvious reasons. It would make a fascinating documentary though, people's perceptions of Japanese school systems and students would be shattered!


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If this makes you feel any better Golden, this happened to me the other day;

I was working with a younger client (I'm a speech-language pathology grad student). She looked at my ID card I have to wear (the picture is a picture of me from like 3 years ago) and says "Wow you had so much more hair back then."


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If this makes you feel any better Golden, this happened to me the other day;

I was working with a younger client (I'm a speech-language pathology grad student). She looked at my ID card I have to wear (the picture is a picture of me from like 3 years ago) and says "Wow you had so much more hair back then."

I'm sure it happens all the time, Fred has mentioned some bad situations. In a way I'm amazed it hasn't happened sooner...
just goes to show that kids really don't consciously register high hairlines as balding.
I think this really might be the most public and humiliating bald shaming on The only saving grace is that it may just be the new growth of transplanted hair. But f*** if it makes it any less embarrassing


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Didnt Fred get called an egg head by some 11 year old low inhibition kid?

And also a load of English guys in a bar shouting "He's bald!" or something? Which I find bizarre as if you walk into any pub in England 50% of them are bald/balding. Drinking tea with their yellow teeth! Bloody wankers!


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Yeah that sounds pretty bad. I think this is worse though, because they're my students, I see them every day, we had a great rapport before now, and also I have the third most hair loss out of 170 students and 25 teachers. An old teacher has diffuse thinning and one 12 year old girl has messed up hair, but everyone else from young boys to old men have perfect hair.


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People are cruel. Whether they're thinking it, talking behind your back, or ridiculing you in front of a group. For those of us cursed to go bald young and surrounded with fortunate normal people, all we can do is try to fix it as best we can and grow thicker skin. Cynicism is a natural consequence.


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Not shouting, singing, like a football chant: "He has no haaair, he has no haaaair!"

Yeah, definitely sound English

Still f*****g weird behaviour


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Privilidged people never realise they're privileged. I've had rich colleagues complain about how expensive it is to send their kids to private school while I was struggling to get by doing an unpaid internship.
I had a friend who pulls his perfect dense hair out because of some OCD thing and was crying to me about his problem while I was struggling with a thin NW2.5.
People are shockingly unaware of how lucky they are sometimes. The more they have, the more they take for granted, and the less they can empathise with people less fortunate than themselves.


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I started gymcelling two weeks ago and I plan to stick with it.

I love the effect it has on my mood and sleep quality.

f*****g told you


@CopeForLife @Dante92 where is your god now?


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Yeah that sounds pretty bad. I think this is worse though, because they're my students, I see them every day, we had a great rapport before now, and also I have the third most hair loss out of 170 students and 25 teachers. An old teacher has diffuse thinning and one 12 year old girl has messed up hair, but everyone else from young boys to old men have perfect hair.
Saw a picture of the 82 year old emperor today:
