Got Laid Last! (a Couple More Words To Make This 7 Words)


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In due time friend I will tell you my regiment

I'll tell the regimen I'm using right now. 75mg Spironolactone every 12 hours, 2mg estradiol valerate every 12 hours, 2.5mg finasteride every 12 hours. 2ml minoxidil 5% every 12 hours, Nizoral 1% OTC every 2 or 3 days.

Got some Estrogel on the way, and going to switch to dutasteride soon too. I was a solid NW6 in August. Today I'm at NW5/5a. When that fills in to NW4-ish territory, I'll post pics.


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I'll tell the regimen I'm using right now. 75mg Spironolactone every 12 hours, 2mg estradiol valerate every 12 hours, 2.5mg finasteride every 12 hours. 2ml minoxidil 5% every 12 hours, Nizoral 1% OTC every 2 or 3 days.

Got some Estrogel on the way, and going to switch to dutasteride soon too. I was a solid NW6 in August. Today I'm at NW5/5a. When that fills in to NW4-ish territory, I'll post pics.

holy sh*t man, hardcore. Any sides so far?


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holy sh*t man, hardcore. Any sides so far?

oh, didn't see that you're transgender, my bad. It must be friggin awesome to drop a Norwood in a couple months!! hotdamn, I am jealous.


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I'll tell the regimen I'm using right now. 75mg Spironolactone every 12 hours, 2mg estradiol valerate every 12 hours, 2.5mg finasteride every 12 hours. 2ml minoxidil 5% every 12 hours, Nizoral 1% OTC every 2 or 3 days.

Got some Estrogel on the way, and going to switch to dutasteride soon too. I was a solid NW6 in August. Today I'm at NW5/5a. When that fills in to NW4-ish territory, I'll post pics.

No one cares about your regiment, we arent trying to turn into transexuals here. If I had to choose between one or the other Id go with bald without a second thought so there is really no need for you to post it. Im like serious no one actually cares.

goddamn, you're not only mentally disabled, you're some kind of narcissistic sociopath too...please, say what you want and do as you will, but please.. just don't have kids. Next time you see that girl, double bag your junk bro. (que - "why you bitter brah", "you don't want to be saved", "why you bitter bro", "you're so bitter LMAO because I cured hairloss LMAO".... or any variation of these.

sigh, here we have a guy who is too afraid to even talk to women just cuz of hairloss telling me not to have kids. What have you contributed to society by being nice HUH? Nothing, you are just another mindless sheep that only exist to eat and to sh*t. You spend your time venting on a hairloss forum amongst other people who feel like you cuz it takes away from how pathetic your life is. If you look at your life Im sure you are the most miserable and hopeless person that you know.

So I think I will have kids and hopefully by being a good father they wont turn out to be anything like you


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So it did or didnt slow down or stop your hairloss. Its also pretty anoyying that you havent posted pics of your hairloss here but have like 2000 post complaining about how hard your life is. How do we know youre not trolling or delusional? Surprised no one has called you out.

What is wrong with you? Something is seriously wrong with you to say something like this to her.

Everyone fights here etc but this was stupid thing to say.


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I'm not a big fan of people being banned because people have varying opinions

but i really dislike he said this to Evil who is always so authentically honest about sh*t good bad or ugly she's pretty upfront.
its like he enjoys taunting people.


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Every "side" in the textbook, man! :)

But I don't really consider them sides.... to me the hair regrowth is the side. :D

I am glad everything is going well for you. :)


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oh, didn't see that you're transgender, my bad. It must be friggin awesome to drop a Norwood in a couple months!! hotdamn, I am jealous.

Hey, it's cool! I'm pretty open about myself being trans... at least online anyway.
That's why I responded to you in that other thread about the wig and lipstick.... all in fun, I was just messing with you because you seem like a good natured guy who'd get a hearty laugh out of it.

In person, you'd not be able to yet distinguish me from any other 50+ year old bald guy who's having a sh*t of a time handling his hair loss. I'm in that very awkward stage of transition right now where I could look like I just got off a Harley, climbed onto a barstool, started swilling a bottle of Budweiser and yelling at the TV over the Cubs vs Indians game, except I'm growing tits and my lipstick doesn't match my fingernail color.


Hey, it's cool! I'm pretty open about myself being trans... at least online anyway.
That's why I responded to you in that other thread about the wig and lipstick.... all in fun, I was just messing with you because you seem like a good natured guy who'd get a hearty laugh out of it.

In person, you'd not be able to yet distinguish me from any other 50+ year old bald guy who's having a sh*t of a time handling his hair loss. I'm in that very awkward stage of transition right now where I could look like I just got off a Harley, climbed onto a barstool, started swilling a bottle of Budweiser and yelling at the TV over the Cubs vs Indians game, except I'm growing tits and my lipstick doesn't match my fingernail color.
We've got a trans middle aged person at my local super-market and I feel sad that she wasn't given a chance to change 30 plus years ago.

She dresses like a woman but she clearly has stubble and hair arms etc.

If it was acceptable 30 years ago she would have been given hormones to help her look the way she feels.

At least the current generation are a lot more privileged (although it cannot be a walk in the park).


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I was a girl when I was born....with a dick and balls, lol!

Seriously I've dealt with gender identity issues since I was about 8 yrs old. Just finally got to that point in my life where I absolutely had to do something about it.

Well, congratulations. that's a HUGE turning point, and if your balls shrink, they will still be a hell of a lot bigger than mine! After this awkward phase, I assume things will just get better and better.


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Can you post photo updates of your combover when you get a chance? This time, if you could post photos that are a bit larger than your dick size (which sadly is only about 10 pixels) then we would be better able to give you advice on how you can better comb your hair and how to better apply concealer. Like i said, big props on *curing* the hairloss thing dude - i'll bet you cure breast cancer tomorrow by telling women to cross their arms in a certain way. You are such a genius bro, i mean honestly. Nobel prize committee must be watching this thread closely and in awe of your intellect.

goddamn your profile pic always makes me hungry.


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Can you post photo updates of your combover when you get a chance? This time, if you could post photos that are a bit larger than your dick size (which sadly is only about 10 pixels) then we would be better able to give you advice on how you can better comb your hair and how to better apply concealer. Like i said, big props on *curing* the hairloss thing dude - i'll bet you cure breast cancer tomorrow by telling women to cross their arms in a certain way. You are such a genius bro, i mean honestly. Nobel prize committee must be watching this thread closely and in awe of your intellect.



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goddamn your profile pic always makes me hungry.

No sh*t. I'm still trying to lose another 20 lbs, after dropping 50 lbs so far this year to get ready for my HRT.

Every time I see a big pile of Mac and cheese, I also picture a big pile of bacon to go along with it. And here I sit with a freakin small bowl of lettuce and a measly 2.5 oz packet of salmon for my supper. This is the stuff that FOOD is supposed to be eating.


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who df comes to a hairloss forum to brag about getting laid and trolling its users clearly you have some type of self esteem issues. truely mind blowing how pathetic you are. use the time you spent in this thread to workout your baby size arms... f*****g loser