Oh that just pissed me off so congratulations, that was some grade A fleeting ignorant nonsense right there.
Are you really trying to argue that you think guys are stoked upon this news and totally looking forward to being bald?
The kind of guys I'm thinking about handle the topic (when it eventually comes up jokingly with people socially) with such unflinching ease, like they're talking about absolutely anything, that you can tell this truly doesn't bother them. Undoubtedly they'd still prefer hair, that doesn't need explaining...
Stoked about it? Where did I ever suggest that? I shouldn't even have to clarify that when I say a guys "comfortable" with it, meaning he gets by without constantly checking his hairline, worrying about reactions, etc.
I'm not going to put a number on this and pretend like Fred does that I could have any sort of reasonable clue, but I would agree that baldness seriously affects a significant amount of guys going through it, especially from their 20's or 30's, even older than that, it gets to a lot of people, and not all of them come on baldness forums to discuss it.
Dont try to pretend that its not common knowledge that baldness is by and large seen as a negative thing..universally. Why do people come to this site? Why did you come to this site? To celebrate baldness and to learn how to speed up your balding process so you can join the club faster OR did you come here to avoid becoming bald? Why dont you want to be bald? Surely if all this percieved social mockery is in our heads like you claim there should be no consequence to you personally loosing all your hair.
When did I ever pretend that this isn't common knowledge? I always allude to the fact that baldness is undoubtedly a negative thing, and even those who are most "comfortable" with it still would obviously prefer to have hair, and even if they had hair and wanted to be bald they could just shave it anyway.
Hell I just pointed out how it's likely that the SlyBaldGuys are probably masking their huge insecurity by posting their overly positive crap, maybe you should pay more attention before you read a post that's not instantly assuming every bald guy is suicidal, and jump to the conclusion that I'm saying everything must be ****ing rosey. If I really wanted to push the positivity agenda I could use that forum as an example or at the very least avoid mentioning it at all, because it's clearly bull****.
As for saying ALL the social mockery is in your heads, nope, I believe both of Fred's stories, I sympathised with the last one in that thread about being unemployed and bald, so where the **** you are getting your bull**** conclusions from, I have no idea.
Now I don't expect you to have read everything but this was just the last page and my own personal sensitivity to baldness:
From time to time people do joke about it, which I don't accept because I'm too sensitive about it (and thus, why I'm on a hair loss forum)
I was talking about how the guys who are comfortable about it would obviously not be posting on this forum, as in, obviously I'm not comfortable about it. I'm way more comfortable than I was a year ago, but still very self-conscious about it. And I was alluding to how Fred's interpretation of EVERY bald guy being depressed is because he thinks this forum is a great representation of all bald guys. It's like going on SlyBaldGuys and thinking gee, aren't bald guys positive and chirpy about their awful follicles?
Obviously I'm here to improve my hair, and also to be helped, help others, and plenty of people don't come here for the 2nd and 3rd reasons.
So just to clarify, are you in agreement that nearly every single bald guy is as depressed and sensitive about balding as us on here? It's not like, 30%, 50%, or anything, it's like 99% of guys out there are seriously depressed about it. Because if you or Fred could use some logic then you might realise that the millions of guys suffering baldness mixed in with already prevalent mental health problems would mean the bald suicide rate would be enormous. Guys do of course end it because of baldness, but if everyone was seriously depressed about it we'd be dropping like flies.
- - - Updated - - -
I take your point about men being discouraged to talk about it, but the point I was making is how genuinely smooth some bald guys are when joking about their baldness, and I look for signs of weakness or being uncomfortable but I genuinely see nothing. I have also seen other guys who do clearly have a problem with it, nervously laugh it off as they go red and embarrassed.
But this:
Stop playing devils advocate for the sake of debate and look at the subject matter at hand.
Did you read, any of this thread?
I just said "plenty of guys are SOMEWHAT comfortable" - I never said that everyone ****ing loves it, I meant some guys deal with it better than we do here. And the response was that ALL of them are lying, every single one of them, so who's playing devil's advocate for the sake of debate here?
A reasonable response would be like "some guys are good at pretending to be comfortable with it" yep fine, I can't guarantee what's going on in someone else's head, and neither can Fred when he acts so confident that he knows what every bald guy on the planet is thinking. And what I'm saying is, bald guys who are somewhat OK with being bald, probably because they don't care that much about their appearance anyway, or even that they're stupid as hell and don't even realise how bad it is, these guys do exist. Is that so hard to comprehend?