Green Tea Extract


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a cream may be better, if you don't mind the cosmetic effect. I'm a bit worried about the long term effects of alcohol on the skin, since drinking alcohol can mess up the face. I'd rather add green tea to an existing topical rather than mix it up in more alcohol.


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college do you think this combination one teaspoon and 4 oz cream would be good?
also would it have a chance in reducing beard growth?

Angie #7

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Too new to understand

:? College: I'm reading the threads you asked me to look at, and I am too knew to understand the whole concept yet. Really, really, want to, but wow!!!! A few questions, what is RU ? Is this an alternative to spironolactone or is it a way to make spironolactone mixed with a fatty acid and green tea extract? Is the purpose of this mixture to block dht so there is no further hair loss and maintain the hair or to grow new hair? Is the only way to grow new hair with minoxidil? I am taking Tyler to another specialist on Tuesday, just to make sure once again that he does not have any other underlying factors like thyroid, diabetes, and so on. If any of those factors are not the case then I will start with the spironolactone, tricomin, folligen, or eucapil treatment and if he will, maybe minoxidil? I am also slowly weening him off the thousand pills and herbal treatments from the natural path except the biotin, and the b complex, he is also started on msm.


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Also saw palmetto looks very similar to green tea extract. There are studies for both that shows its anti-androgen yet everybody is saying that saw palmetto isn't doing squat for hair loss. why would green tea extract would?

maybe putting both into base cream would be the best? or does one can inactivate another>?


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the study in this thread shows the power of green tea extract. Have you seen any studies to back SP? I have not. I would skip the SP.

Angie, RU is much more powerful the spironolactone, but costs a lot more too. It is probably limited to stopping hair loss and having mild regrowth like propecia would. It does not react with minoxidil, but the powder much be preserved in the freezer.

spironolactone can react with minoxidil to make a bad smell.

The green tea extract is an androgen blocker, which is limited the same as propecia is. But it is very cheap. Also, apply poly and grapeseed extract seem to be growth stimulants like minoxidil. i think it is good to buy the capsules and put them in minoxidil.

i don't know if GTE is as strong as spironolactone or RU. they were not measured the same way.


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so theoretically green tea extract could have a big effect on beard growth ? slowing down hair growth?

I am just amazed that the same stuff you put on your beard makes hair weaker and grow slower and same stuff you put on scalp makes your hair better

weird science :roll:


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yes, it is weird, but it is conclusively backed up by hundreds of careful studies by many different groups over a 50+ year peroid. There is more to hair loss than androgens, but they are a big part, and the propecia 5 year trials are just one piece of proof.

I just want to know how the strength of GTE compares to spironolactone and RU, and what vehicle was used in those studies.

I'm just bummed that if Bryan is not 100% sure about something, he won't even respond to the post. he'll go argue with foote or point repeat the same advice to a newbie that I just gave the newbie. I wish he'd answer my tougher questions, and let me take care of all the easy ones the newbies ask.

It has been almost 3 days since he commented around here, and I see he made a post to argue with Foote over in another section.

Angie #7

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Just a thought, until I get Tyler on his regimen and all my orders are here, could I put green tea extract capsules in the AC revitilize spray?If so how many, the bottle is half full.


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i would do a few grams. the stuff is really cheap. i don't know where you get yours, but i got 50g of the 95% stuff for $8. At that price i hope it is real.

I think it will clock the sprayer, but he should be using the dropper anyway.

Shake it good. GTE is water soluble. The grapeseed extract is not water soluble, but is alcohol soluble.

Angie #7

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I just did some calling around at the health food stores, I am Canadian. I can get green tea tincture, which is green tea and spring water, she said it did not give the strength so I'm not sure how strong it would be but it is $14.00. I think this one is meant to be taken sublingually, the pills come in 250,300,400mg strengths for around $13.00 for 90.
I also have this natural hair tonic that I've been using for hair loss, it containsAlchol, water, extract of nettle,parsnip, burdock, and sweet flag, could the grapeseed oil be added to this, jut to finnish off the 2 $75.00 a bottle crap the tricholigist gave me, or should I just start a muesum of "THE STUFF THAT DOESN'T WORK"


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the tonic does not work. grape seed oil will do nothing. you need grape seed extract, and it is not water soluble. the alcohol in minoxidil or folligen should work find. that is why red wines have such good extract in them. the alcohol dissolves it out of the seeds. the stuff will be stronger the longer you leave it in the monoxidil, since it may take a while to dissolve. so put it in two bottles so the second will be ready. maybe you can even filter the solid stuff out later. ... henals&Ntt

here are a few sites that i'm sure will ship to canada. don't get the green tea in water. the stuff in miligrams you mentioned might be the powder I'm talking about. But the grean tea extract is what blocks androgen receptors. i don't even know what the right vehicle is, but i think the minoxidil should do. the grapeseed is just for a growth stimulant. i have not seen any hard studies, just one that compared grapeseed extract, minoxidil, and apple poly in a japanese study. i heard different people say different things, but the results may have been that they were somewhat equal. I'm sure it works by a different mechanism, so i hope the results will be additive.

Follically Challenged

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college, where did you get your GTE?

it's standardized 95% for EGCG?

To the fellow who was thinking about using skinactives base sucks...go for the sea kelp bioferment instead. you may want to add a little water to the sea kelp. or you can get sea kelp stuff called Seamollient from I haven't used it but I hear it's runnier. I've order from GoW and got my package, no problems.

Angie #7

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Tyler has agreed to try the minoxidol

College: I know this is the wrong forum, but I wanted to talk to you.Tyler saw doctor Jones today. I can't say I'm that impressed with him, but anyway he said he had never seen anyone as young as him with hair loss.At first he did the speech that if he is balding this young he will probably be very bald in his 30's or 40's. He said he will probably not be a candidate for hair transplant, which is not why I took him there. He also said that in 2 more years he will have many buddies to go to university with that will be balding too! Great for a 16year olds confidence, he also mentioned the shaved look being in. Had to get that off my chest, plus after seeing his hair transplant my husband who is thinning has a better head of hair.
Anyways he went into propecia, Tyler said no to this until he's 18, maybe as things go on he'll think differently. Then Minoxidil was mentioned to thicken up the hair and Tyler is willing to try this hopefully until next fall and then he will be very close to turning 18 and then he can add.
The minoxidil he sells is 6% and I noticed another poster on here has asked about it. I bought it this time around just to get started, but he said to put the formula once a day at night and shampoo in the morning. I also noticed that there are amino acids and herbal extracts,Folstrim 3 in it.I have no idea what the minoxidil in the States contain to compare, but if you want to know the ingredients after I will post them. I will get the 5%min. from the States after this one is done. So know that he is going on Minoxidil, which of the products that you suggested should I use with it considering that the spironolactone and min, make a smell, but maybe he could use the spironolactone in the morning and the min6%at night . I have also picked up the Nizoral but the formula here is 2% if it doesn't matter I'll use this one if not I'll pick up the other in the States. Let me know what you think, or anyone else reading this post .


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the nizoral 2% is OK if you can afford it and it does not dry his hair out.

Like I said before, you can put the GTE in the minoxidil or in the folligen or tricomin.

It is true there will be a few other balding guys with him in college, but it will not matter, unless he prefers friends who don't have girlfriends.

Angie #7

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don't mean to repeat myself but I want to be sure, order the folligen, and the tricomin and the rev serum and the spironolactone also?


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the spironolactone will work on his hair even if applied 30 minutes after minoxidil. it just will stink. and once a day is better than none at all. But it is a lot of hassel for minimal help. But if it saves some hair until he turns 18, and he does not think he'll be dating anyway right now, they maybe it is worth it. the revivogen is a definite yes. it is not as strong as propecia, but it is good stuff and healthy for the scalp as well. yeah, so get all those, and the green tea extract.

I wish i knew how minoxidil reacts with spironolactone. i hope it is not an oxidation reaction, or the GTE might react with the oxidizer.

Angie #7

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No, I have not read up on those products yet, thats why I've hesitated to order anything till now. If you want to give me info on what they do, I'll look into them on the site. I have seen the words nano shampoo around here a couple of times. I guess now that he is going to try minoxidil, to thicken the hair up, I'm now looking for the best way to block dht without the use of propecia until he is 18.

Follically Challenged

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According to Dr. Proctor's website:

Proxiphen contains minoxidil, as well as the prescription agents phenytoin and spironolactone ( a potent topically-effective antiandrogen ) SODs, copper peptides, TEMPO, PBN, etc.. Over a dozen active ingredients in all. It grows significantly more hair on more people than any other agent. Because it contains prescription agents, Proxiphen can only be dispensed on a physician's diagnosis of hair loss. Read the special instructions on how to obtain Prescription Proxiphen without coming to Houston. The cost is $100 for a one-month supply

NANO Shampoo and Conditioner

NANO shampoo and Conditioner contain the minoxidil-like hair growth stimulator NANO ( nicotinic acid N-Oxide ). In addition, NANO shampoo contains an SODase-type hair growth stimulating agent. NANO Shampoo is a good adjuvant treatment for either proscription Proxiphen or Proxiphen-N. The cost for a 2-3 month Supply of NANO shampoo is $39.95, a two month supply of NANO Conditioner is $29.95.
Shampoo ($39.95), Conditioner ($29.95), Shampoo and Conditioner package ($59.95).

I don't use Proxiphen (cost and because it contains minoxidil), just ordered Nano shampoo today.


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its not just the cost. you only get 25mL of cream. it only works where it is applied. The rest of his hair will be attacked by DHT. That is why I say GTE and revivogen vials.

minoxidil is mostly for giving him more hair, but does not stop the balding process. i'd put more emphasis on the spironolactone for now, since it will actually slow down the balding process a bit.