What is your favourite source of media and journalism?
Speaking for myself:
nakedcapitalism.com, particularly the "links" page, it's an "alt-left" American site
theintercept, when I have time
bbc, good for general news
The American Conservative, for respectable conservative reading, as opposed to republican partisans
The NY Times, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, The Telegraph, The Financial Times, I don't read them per se but people that I respect often link to them and then I read those articles.
Jezebel, Pajiba; for feminist and pop culture writing
For astronomy, I check astro-ph five days a week. I also occasionally log into notevenwrong and motls.blogspot.com as they often have physics news. A few astronomers such as Dan Hooper do a great job of discussing things on Twitter.
For nutrition, I recommend following David Ludwig and Robert Lustig on Twitter, who do a good job of linking to relevant news when it comes out.
If I had more time, and wanted to be more worldly, I would add an East Asian news source, as that would be complementary.
LOL at a Vice reader critiquing the Daily Mail. I bet you're anti Gavin Mcinnes too.
Not surprising ol' CuckG is a fan of the Sunni-propoganda network Al Jazeera. Surprised you don't get your news from the Young Turks though. Young Cucks as I like to call them.
"I like the in-depth type human stories from other parts if the globe."
Despite bias and obvious agendas these are good providers of this though.
Everybody's biased though.
I don't have time to include Al Jazeera in my regimen, but they seem to have contributed many great articles. They go into detail, which is nice.