Holy sh*t that's depressing, given that he's actually a good looking guy. He's a model ! How does @CopeForLife rate him?
In the pictures with hair he is a NW2.5, he already has recession. I wonder how much difference there'd be if he were NW1. Would he go up to 300 matches? 600? or not at all?
it's f*****g over
such a f*****g bullshit
norwooding is a curse
she'd still have thousands of matchesThe app is stupid. Matching is no indication that said male gets laid or even dates her. It's more pedaling to female entitlement and vanity.
Let's say that the study was done over but, it was a balding woman, does she score any matches? Much of the assumption that is female value is her sex appeal and appearance.
The app is stupid. Matching is no indication that said male gets laid or even dates her. It's more pedaling to female entitlement and vanity.
Let's say that the study was done over but, it was a balding woman, does she score any matches? Much of the assumption that is female value is her sex appeal and appearance.
Play the stock market, get rich, travel, go fishing. Truth is if you have a lot of money and the bread winner there is way less chance you'll hear those words from a woman I'm unhappy and unfulfilled and found someone else. Especially if you own a prenup that says I own all the money.I linked it once. Women rate 80% of men below average PoF study. Source also on Dr. Helen Smiths blog.
Classic of female entitlement.
I wager, every man destroyed in divorce court if they could do over again would have just got an escort.
By no means am I advocating said behaviour. I am saying, incels shooting or going GTA on the world would go down.
If one remains single, what do they do for the rest of their lives?
she'd still have thousands of matches
Women have no reason to match if they have no potential will to date or f*** you. It just clogs their matches and messages.
Not reality.
Picked up college girls via cold approach. She showed her tinder. Hundreds of losers blowing up her ego.
One of her friends was a hog and she had over a hundred.
Play the stock market, get rich, travel, go fishing. Truth is if you have a lot of money and the bread winner there is way less chance you'll hear those words from a woman I'm unhappy and unfulfilled and found someone else. Especially if you own a prenup that says I own all the money.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned definition. No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love."But attraction via your resources is fools mate.
It's not quite the same way as it once was. Prenuptial agreements get over ruled. Just google prenuptial and see what happens.
There's a reason why say elon musk had his wife sign a post nup yet still got fucked. Pretty sure his ex got some Space X. It's not even publically traded.
There's a reason why Dan Bilzarian lives a life of debauchery and self interest. Women came only once his wealth and riches did. Women will never love a man the way he loves a woman. They're incapable. Men love. Women love based upon function and a man providing said function. If he 1. Fails to provide said function or 2. She finds bigger better prize she will leave and do a***.
Rsd Tyler is no doubt a sociopath but correct in many ways. If DeadMau5 is playing in Vegas, your girl 'wasn't in the mood' but, her friends have VIP pass to his after party, her mood will change.
Women love opportunistically. I could buy a woman a ring, swear away everything, stake all my worldly possessions, and future earnings on the life I desire for 'us,' calling all in. If her entitlement grows or she becomes dissatisfied for whatever reason, she takes me to the cleaners.
I think that the more men begin to read between the lines, see life as it is rather than how they wish, and navigate through the dating scene precisely, the truth bombs about male/female dynamic will go smoother.
One of the most important things I've learned about dating and through cold approach, once attraction is dead, it's gone. Women are savage when they lose interest. I've heard people discuss war brides as a means to understand female behaviour. With the following said, I never try to fix what's broken. I proceed forward. #NextSet
Hundreds for a girl isn’t a lot. Still doesn’t mean she wouldn’t f*** them either if they didn’t message with something that wasn’t entirely cucklike or bland.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned definition. No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love."
Women are savage when they lose interest - have to agree here too. Seem like a no win situation, at least not for men.
once attraction is dead, it's gone - in time all attraction fades, so how do couples that stay together keep it going? I think it was easier when humans only lived to 40-50. Living to 80-90 makes for a longer haul then most are use to.
this is called realism. u sound like mgtow coper.This is called delusional. You sound beta.
You're missing the point. I'll use caps to emphasize this time.
She still had over a hundred matches.
The college chick was a short fling. It ran its course. The circle she kept was all space cadets.
There is a dopamine spike for girls on social media, tinder, and a society pedaling to girl power. Women can do no wrong despite cheating on husband, cucking, high kill count, single mom children out if wedlock. Still, men will pursue, buy a ring, place a piece of rare metal on finger in delusions that Saud sentiment keeps her from straying.
It's comical to realize how excited women get for marriage whereas, it actually meant she was his property. Now a days, it's flipping the script. Men are property. She can do with resources as she chooses. Her 'not in the mood' means his being abstinent. Granted, in her best days when thin, hawt, and young, she fucked. She swallowed. Providing children and a life are no longer a value since some other beta will. It does not make a difference whatsoever her past or poor behaviour and lifestyle choices are. Some beta will raise her kids.
Disputing the following is combated with screaming sexist or misogyny.
my mind seeks problem solving.
I think time is the key and using it to seek the best mate possible. Not necessarily for hottest. Youth in a woman is a great start. Obviously thin preferably fit. If she is willing to trade in her twenties without ambivalence of any kind in the relationship, past or present, she is a keeper.
Don't let anybody society or other tell you otherwise. Time gets us all. Women mature fast. Baby fever kicks into overdrive. The act is put in thick.
If I were to caution men and women, it would be a good idea to curb one's nature. Women and their hypergamy and men's desire to spread the seed. It's a double edge sword.
This is kind of all over the place. Largely agree, but still in general women won't match if they have zero availability for the person despite their affinity for the attention and social media/hookup app gratification.
"cucking, high kill count"
Both of these are a turn on too. Definitely.
"I think time is the key and using it to seek the best mate possible. Not necessarily for hottest."
I agree with this too, unfortunately the less generic you are as a person the more time this takes.
Even high school girls prefer guys with beards they are mandatory to look fashionable where I live.I wouldn't be surprised if 80% of the girls on tinder are between 18-25, it's not that surprising.
Yep, I can agree.Even high school girls prefer guys with beards they are mandatory to look fashionable where I live.