Guys Tell How Hairloss Has Affected Your Life And What Changes It Has Brought


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Can relate to this very much. I'm also nearly 30, and all of my friends are 6'0 or taller. Obviously all fullheads, too. Our Friday/Saturday nights are basically a constant reminder of how royally shafted I got in the genetic lottery. I've tried to not let it get in the way of advancing my career & enjoying my hobbies, though.

I used to drink like no tomorrow until the taste of alcohol disgusted me. Now I just smoke & chew tobacco which is probably even worse, but whatever.

That’s gross man. Bad for your hair too


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Can relate to this very much. I'm also nearly 30, and all of my friends are 6'0 or taller. Obviously all fullheads, too. Our Friday/Saturday nights are basically a constant reminder of how royally shafted I got in the genetic lottery. I've tried to not let it get in the way of advancing my career & enjoying my hobbies, though.

I used to drink like no tomorrow until the taste of alcohol disgusted me. Now I just smoke & chew tobacco which is probably even worse, but whatever.
How tall are you?


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I joined hairlosstalk March this year but was lurking around January 2018. I shaved my head around December 2017 to see if I could live my life with a shaved head and just let it go. I felt better for maybe 2-3 weeks and my girlfriend even said: "It looks good on you blah blah..." but I hated how much attractiveness I lost just because of hair. So, I decided to go the transplant route and booked an FUE procedure on June 2018 and I'm on Finasteride (yes my dick gets hard) and Minoxidil and the results now, are coming more and more and I f*****g love it. I loved this Forum because you could "vent" and also have interesting conversations but this was months ago.

Now take a look at the main page and you see 18-year-olds with a full head of hair complaining its over and they can't get a girlfriend (despite that they not even approached 1 single girl in their life) and instead of people calling them out, other incels are circle jerking them.
This Forum should be a place to vent BUT also call people out on their bullshit. What exactly is the purpose of a young guy spending years on this Forum and neither trying to shave it off, or save money for an hair transplant? f*****g wasting your life.
“Circle Jerking” :D


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Man if that is your hair situation and you bitching about that...
Than i m sorry but it is not your hairloss that makes you fell bad it is you.
You cant blame your "hairloss" for anything cause you ain t got hairloss. You have to blame all the pitty in your life on you buddy.


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If you spend everyday on hairlosstalk, I doubt you wake up with a perfect body and a perfect career and the only problem to not get a girl is your little balding.

This Forum is laughable. Just incels circle jerking each others and Geralt the biggest case of BDD I have ever seen.

What are you talking about? I'm in good shape with a prestigious career. I'm a NW6 who has been turned down for a hair transplant numerous times. We get enough hate in the outside world. Let's not give each other more on here.


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Yes, I am tall, but I’m a lanky tall. I also have a “cute” type of look to me. The tall thing doesn’t really make me feel that alpha anymore since I’m balding. You guys blow height out of proportion. It honestly goes hair>looks>height.
I've only ever heard tall guys go "dude height doesn't even matter bro! XD" Like hell it doesn't. It's about as insipid as hearing a fullhead say that hair doesn't matter, and to just shave it bro! But at least with hair you stand a good chance of stopping baldness in its tracks with existing treatments, and transplants are an option. There's nothing you can realistically do to mitigate being short.

How tall are you?
Short enough to where it's been used against me. Does that answer your question?

Watch out that this does not affect your professional life.
Today, everyone needs information and help from everyone else at work. If you have a tendency to hide yourself, it will be harder to stick out your head and receive information and help. Don’t let it happen.
Appreciate the words of encouragement. I'm able to put on an act of a somewhat normal person at my job, so I think I'm good for the time being.
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I've only ever heard tall guys go "dude height doesn't even matter bro! XD" Like hell it doesn't. It's about as insipid as hearing a fullhead say that hair doesn't matter, and to just shave it bro! But at least with hair you stand a good chance of stopping baldness in its tracks with existing treatments, and transplants are an option. There's nothing you can realistically do to mitigate being short.

Short enough to where it's been used against me. Does that answer your question?

Appreciate the words of encouragement. I'm able to put on an act of a somewhat normal person at my job, so I think I'm good for the time being.
I’m sorry man. But believe me, I’d trade 8 inches of height to be a fullhead for life, easily.


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I must be losing my mind. When I see a guy, first thing I do subconsciously is judge his hair loss. Gettin' mental here I guess. So, when I see a balding tall guy, immediately my brain says, he's lucky, at least he's tall. I can't explain that offset but that's how it impacts me. I wonder if it hits women the same way. (?)


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I must be losing my mind. When I see a guy, first thing I do subconsciously is judge his hair loss. Gettin' mental here I guess. So, when I see a balding tall guy, immediately my brain says, he's lucky, at least he's tall. I can't explain that offset but that's how it impacts me. I wonder if it hits women the same way. (?)
I’ve never realized how much being tall has impacted me until I started coming here.


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I used to go out and hang with friends, worked, did normal life stuff. Hair loss hit me at just the wrong time. It hasn't gone well. I'm borderline housebound, I was planning to end it but didn't cause of my family, but now I'm making my family miserable cause I'm just so unbearably crushed and depressed all the time. I feel really bad about it. My self esteem is so low that I barely feel human. I don't think I will date again or have children cause I don't want to pass on my depression baldness genes. I have lots of other health issues I'm dealing with, so its not just hair, but hair is the big one that makes me hate myself and makes me wish I could wear a mask in public so others can see how I look. Sorry, reading this back makes me hate myself more. I make my own eyes roll.


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I used to go out and hang with friends, worked, did normal life stuff. Hair loss hit me at just the wrong time. It hasn't gone well. I'm borderline housebound, I was planning to end it but didn't cause of my family, but now I'm making my family miserable cause I'm just so unbearably crushed and depressed all the time. I feel really bad about it. My self esteem is so low that I barely feel human. I don't think I will date again or have children cause I don't want to pass on my depression baldness genes. I have lots of other health issues I'm dealing with, so its not just hair, but hair is the big one that makes me hate myself and makes me wish I could wear a mask in public so others can see how I look. Sorry, reading this back makes me hate myself more. I make my own eyes roll.

Were you that hot with hair anyway? why not try at life and be that ugly balding guy but that is unique in his own way? plenty of short/ugly/bald dudes have succeed at life.

And btw jeff bezos (bald and short) and mark zuckeberg (ugly robot) are both 5.6 and billionaires. looks never stopped them to be successful.
plenty of dads are bald and happy, there's all sorts of ugly people on this earth, go outside and look at people's faces, theyre ugly... who cares, they all do something with their life.

your mindset needs a drastic change..... its not because its gonna be harder for you to get chicks and look ''cool'' that you should end your life or be depressed forever.

looks help alot, but you dont need looks to be happy or successful, its a poor foundation for confidence and success because its volatile most of the time.

dont forget that if you reach and aquire your goals while being bald, it will be fufilling, so dont give up...

Yes it could be harder reach whatever youre seeking if youre bald.... But its your choice, you can die in bitterness or live your life and make the most out of it,......... and reach success, whatever that means for you.


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Were you that hot with hair anyway? why not try at life and be that ugly balding guy but that is unique in his own way? plenty of short/ugly/bald dudes have succeed at life.

And btw jeff bezos (bald and short) and mark zuckeberg (ugly robot) are both 5.6 and billionaires. looks never stopped them to be successful.
plenty of dads are bald and happy, there's all sorts of ugly people on this earth, go outside and look at people's faces, theyre ugly... who cares, they all do something with their life.

your mindset needs a drastic change..... its not because its gonna be harder for you to get chicks and look ''cool'' that you should end your life or be depressed forever.

looks help alot, but you dont need looks to be happy or successful, its a poor foundation for confidence and success because its volatile most of the time.

dont forget that if you reach and aquire your goals while being bald, it will be fufilling, so dont give up...

Yes it could be harder reach whatever youre seeking if youre bald.... But its your choice, you can die in bitterness or live your life and make the most out of it,......... and reach success, whatever that means for you.

I was for a couple months. I lost a lot of weight and was finally looking good for a bit. I'm not the type that wants to "get chicks". I only do long term dating and am not to worried about it to be honest. But I've had a really hard life. Some not great stuff when I was young, was suicidal by the time I was 9, which really confused me when I was going through early life. It wasn't till my mid-late 20s I started to get my head together, even through some career altering health problems. The hair stuff I was really just not prepared to deal with. Even my current life is hard.

Honestly I feel like I should just move. Get to know some people who are more sympathetic and just more pleasant an patient.

Don't get me wrong I've had some good times too. I'm trying hard to change my brain, but it's not simple. I'm trying my best though.
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I was for a couple months. I lost a lot of weight and was finally looking good for a bit. I'm not the type that wants to "get chicks". I only do long term dating and am not to worried about it to be honest. But I've had a really hard life. Some not great stuff when I was young, was suicidal by the time I was 9, which really confused me when I was going through early life. It wasn't till my mid-late 20s I started to get my head together, even through some career altering health problems. The hair stuff I was really just not prepared to deal with. Even my current life is hard.

Honestly I feel like I should just move. Get to know some people who are more sympathetic and just more pleasant an patient.

Don't get me wrong I've had some good times too. I'm trying hard to change my brain, but it's not simple. I'm trying my best though.

That's actually a good attitude. Which is probably why you have had success in overcoming difficulties in the past. Changing the brain as you said is possible with effort. Shad Helmstetter authored a book called The Self-Talk Solution which was based on his and others work on effecting postive physical and mental health by intentionally directing thoughts toward positive things. The brain will train itself in response to positive thoughts just as readily as it does the negative. Of course we are surrounded by mostly negative input in the world today so a dedicated effort to counter that is necessary. Meditation is one of the best ways.


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I used to go out and hang with friends, worked, did normal life stuff. Hair loss hit me at just the wrong time. It hasn't gone well. I'm borderline housebound, I was planning to end it but didn't cause of my family, but now I'm making my family miserable cause I'm just so unbearably crushed and depressed all the time. I feel really bad about it. My self esteem is so low that I barely feel human. I don't think I will date again or have children cause I don't want to pass on my depression baldness genes. I have lots of other health issues I'm dealing with, so its not just hair, but hair is the big one that makes me hate myself and makes me wish I could wear a mask in public so others can see how I look. Sorry, reading this back makes me hate myself more. I make my own eyes roll.

Please compromise for at least few years in this life.You will easily manage this bad thoughts and will help you to come out as a conquerer.
Do not think of what you might have achieved as a normal nw0 guy for few years.Switch off this thinking for just few years.


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Wht abt this


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Hey Geralt, how about some minoxidil, propecia and hair in a can? You must be able to afford it. Get on some treatments dude!