Were you that hot with hair anyway? why not try at life and be that ugly balding guy but that is unique in his own way? plenty of short/ugly/bald dudes have succeed at life.
And btw jeff bezos (bald and short) and mark zuckeberg (ugly robot) are both 5.6 and billionaires. looks never stopped them to be successful.
plenty of dads are bald and happy, there's all sorts of ugly people on this earth, go outside and look at people's faces, theyre ugly... who cares, they all do something with their life.
your mindset needs a drastic change..... its not because its gonna be harder for you to get chicks and look ''cool'' that you should end your life or be depressed forever.
looks help alot, but you dont need looks to be happy or successful, its a poor foundation for confidence and success because its volatile most of the time.
dont forget that if you reach and aquire your goals while being bald, it will be fufilling, so dont give up...
Yes it could be harder reach whatever youre seeking if youre bald.... But its your choice, you can die in bitterness or live your life and make the most out of it,......... and reach success, whatever that means for you.