Guys That Keep Their Juvenile Hairline At Age 25-30, Are They Imune?


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I have a great smile very similar to Mario Lopez but I obviously look much more masculine. Yes I make about 180K a year in a cheap area (I would say comparable to 400K a year if you live in NYC or London or California, my quality of life is just unbelievable). I go to the best bars/clubs/restaurants/concerts/sports events/vacations 8+ times a year/etc...

and no I don't get any dating attention from any women anywhere near my league. All the ladies who make it obvious they like me are 10 levels below my league

Ok I picked this one...

Dude... On a forum of lunatics, you are one of the most delusional people I have seen. You are an ok looking dude but come on...? There are no women that are 10 levels below your league...

This is probably the case:

More than likely you are actually quite insecure but you manage to package that with 'checklist-thinking' about your rather shallow achievements in order to feel better about yourself. You are the typical guy that brags to a girl about all the things you have achieved (probably lie about half of it) and most intelligent (even the not so intelligent ones) see right through this pathetic approval-seeking behavior.

Nothing makes pussies dry up faster than approval seeking behavior and bragging is the most pathetic version of it because besides being pathetic it is also not authentic. That makes it even worse than 'honest weakness' because at least it is congruent with how you actually feel.

IF you talk to a woman within your league (pretty much half of the women out there) you will more than likely talk like you do in this thread and she will walk away from you and go for the guy that does not take himself that serious.

You know that song 'girls just wanna have fun'?

Girls (that are actually worth dating) do not give a sh*t about your achievements, they just want a man that knows how to make them feel good.


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Take my advice man, try online dating and just make an attempt. Just a few pics like that one with your sister and a selfie and you'll do fine. Most I'm friends with and myself consistently pull attractive women and you're well above our average, especially considering your career. Ask your own friends, they'll tell you the same that you're overestimating how good looking you need to be to get 7-8/10 women.

You have self-esteem issues on your looks, but truthfully you'd have no issues with finding women of ANY league interested in you if you made the attempt.

Also I have the feeling that whenever a girl compliments or flirts with you you immediately are turned off and find them unattractive, even if they are a 7-8 in reality. I used to have the same issue.

I don't have self esteem issues on my looks. I'm pretty well aware that I'm a decent looking dude

I tried online dating 9 years ago and I had absolutely no success on there. I'm sure it would be same sh*t now. Women on dating sites want somebody like Nick Bateman or Chris hemsworth, a regular say top 10 or top 20 percentile man like myself is dime a dozen and quickly forgotten. Any cute 26 year old female gets 50K messages a day so she's looking for top 0.001 percentile man

And no, I'm not turned off by a woman approaching me if she's cute, not at all but that never happens. I had 3 different females/groups of females approaching me and my friend last night but all of them were F*cking disgusting.
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i hate to say it but in my area you would be too masculine. girls here seem to like the pretty boy look, the jpop look etc.

I'm looking for extremely feminine Spanish/Middle Eastern/Italian females, wouldn't they like my very masculine appearance and vibe?


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Ok I picked this one...

Dude... On a forum of lunatics, you are one of the most delusional people I have seen. You are an ok looking dude but come on...? There are no women that are 10 levels below your league...

This is probably the case:

More than likely you are actually quite insecure but you manage to package that with 'checklist-thinking' about your rather shallow achievements in order to feel better about yourself. You are the typical guy that brags to a girl about all the things you have achieved (probably lie about half of it) and most intelligent (even the not so intelligent ones) see right through this pathetic approval-seeking behavior.

Nothing makes pussies dry up faster than approval seeking behavior and bragging is the most pathetic version of it because besides being pathetic it is also not authentic. That makes it even worse than 'honest weakness' because at least it is congruent with how you actually feel.

IF you talk to a woman within your league (pretty much half of the women out there) you will more than likely talk like you do in this thread and she will walk away from you and go for the guy that does not take himself that serious.

You know that song 'girls just wanna have fun'?

Girls (that are actually worth dating) do not give a sh*t about your achievements, they just want a man that knows how to make them feel good.

Half the women out there are in my league? Are you drunk? most women nowadays are fat and look disgusting.

I apologize if I made it seem like I want a supermodel. I'm really more looking for someone who puts in the same amount of effort to look good as I do. In my experience, an avg 25 year old girl who really works hard to look decent is plenty attractive enough for me. The problem is the women who approach me tend to be fat or 35 years old or some other nonsense. The average 25 year old Spanish girl who works really hard in the gym, diets, dresses nice, takes care of herself and her skin is attractive enough for me but the problem is only like 10% of women really fit that category.

I don't brag to women when I'm talking to them. I mostly ask questions about them and try to keep the conversation focused on whatever they find interesting. The stuff I've posted in this thread has been just for the purpose of this thread - I don't socialize like this in real life. In real life conversations, I focus on making the other person feel comfortable around me and talking about whatever they like. I make friends everywhere I go with minimal effort - I had 6 people last night trying hard to get to know me at the bars. I'm actually super chill/very easy to get along with in real life
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Probably because you sound and act like a douchebag

honestly man I never ever get any dates so it's not like I have opportunities and then screw it up by acting like an idiot

My basic problem is I just don't get any opportunities with anybody decent looking. I'm actually very very confident in my abilities on dates - I know how to make people feel comfortable around me. People who get to know me for any extended period of time all say I'm a great person.


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honestly man I never ever get any dates so it's not like I have opportunities and then screw it up by acting like an idiot

My basic problem is I just don't get any opportunities with anybody decent looking. I'm actually very very confident in my abilities on dates - I know how to make people feel comfortable around me. People who get to know me for any extended period of time all say I'm a great person.

God even when you talk about other people you have to put in there how much they like you. Dude, you definitely show some signs of narcissism.


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honestly man I never ever get any dates so it's not like I have opportunities and then screw it up by acting like an idiot

My basic problem is I just don't get any opportunities with anybody decent looking. I'm actually very very confident in my abilities on dates - I know how to make people feel comfortable around me. People who get to know me for any extended period of time all say I'm a great person.

Autism and very unlikeable/self-entitled prick


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I don't have self esteem issues on my looks. I'm pretty well aware that I'm a decent looking dude

Oh really, we had not noticed yet. Thanks for finally clarifying that you find yourself a decent looking dude.

Women on dating sites want somebody like Nick Bateman or Chris hemsworth,

No they don't. Are you aware that maybe not everyone is so superficial as you? Even if you would be, let's say an 8, you still would scare women away with this attitude.

a regular say top 10 or top 20 percentile man like myself


so she's looking for top 0.001 percentile man

No she is not. Let me tell you something about attractive women. The main reason why the most gorgeous women are a lot of the times single is not because there is no one good enough for her, it is because almost every guy puts them on a pedestal. Women want a guy that makes them laugh, that is natural and relaxed with them.

I had 3 different females/groups of females approaching me and my friend last night but all of them were F*cking disgusting.[/QUOTE]

Women hate rejection. They must have thought they had a chance with you otherwise they would not have walked up to you. What does that tell your attractiveness...


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God even when you talk about other people you have to put in there how much they like you. Dude, you definitely show some signs of narcissism.

my point was that I'm very good on dates, I just don't ever get any

I've been out on a date with maybe 14 women in my lifetime and 12 of the 14 wanted to date me long term but none of them were anywhere near dating material. They were all way too old, fat, had kids or not cute at all in the face


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Well, I do not know where you live but pretty much everywhere I have been over the world, half of the women are in your league.

I need to move wherever the hell you are man. Maybe 1 in 10 women here are cute/in great shape/dress nice/take great care of themselves

I suppose I'm okay with an average female in that sense but your idea of average seems to be South Beach or Hollywood. The average woman on the street is not a 25 year old who works out 5 days a week, has an excellent olive complexion and a super fit body, not by a long shot. The average woman on the street is fat/chubby and looks like garbage


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my point was that I'm very good on dates, I just don't ever get any

I've been out on a date with maybe 14 women in my lifetime and 12 of the 14 wanted to date me long term but none of them were anywhere near dating material. They were all way too old, fat, had kids or not cute at all in the face

Dude seriously there is not ONE post where you are not bragging about something. In your reply to this you will probably even tell me that other people told you that you are good at bragging.


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I need to move wherever the hell you are man. Maybe 1 in 10 women here are cute/in great shape/dress nice/take great care of themselves

I suppose I'm okay with an average female in that sense but your idea of average seems to be South Beach or Hollywood

Oh why am I not surprised you take Hollywood as an example...


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Oh why am IM not surprisedd you take Hollywood as an example...

the only place I've really ever been where the average female on the street clearly put in a ton of effort into looking decent and was in nice shape is Miami South Beach. I've never been to Hollywood but I imagine Hollywood is the same

the average female nowadays looks like garbage. Honestly, I think most people are more lazy than ugly. I was approached by a group of 3 disgusting black chicks last night and I would have totally dated the light skinned one if she wasn't fat.


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the only place I've really ever been where the average female on the street clearly put in a ton of effort into looking decent and was in nice shape is Miami South Beach. I've never been to Hollywood but I imagine Hollywood is the same

the average female nowadays looks like garbage. Honestly, I think most people are more lazy than ugly. I was approached by a group of 3 disgusting black chicks last night and I would have totally dated the light skinned one if she wasn't fat.

Well you are probably not going to give 2 shits about my advice but if you want to be in a good romantic relationship you might need to lower your standards a bit, be less superficial and tame down on the ego.

Good luck.


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Western Europe.

that makes sense, what part of western Europe? if you live in Poland or something, those women are hot as hell when they're young

My only problem with light skinned women is they're beautiful at 25 but my god they fall off hard around 35-40. They damn near fall off a mountain, they fall off so hard. That's why I have a strong preference for ethnic women (Spanish, Middle Eastern, maybe light skin black, maybe Indian, maybe filipino). Ethnic women tend to look beautiful at older age and can be attractive all the way into their 50s and 60s. I'm Armenian and I have aunts who are 55 who are beautiful. I look at white broads at 55 and they look unbelievably old


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Well you are probably not going to give 2 shits about my advice but if you want to be in a good romantic relationship you might need to lower your standards a bit, be less superficial and tame down on the ego.

Good luck.

I'm just not attracted to overweight women, I need someone who is hardcore into fitness


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Oh really, we had not noticed yet. Thanks for finally clarifying that you find yourself a decent looking dude.

No they don't. Are you aware that maybe not everyone is so superficial as you? Even if you would be, let's say an 8, you still would scare women away with this attitude.


No she is not. Let me tell you something about attractive women. The main reason why the most gorgeous women are a lot of the times single is not because there is no one good enough for her, it is because almost every guy puts them on a pedestal. Women want a guy that makes them laugh, that is natural and relaxed with them.

Women hate rejection. They must have thought they had a chance with you otherwise they would not have walked up to you. What does that tell your attractiveness...

1)Gorgeous women aren't single, are you drunk? every pretty woman I know has a boyfriend and 10,000 orbiters in her social circle waiting to ask her out

2)I've had decent looking women approach me and even ask me out but they're always over 30 (usually like 34) when that happens. I'm not looking for a MILF or a cougar. I need someone a few years younger than me

3)On dating sites, every woman wants a male model. I tried it 10 years ago and couldn't even get any replies. I'm sure it would be the same nonsense if I tried it again. Even 6/10 females online want a 10/10 male

Admittingly, a big part of the problem for me is I want somebody very specific. I only really like ethnic women around 23-28, who are cute, nice fit body, smart, classy, doesn't smoke, no kids, decent job. I don't see many women who fit all my requirements and when I do, an approach is always way too difficult with a million obstacles in the way

I hate rejection and get discouraged very easily. I hate making women feel uncomfortable so I don't want to approach unless it's a very easy scenario.