H&w Topical Liposomal Finasteride Vs Oral Finasteride


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I had a 0.1% gel done for me but sadly I got sides. Note that this is 25x lower dosage that their recommended 2.5% formula.

But take one thing into account, I am a stupidly paranoid person so I could have just been a victim of the nocebo effect. In terms of what I experienced, I had two breast nodules that developed on either side, one the size of a peanut and one half that size. Both nodules came after horribly itchy nipples to the point where I couldn't wear any shirts with graphics on them, they also both went soft and disappeared after I stopped using it for a month. In terms of hair, I had it sprouting all over my head and my temples were visibly filling in after just using it for 2 months, shame I had to stop.

If you have any questions let me know as I have tested it myself so I'd be glad to help.
Did you take it with Minoxidil? I been using the 1% for a month now... No sides at all.


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Did you take it with Minoxidil? I been using the 1% for a month now... No sides at all.
Yes I was on the big 3 but using H&W finasteride instead of the pill. I had already used minoxidil for over a year before starting the finasteride and I was a very good responder to begin with but things went downhill after a year so I decided to get on finasteride.

If you don't get sides on it then you are in an awesome position. Reducing DHT in the scalp is the best we can do in 2017. Happy for you man.


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So you guys are all on 1% ? I was using a 0.25% version but it only slowed down the loss, i will up the dose to 0.5% or 1% what are your thoughts on this ?
Also, how do you guys apply the gel uniformly? I have problems to apply it with long hair, im a diffuse thinner tho.


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Yes I was on the big 3 but using H&W finasteride instead of the pill. I had already used minoxidil for over a year before starting the finasteride and I was a very good responder to begin with but things went downhill after a year so I decided to get on finasteride.

If you don't get sides on it then you are in an awesome position. Reducing DHT in the scalp is the best we can do in 2017. Happy for you man.

I'm also using H&W Finasteride from the Italian pharmacy. Not sure if it matters but how did you apply Minoxidil along with H&W Finasteride? I'm wondering if its best to wait some time for the Finasteride to dissolve in the scalp first before applying minoxidil. This guy on Reddit had good results with applying H&W Finasteride and Rogaine on separate days.



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I'm also using H&W Finasteride from the Italian pharmacy. Not sure if it matters but how did you apply Minoxidil along with H&W Finasteride? I'm wondering if its best to wait some time for the Finasteride to dissolve in the scalp first before applying minoxidil. This guy on Reddit had good results with applying H&W Finasteride and Rogaine on separate days.

minoxidil foam absorbs really quickly so I would use it then 2 hours later before going to bed I'd use the finasteride. However, I would say the best way would be to use min in the morning and finasteride in the night.


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Has anyone here from the US successfully bought the topical from the Italian pharmacy? I've been patiently contacting H&W about US availability every few months, and they've had no updates for almost 2 years now.


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Had to make an account to share my experience on the product!

I am a NW2/2.5 with only temple recession and I don't think it has progressed much since 2013/14 but my hair texture is definitely thinner than before.

So I ordered a 1% solution and noticed sensitive nipples after 2 days of use. I have given it a week and its still therr alongside slight puffiness.

I will discontinue use and have asked for a 0.1% solution to be made which I will use EOD.

Shame it seems the gel goes systemic!


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Doesn't a 1% solution amounts to 10 (ten!) 1mg Propecia pills per the 1ml dropper you use to apply Rogaine. So even if 10% of your solution goes systematic, that's a 1mg pill.

(Math: 10mg/1ml=0.010g/1g=.01*100=1%)
It's a liposomal solution. Check hasson's and wong's site, you have more details there.


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It's a liposomal solution. Check hasson's and wong's site, you have more details there.

From the site "Serum Finasteride levels are reduced by approximately 94% compared with the oral form . Serum DHT levels are reduced in the order of 30% (compared with 70% with oral)."

So 94% less finasteride (equivalent to a .06mg oral tablet) reduces dht by 30%. Which actually makes sense considering this thread (https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...de-microdosing-as-additional-treatment.98373/)

And lot of the topical formulations sold on ebay use 0.1% finasteride.


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I'm also using H&W Finasteride from the Italian pharmacy. Not sure if it matters but how did you apply Minoxidil along with H&W Finasteride? I'm wondering if its best to wait some time for the Finasteride to dissolve in the scalp first before applying minoxidil. This guy on Reddit had good results with applying H&W Finasteride and Rogaine on separate days.

Those are pretty impressive results if he had sides on the oral but none on the topical. I think a lot of this "liposomal" stuff is just marketing talk though and people could probably make their own "liposomal" solution with crushed up proscar tablets and the other ingredients to make it into a gel.


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Could topical finasteride be more dangerous than oral finasteride? With oral the drug gets metabolized/removed by liver, etc before getting to brain. With topical the drug could be going straight into brain from the scalp through emissary veins.

for example, here are the results of a study where they applied drug to the scalp and observed it being absorbed directly into brain:

Sleep latency reduction following scalp application in both the phases are suggestive of transcranial migration of diazepam molecules to the receptor sites of the nerve tissue of the brain eliciting its pharmacological effect of sedation. Transcranial brain targeted dosage design is therefore feasible.
