I value your opinion, Joan, always have.I know this is an important place for EvilLocks to feel free to vent all her emotions, and I am sorry to read she's been banned.
That being said (and I am speaking for myself only), although SV hijacked her thread with offensive comments, it is that thread that has made me take a step back and see myself as an intruder at times in your men's club. I do feel that I need to take a moment to consider my environment and, more importantly, the dark places some of you guys are in before posting comments in the Impact section. I think you guys have enough problems with women (or lack of) in real life without us crashing this section on a frequent basis. Parisienne and EvilLocks, I respect your opinions if you disagree.
thats messed. Almost as ****ed as hellrouser getting banned LOL.
Core members should be able to have free speech to extends, that's what makes forums fun.. the ability to speak out.
trolls however should be auto banned. twinks l;ike that 'no life experience' sad vegeta bloke. Poor kid...... will remain incel despite his plastic surgery. some people dont get it...
Yeah, I had a baldness nightmare once too.
Wait - I'm still having it.
I know this is an important place for EvilLocks to feel free to vent all her emotions, and I am sorry to read she's been banned.
That being said (and I am speaking for myself only), although SV hijacked her thread with offensive comments, it is that thread that has made me take a step back and see myself as an intruder at times in your men's club. I do feel that I need to take a moment to consider my environment and, more importantly, the dark places some of you guys are in before posting comments in the Impact section. I think you guys have enough problems with women (or lack of) in real life without us crashing this section on a frequent basis. Parisienne and EvilLocks, I respect your opinions if you disagree.
This doesn't sit well with me. Granted as equals I passionately respect your choice, however in this situation I'ld be a liar were I to proclaim such a choice like this is warranted. Because I believe even in microcosmic space(s) that self imposed social restraints in the name of Peace-Keeper can actually lead to more systemic trauma to the corporal body (as a whole). Therefore I pause to share the position that of a person who reacts through concessionary methods and inevitably as well as invariably sacrifices their personal liberties; contrary attitudes, values or otherwise to appease the overbearing majority. We must do what feels right for us while also understanding that we will be judged fairly and unfairly regardless of how we behave. At times it helps to remind our fellow sufferers, that HairLossTalk.com is a hair loss SUPPORT forum and not a hair club for men.Joan, I thought about it, and I also share your opinion. I mostly stick to the treatment section, and will continue to do so.
I knew intuitively how well
"It's different from thinking, it's different from logic or analysis ... It's a knowing without knowing."