Hair blogs got me depressed

uncomfortable man

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It seems every time I look to the left of the screen I see some 19 yo with rockstar hair. Granted you get a few mixed in there with credible hair loss and even a few with alopecia totalis but I just find it depressing. I know I shouldn't take it personally but it just feels like a dull slap in my face. Sigh :( What's next? Kids hair loss blogs?


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UM, I know how you feel my friend.

I can't complain much about hair loss because I responded well to finasteride, but sometimes I feel that there's something wrong with the world and life is not fair.

Like Woody Allen once said 'If God exists, I hope He has a good excuse' :woot:

Speaking of injustices, I know this detestable son of a bi** (I don't know his name, I just call him The Pig) who's the biggest bastard I've ever met and he has everything a human being could dream of. I hate him so much. I hate him like I've never hated anyone before. It's a fat, juicy, succulent hatred that doesn't go away. I know this sounds horrible and I'm probably being jealous here, but it's not right, The Pig doesn't deserve all that LUCK.


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Gotta realise this site attracts alot of people with issues like BDD.


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This site attracts "all kinds" with insecurities. Most of which stems from not liking what we see in the mirror. We spend too much time wishing we could look like a perfect male model with perfect hair and perfect skin, teeth, and body. Unfortunately, only a few men get those "gifts". However very few of those men with those "gifts" remain humble. The worst part is those "gifts" don't last forever and we lose them as we age. I look back and see my life has been wasted because all of my insecurities. The worst part is most people don't even notice most of those "flaws". I only notice them when I see someone else who has those "gifts" I feel I never received. This site actually cheers me up because I see more depressed and miserable people than I thought ever existed and most of those that chose to post their photos seem to be fairly average or above average looking. I realize I am not as alone as I thought. However, some of these guys are too young to feel the way I feel now and are just wasting the best years of their life worrying about their hair. I feel I may be a "lost cause" but some of you definitely are young enough to "turn your life around" and stop being so depressed over your hair. Hairloss sucks. However, Aging sucks ever more. Aging affects "everything" about you. Hairloss only affects just your "frame of your face". I totally understand CCS and how he feels try to achieve "perfection". However, unless you have the genetics for it, even plastic surgery is not going to make it happen. Genetics are impossible to beat. If we could beat it with drugs, then we would not need this forum. However, this forum is the best place to vent and be depressed. Its ironic how many people can give great advice but never seem to follow it themselves. So as long as we have hairloss, we will always read about depressing blogs. It a cycle that will never end even if there is cure for hair loss.


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they are all nw5.. its the angle that makes it look like nw1 :woot:


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DoctorHouse said:
[...] Aging affects "everything" about you. Hairloss only affects just your "frame of your face". [...]


I come here everyday because I'm a Portuguese civil servant and I have nothing better to do all day.

Hair loss doesn't bother me anymore. I'm 32 y.o. and finasteride has preserved my hair. I now have more important things on my mind - e.g. the aging problem (it starts when you're 30).

uncomfortable man

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metropolis said:
Hair loss doesn't bother me anymore.
And when I still had my hair it didn't bother me either.


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uncomfortable man said:
metropolis said:
Hair loss doesn't bother me anymore.
And when I still had my hair it didn't bother me either.

look, I don't mean to keep picking on you...but seriously, let me ask you this....are you in no way willing to admit that MAYBE if you had a different attitude towards life and a different approach towards handling things, that there isn't a chance you could be happy and successful in spite of baldness? I mean, deep down are you really, 100 percent convinced that being bald is the only reason you are like you are? I'm just curious how you justify the existence of other bald men (the millions of them out there). Are they also all regarded and treated as sub-human? I'm just wondering if there is even a small part of you left that believes there is a chance you could still have a great life in spite of being bald or if being bald is the ONLY reason you are held back.

johnny b

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qball01 said:
uncomfortable man said:
metropolis said:
Hair loss doesn't bother me anymore.
And when I still had my hair it didn't bother me either.

look, I don't mean to keep picking on you...but seriously, let me ask you this....are you in no way willing to admit that MAYBE if you had a different attitude towards life and a different approach towards handling things, that there isn't a chance you could be happy and successful in spite of baldness? I mean, deep down are you really, 100 percent convinced that being bald is the only reason you are like you are? I'm just curious how you justify the existence of other bald men (the millions of them out there). Are they also all regarded and treated as sub-human? I'm just wondering if there is even a small part of you left that believes there is a chance you could still have a great life in spite of being bald or if being bald is the ONLY reason you are held back.
bro im new to these forums,but everytime i read uncomfortable mans posts i get bummed.i guess i will stop reading them,his negativity is unreal.its his right to say anything but i find myself depressed after reading his posts.


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qball01 said:
look, I don't mean to keep picking on you...but seriously, let me ask you this....are you in no way willing to admit that MAYBE if you had a different attitude towards life and a different approach towards handling things, that there isn't a chance you could be happy and successful in spite of baldness? I mean, deep down are you really, 100 percent convinced that being bald is the only reason you are like you are? I'm just curious how you justify the existence of other bald men (the millions of them out there). Are they also all regarded and treated as sub-human? I'm just wondering if there is even a small part of you left that believes there is a chance you could still have a great life in spite of being bald or if being bald is the ONLY reason you are held back.
If you truly want to find out then wax you head Norwood-6 shape and find out for yourself if people look at you differently.... (just dont get your hopes up too high before you do, it might be abit :shock: ing for you..)


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Yes he's overly negative but he's been trapped as a bald man and has sunk into a depression. You cant expect him to listen to the advice of people who by comparison have loads of hair and yet are still on this site. I'm sure if he woke up tommorrow as a NW3 he'd have a totally different outlook.


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I'm sure UM looks good and he's overreacting, but he's right about one thing, though: the world is cruel towards bald men. He has every right to be upset.

In my case, baldness would be catastrophical. I have a small, round face and a huge forehead; male pattern baldness would make me look like a martian.


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Smooth said:
qball01 said:
look, I don't mean to keep picking on you...but seriously, let me ask you this....are you in no way willing to admit that MAYBE if you had a different attitude towards life and a different approach towards handling things, that there isn't a chance you could be happy and successful in spite of baldness? I mean, deep down are you really, 100 percent convinced that being bald is the only reason you are like you are? I'm just curious how you justify the existence of other bald men (the millions of them out there). Are they also all regarded and treated as sub-human? I'm just wondering if there is even a small part of you left that believes there is a chance you could still have a great life in spite of being bald or if being bald is the ONLY reason you are held back.
If you truly want to find out then wax you head Norwood-6 shape and find out for yourself if people look at you differently.... (just dont get your hopes up too high before you do, it might be abit :shock: ing for you..)

dude...I'm 21 years old with bad diffuse thinning and some receeding....I keep my head shaved with a razor or clippers regularly....I PRACTICALLY AM least to the real world which doesnt differentiate between NW3's and Norwood 6's....I don't notice all this prejudice that supposedly exists. Are you saying that when I do reach Norwood 5 and above everything is all of a sudden gonna change and I'll be looked at as a monster? Even if I keep it shaved daily with a razor? I mean I really don't get it...I DO see a lot of really bald guys and a lot of them look cool.


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metropolis said:
I'm sure UM looks good and he's overreacting, but he's right about one thing, though: the world is cruel towards bald men. He has every right to be upset.

In my case, baldness would be catastrophical. I have a small, round face and a huge forehead; male pattern baldness would make me look like a martian.

He doesn't though. Apparently his avatar is a portrait of him.

uncomfortable man

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If you're looking for some sort of explanation Qball, I have suffered from BDD long before I lost any hair. Much like many of the youngsters here. But my problem wasn't my hair, it was my entire body. I was dreadfully skinny and people thought I was annorexic. I got all sort of comments and stares and it freaked me out so much that it got to the point where I couldn't leave the house, let alone my room without putting on layers of clothes and cutting the edges of them to make it look like I wasn't wearing layers. I was trying to pad myself out but it was so obvious because I would constantly be adjusting myself. It took me a while to get over this but like someone else said so eloquently, just after I got over an imaginary problem, I get hit with a real one. All of my insecurities went straight to my head sorta speak. Although people say that even if I had a full head of hair then I would fixate on something else. I don't know, maybe that is a fair observation given the nature of BDD. But I think there is a legitimate difference between perceiving a flaw as being exaggerated and something like male pattern baldness which is very real and VISABLE. It changes the way you look, not just the way you THINK you look. And many people judge themselves on their own appearance and how they feel about themselves. For me, baldness has shattered my self esteem because whatever good looks I have flew right out that void space right above my forehead. In short, I am sensitive to begin with...baldness has just aggravated it to an untolerable point. SAF is right as usual, if I had that proverbial security blanket back on top of my head, I would breathe a huge sigh of relief and feel like I am once again one of the living.


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UM, I know how you feel. I had long skinny legs and acne as a child that everyone made fun of and gave me a complex about myself. Its probably when I developed my BDD. It only caused me to want to look like a perfect fitness model and no matter how hard I tried, I could never get my calves or legs to get real big enough that I was happy with them. I was not going to take steroids either. I got my face cleared up but still hated my long legs with no calves. I stopped wearing shorts and still have a complex about my legs. We are a product of our environment. Some of us can finally "grow up" and see that these so called flaws do not really matter and some of us will never accept our flaws. If you want to remain miserable and depressed, don't expect the rest of the world to feel sorry for you and understand you. The only people that "might" understand you are people who have shared the exact same experiences. That is how this forum came about. A place to share similar experiences and vent how losing hair seems like the "end of the world". As I said before, most of the forum members have a certain level of BDD. Of course, kerzyguy is defintely an obvious case. Otherwise, we would not care about hair loss and move on and let mother nature take its course without having to take a medication that could ruin your hormones and your libido and make you depressed even more.


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qball01 said:
dude...I'm 21 years old with bad diffuse thinning and some receeding....I keep my head shaved with a razor or clippers regularly....I PRACTICALLY AM least to the real world which doesnt differentiate between NW3's and Norwood 6's....
Your not bald, your not even close, *maybe* nw1.5.
and yes, you have no idea what you are talking about, there is a HUGE diffrent between nw3 and nw6. :jackit: