Thanks Janey and the rest of the community for your healthy, active, and persistent contributions. Thanks Janey for the invite.
As much as I love this thread entirely, I don't think I will ever come close to HRT, probably not even low dose finasteride. The truth of the matter is I have seen very few cases of folks regrowing their hairs solely from a "natural" multi-faceted regimen. And it is for this very same reason why I can't give up to find a natural cure. Let alone all the sides that come with HRT and drugs.
Call me delusional. Idiotic. Illogical. Agree or disagree. This is an open-ended conversation. I really dont care.
After suffering from 9 years of diffused Androgenetic Alopecia as a result of whey protein isolate and reading over 300 research papers, I believe hair loss can possibly be reversed through the intervention of mountainous treatments that target the modulators (IGF-1, WNT-b, PGE2, FGF-7, VEGF, T3, etc.). One of the most under-looked, but vital hormonal modulator is T3.
T3 is the active thyroid hormone that your body needs to prevent hypo/hyperthyroidism. There are many studies that undeniably show the importance of thyroid hormones and hair follicle regulation/maturity/normality. Here are a few noteworthy studies:
Thyroid hormones directly alter human hair follicle functions: anagen prolongation and stimulation of both hair matrix keratinocyte proliferation and hair pigmentation Conclusion: we present the first evidence that human HFs are direct targets of thyroid hormones and demonstrate that T3 and/or T4 modulate multiple hair biology parameters, ranging from HF cycling to pigmentation
An Intimate Relationship between Thyroid Hormone and Skin: Regulation of Gene Expression -
Conclusion: The concept that a finely tuned TH concentration is essential in the control of proliferation versus differentiation raises the possibility of interfering with such mechanisms for therapeutic purposes. Unraveling these complex interactive mechanisms is an exciting challenge for the future and a promising source of information to determine how to regulate TH action in skin.
I also strongly believe the reason why ancient Japanese people aren't susceptible to baldness compared to other nations is because of their frequent high-end use of kelp. Iodine is only found in help. Iodine is the fuel to convert T4 to T3 (Active form) thyroid hormone. Without adequate amounts of iodine, you'll be living in a hypo-thyroid chronic state the rest of your life without even knowing it.
Japanese eat 12x the normal daily value of iodine. They also drink on average 4 cups of green tea which is a potent anti-oxidant and suppressant to stress and DHT. DHT I believe is the aftermath of high cortisol and prolactin. These two stress bombs mess the thyroid up causing it to fall in a hypo state. DHEA and DHT then are the beneficiaries and the end result = hair loss.
When hair loss commences modulators get messed up: You have more PGD2 and less PGE2. You have more FGF-5 and less FGF-7. Micro-inflammation soon follows thereafter and then calcification and fibrosis.
Why am I performing a "data waterfall". It's simply not to confuse any of you but help you understand all the micro elements as to the commencement of hair loss. Simply popping finasteride wont do jack sh*t.
I have yet to experiment with mega-iodine dosing but I heard also too much of this element can cause thyroid and more hair problems. Mega-supplementing is also another area I have yet to partake in.