Hair Multiplication Update:Histogen!


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TMNK said:
What did I missunderstood then?
Histogen's progress has been less than promising in the past years and it isn't some kind of hair multiplication.


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By reading the latest post Histogen seems okay still? Give it some time. Things like this take time... 2015


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TMNK said:
By reading the latest post Histogen seems okay still? Give it some time. Things like this take time... 2015
Well, you haven't been here long enough to get a realistic perspective on those things.

Just a small list:
- Follica
- Intercytex
- Aderans
- Neosil
- QR678 (that stuff from india)
- Trichoscience
- COSMO (cb-03-01)

and lots more that don't come to my mind right now.

All companies/products that people got excited about but failed. And don't get me wrong, but Histogen's development has been just the same like the other companies so far:
- talking about XX % increase in hair thickness/count
- searching for investors
- Talking about phase 2 but delaying it forever
- Run through some lawsuit
- Search for investors again
- Silence.

And during all that time not showing any promising pictures of human heads showing some significant improvement.

And believe me I'm the first one hoping to get proved wrong. But even Histogen has been around for 3 1/2 years now.


Some guy at Bald Truth Talk wrote that Histogen will present their Phase II results at a conference at 9 - 12 May, which is few days from today!!

Is this true?? If yes then it's awesome!


Well, I see that there will be the conference on 9 -12 May, and that they will talk about hair regeneration, but I don't see any info about phase II results.

I guess the guy who wrote this got this info right from his ***.


Look at that! Histogen 2012 Phase II 3 months so far results.

They have achieved even better results that pilot trial, and it's only 3 months in! They did more injections.

Look at this lady's temple results. Something beautiful.

If Histogen won't make to the market thet I don't know who will.


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indeed that's some good regrowth ...I imagine that at the end of phase 3 histogen will have way better efficacy...good for them. it seems that even in this stage it can improve the overall density and can be a good add to a hair transplant! that's a good news! eventually we could have a winner!


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Those results are amazing! That's only 3 months! Their phase I saw results improving all the way out to 12 months. If they see that same type of result again then this be huge.

Hopefully, they'll get it on the market in asia early.


If they see that same type of result again then this be huge.

No, the results should be even better (much better) after 12 months.

The comparison now is between 3 months in pilot trial, and 3 months in Phase II trial.

But I would like to see a photo of man's hair, because as we know androgenetic alopecia in women is a little different.


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TravisB said:
If they see that same type of result again then this be huge.

No, the results should be even better (much better) after 12 months.

The comparison now is between 3 months in pilot trial, and 3 months in Phase II trial.

But I would like to see a photo of man's hair, because as we know androgenetic alopecia in women is a little different.

That's what i meant - that these results should be even better at 1yr than the first study i.e. they'll keeping improving from the 3 month timepoint out through the 12th month.


I wonder how often would you have to repeat the injections? Surely it can't last for life? male pattern baldness will probably continue again after some time. It seems like minoxidil on huuuge steroids.

somone uk

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that HSC regrowth on temples looks amazing, not so great on the crown but current treatments are the reverse when it gets to effectiveness

*buys histogen stock*
*saves money for potential HSC*

Fight Your Genes

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Wish I was in their trial, such a step up from Replicel's results. Can this treatment be on the market in asia after Phase II or do we have to wait for the completion of Phase III?

:bravo: Histogen


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they can create some serius $$ if they get this sh*t market outside of the us, people will fly across the planet to get it done.


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Histogen were serious about their work from the start, I had hope and i am very glad to see that. The close-up scalp picture is impressive, but unfortunately not the crwon. I am worried whether I am seeing pubic looking hairs on the crown of this guy. I hope I am wrong...


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no offense however I am not impressed at all, frankly I don;t understand what you are all so happy over?

The first photos of the black hair with thinning in the middle is basically the same before and after. if anything her head is slightly tiled upwards in the after photo.

in the 2nd photo in the after shot you will notice the same lighting tricks used. Not as bright as the first one, and she has some of her other hair in a semi comb over fashion... if you look behind it you will notice the same temple recession is still there.

I want Histogen to work more than anyone, however I have not seen any evidence of it yet


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picture don't do justice. as you can see you can be impressed by statistics from the incresing of terminal hairs