hairloss equals unatractive


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This is not my opinion by the way this is what a ex girlfriend said to me.
I hadn't seen the b**ch for 3 years until recently,when she said with great delight ,god you used to be hot,i said gingerly why am i not anymore she said the words "hairloss equals unattractive".
this was in a bar and it was early in the evening and it knocked my confidence and was in a bad mood for the rest of the night also the b**ch's
brother is heading in a norwood 4 area not that it is an issue because he's a good guy but you would think the b**ch would be more sensitive.
Anyway when i look at photo's 18 months ago i looked great now i look really bad it is obvous that it was my hair that was pulling the women not me .THIS AS IT MY CONFIDENCE BAD


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That's wicked, your hair was the one doing the job. I dig it.


Well, at least you were hot and had a girlfriend before your hairloss set in. I have never had a girlfriend and now with hairloss.....

This may sound harsh, but at least she told you the truth. Maybe you should just shave it and try to compensate your hairloss, for instance by working out and getting a better body. All in all you probably will have to lower your standards when it comes to girls. Good Luck!


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Taugenichts said:
Well, at least you were hot and had a girlfriend before your hairloss set in. I have never had a girlfriend and now with hairloss.....

This may sound harsh, but at least she told you the truth. Maybe you should just shave it and try to compensate your hairloss, for instance by working out and getting a better body. All in all you probably will have to lower your standards when it comes to girls. Good Luck!


keep up with treatments man. be patient if you're treating and go to the next step if you're not responding...until you realize it doesn't really matter. i don't plan to realize that for a long while...i want to be able to attract women my age while i'm in my 20's.


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Taugenichts said:
Well, at least you were hot and had a girlfriend before your hairloss set in. I have never had a girlfriend and now with hairloss.....

This may sound harsh, but at least she told you the truth. Maybe you should just shave it and try to compensate your hairloss, for instance by working out and getting a better body. All in all you probably will have to lower your standards when it comes to girls. Good Luck!


Yeah don't worry about what she said. Ex's always say negative things about their ex boy/girl friends well because...that's what you're supposed to do. :D


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yeah ex's will say whatever to try and poke sticks into you.

You just do better and flaunt it in her face.


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what a b**ch... but i would probably had some dirt to toss back at hur :D


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you should have said "the amount of hair i lost is relative to the weight you gained"

Man im scared to meet my ex :S


Well, I don´t have an EX to be scared of (pretty sad actually) but meeting people I haven´t seen in a long time worries me as well.....


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antonio666 said:
This is not my opinion by the way this is what a ex girlfriend said to me.
I hadn't seen the b**** for 3 years until recently,when she said with great delight ,god you used to be hot,i said gingerly why am i not anymore she said the words "hairloss equals unattractive".
this was in a bar and it was early in the evening and it knocked my confidence and was in a bad mood for the rest of the night also the b****'s
brother is heading in a norwood 4 area not that it is an issue because he's a good guy but you would think the b**** would be more sensitive.
Anyway when i look at photo's 18 months ago i looked great now i look really bad it is obvous that it was my hair that was pulling the women not me .THIS AS IT MY CONFIDENCE BAD


your hair wasn't pullin sh*t dude, your confidence was

don't listen to her because what shes sayin simply isn't true.

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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Hair loss definately does deduct hotness points; however I don't think it makes a big enough difference to make you not attractive anymore. If you were hot before, chances are you still are. Anyone who is that blatantly nasty to say this to you is just saying it to hurt you, not because it's true. But I get your point. That definately would have shattered my confidence.


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Hairloss visual impact depends on male. If you're a kid face like M. J. Fox then hairloss will have a great impact on you. You'll look very ugly and pathetic. If you're a big face then hairloss will not have so much impact.


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IBM said:
Hairloss visual impact depends on male. If you're a kid face like M. J. Fox then hairloss will have a great impact on you. You'll look very ugly and pathetic. If you're a big face then hairloss will not have so much impact.

Dont know about that....Ive heard alot of women say they love a bald man with a baby face.....apparetnly it looks cute :?


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Either she's a b**ch or you're a cheating a**h** who deserved to be put down like that :)

But yeah, it's kind of ironic when women always accuse men of being insensitive yet, in my experience at least, women are usually the ones who make the most blunt comments without any consideration for the other person's feelings. I haven't had any women comment on my hair loss to my face, but a lot have made remarks about my weight (I was a really skinny kid in high school). The odd thing was that they were all overweight, but how could I bring myself to call them out on their fattiness?


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Yeah you're right kalbo. Some years ago a university girl joked how bad my hair was at that time. It wasnt in my face but in my backs and enough loud for me to hear.

But i prefer a girl that choose atractiveness than status.


IBM said:
Yeah you're right kalbo. Some years ago a university girl joked how bad my hair was at that time. It wasnt in my face but in my backs and enough loud for me to hear.

But i prefer a girl that choose atractiveness than status.

The irony...


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calling people out is stupid. it's not your job to tell them what is wrong with them. a girl can point out my balding and i'll say "yeah that's happening". but if you just call her fat - it really questions your integrity.