Hairloss is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with.


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No matter how bad my hair loss may get, have always been genuinely comforted by the fact that I can kill myself if need be. if not, I can at least voluntarily abdicate from society and disappear in the mountains Ted Kaczynski style.

Don't let hair loss get you down. There's always a way out.


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I feel like something has been ripped from me. My personality is being torn from my head, literally. It's putting me in the worst depressive state of mind ever!

I can't agree more... I know how devastating hair loss can be to one's life. Nonetheless, have your hope up. At least you have long hair to cover more areas than most of us on the forum.


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No matter how bad my hair loss may get, have always been genuinely comforted by the fact that I can kill myself if need be. if not, I can at least voluntarily abdicate from society and disappear in the mountains Ted Kaczynski style.

Don't let hair loss get you down. There's always a way out.

You started a thread about a month ago claiming you were preparing to check out of society. How did that go?


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What feels wrong of this condition is, WHY SO EARLY??
I have seen many men bald and ALL are above 40. With kids.AND A JOB. ****, even my dad is JUST starting to lose his hair in diffuse pattern. This part makes me judge my existence even more.
Im just a NW2 with some diffuse thinning at my front. I can't take finasteride bcoz im underage. RU and CB are not possible for me to afford OR get it shipped. Im not in that bad condition but im sure i WILL go bald much faster than my peers. Those retards who smoke,drink,rape and even just shave their heads to try a new look, who say being confident will help you to achieve sucess. I can't afford that luxury.
All i do now is just console myself thinking "Thank god i don't have polio or I have eyes to see or I have a roof above my head" but this whole thing shatters when i ACTUALLY open my eyes to reality.
Nobody gives a **** if you are worthless. Im not, but im sure that i can NEVER fucntion thinking that i can never be good.
After reading about fred's transplant, im enthusiastic. Ill save all i can till the next 5 years and get an hair transplant. Till then ill make a career that each of my peers will envy.
The sweet taste of just imagining that moment is enogh for me.


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Nadester, get yourself a gaming rig, and a portable mountain dew machine. Level up your MMO's, and let the studs do their thing.

Success is the greatest revenge.


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Nadester, get yourself a gaming rig, and a portable mountain dew machine. Level up your MMO's, and let the studs do their thing.

Success is the greatest revenge.

In my early twenties when I had great hair, I would spend many a night on Warcraft with my dewritos.. Not much to show for it, other than a gut.

In hindsite I should have been out in the clubs banging girls. Never mind.


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Nope i won't be that **** eating antisocial b**ch. Im doing it now and its not helping much.
Anything but that gaming addiction. Whats MMO??
But the sucess thing is SPOT ON.


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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Dude, I know how you feel... Chris Martin was only in the biggest band in the world, two children and movie start trophy wife... Wayne Rooney makes £250k a week... Yet, both these guys were still unhappy every time they looked at themselves in the mirror every morning. That just goes to show how deeply hairloss can affect a man.

I really think you should give finasteride another go. I was reading a study about placebo effects an turns out that, when people are told of the possible side effects, they are likely to develop the side effects even when on a placebo. Also, try exercising quit alcohol cigarettes etc to try and offset. It'll generally improve your headspace too

And remember that yours actually looks like a mature hairline. I've had FUE June 2013 and my hairline is only marginally better than yours. A 16 year-old hairline looks good when you're 16. I'm twice that now and my FUE looks natural and suits my style and age.

Last but but not least... Short is always better. Get a trim more regularly and go crazy on minoxidil, azelaic acid, Nizoral and topical spironolactone (S5 cream from this very website). Panicking definitely won't help. It'll actually only make it worse (telegenic effluvium) so what better incentive than that to get your **** together?


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According to Histogen's website: Estimated U.S. market introduction of the injectable for hair regrowth in the treatment of male pattern baldness is 2015, with potential for earlier introduction in certain identified countries.


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A juvenile hairline always looks good, regardless of age. LOL at hair transplant surgeons constantly telling people about the 'conservative hairline' to match age maturity.

I work with a 60 year old who has a juvenile hairline, but as he aged progressed into a juvenile widows peak. He slicks it back with gel, and looks fifteen years younger then he actually is.


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Ridiculous. You can criticize hair transplant surgeons all you want for suggesting a conservative hair line. Not only is that the smart thing to do, it also looks better as you get older.

As I've said earlier, wait until you are in your 50's with a NW6, a huge bald spot and out of donor area since you thought it was a good idea to ditch 8000 grafts in your third front.

Eh, David Lynch is a bad example though. He's a) weird b) one of a kind with hair. I'll agree that to expect to have an 'NW0' type hairline for an older man is odd, I would say something around NW1.5-NW2 is actually very fitting for men over 35 years of age and SHOULD be expected. It's like clothes; you don't still wear spiderman t-shirts when youre 50 years old, so why do you expect a weird hairline at 50?


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I vision myself as a male model in the next 10 years so, id side totally with shokwun. Besides, looking younger then my receding/diffusing classmates is a much better scene then anything else.
As for starting finasteride again:-
The initial reason why i didn't continue was coz it COULD lead to sperm problems. My family has a history of birth problems, so NUH-UH. I won't start it again till im about 21-23.
Also thats a really freaky hairline :freaked2:


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I hear you mate. My hairline steadily got worse and worse until I started finasteride......and now, 7 months in its AGGRESSIVELY got much so that I'm receiving comments on my hairline.

Im devastated by the whole thing, so there are others in the same boat too!


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Impossible to get a juvenile hairline back with male pattern baldness. Not enough donor.

Why do you think they practically always give a five head hairline to anyone over NW4-5? conserve donor supply for future areas.


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cmon thats clearly an unflattering photo of him sporting a hairdo that would look stupid on 20 yr old

This lucky bastard from Mad Men looks heaps good with that hair

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And? What's your point exactly? If you can't get a juvenile hair line with a hair transplant then you're better off staying bald?

I think he is just saying that hair transplant doctors are misleading patients by telling them a juvenile hairline will not look good when they age rather than saying straight out "You have lost too much hair, this is the best I can do"


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cmon thats clearly an unflattering photo of him sporting a hairdo that would look stupid on 20 yr old

This lucky bastard from Mad Men looks heaps good with that hair

- - - Updated - - -

I think he is just saying that hair transplant doctors are misleading patients by telling them a juvenile hairline will not look good when they age rather than saying straight out "You have lost too much hair, this is the best I can do"


Looks amazing.

Wolf Pack

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In fairness Fred, everyone has different expectations. I know some people on here have mental health issues but talking about it rationally, those closer with full heads want to remain as close to that as possible. They know how it feels to have it and the benefits. People who have lost a lot will be happy with any improvement. I think both groups can't relate to each other fully.

It's no different to any medical condition. Someone who thought he was going to have two legs amputated and you save one - he is more grateful. Bring another person and tell him one leg is going and he will generally feel worse off than the other guy.

The mind adapts to adversity.

I met a doctor yesterday in his 50's, two transplants and on finasteride. He had side parting and probably a Norwood 2.5 with good density. Looked good. Keeps having regular haircuts, guess he is making up for lost time.

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cmon thats clearly an unflattering photo of him sporting a hairdo that would look stupid on 20 yr old

This lucky bastard from Mad Men looks heaps good with that hair

- - - Updated - - -

I think he is just saying that hair transplant doctors are misleading patients by telling them a juvenile hairline will not look good when they age rather than saying straight out "You have lost too much hair, this is the best I can do"

It can look good but ultimately for the majority of people I think Norwood 2 is better. "Less is more" so to speak. A juvenile hairline stands out because not many oldies have one I think, therefore it can look a little fake. I don't think it matters much though. Also you have to take into account what looks better on you as well, straight low one, or a slightly U shaped one. The old guy in the picture looks good but in his position I would still want a more subtle look.

Wolf Pack

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As long as people don't treat you differently for what they see on top of your head, you've won, it's over.

Now yes I don't have full coverage and a teenage hair line, but does that stop me from doing anything? Absolutely not.

I can get girls, be confident among my peers without even thinking about it, and they would never treat me as worse as they did when I was bald.

People who want more than that are greedy in my opinion. It won't change anything whether you're NW1, 2, or 3. You're still a guy with hair, not a bald guy, you're one of them!

That's what matters in my opinion, getting to the point where hair loss isn't a problem in your daily life and where people won't treat you differently for it. The rest is greed.

If you're at peace, it's the most important thing. I can see that you have improved with a transplant. But if you had more hair and a proper hairstyle, you would see more benefits in terms of guys seeing you as a threat and more attention from girls.

Again it depends on how you look e.t.c but I find hair makes a big difference. I think currently you're in the balding bracket according to society but not fully bald. That puts you in neutral territory which is a big improvement compared to before.
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As long as people don't treat you differently for what they see on top of your head, you've won, it's over.

Now yes I don't have full coverage and a teenage hair line, but does that stop me from doing anything? Absolutely not.

I can get girls, be confident among my peers without even thinking about it, and they would never treat me as worse as they did when I was bald.

People who want more than that are greedy in my opinion. It won't change anything whether you're NW1, 2, or 3. You're still a guy with hair, not a bald guy, you're one of them!

That's what matters in my opinion, getting to the point where hair loss isn't a problem in your daily life and where people won't treat you differently for it. The rest is greed.

Fred, did you get regular hassle from society when you had a full head of hair, or the hassle accrued only began when you started losing hair?