I've been given this some real thought recently.
And I've noticed that half the concerns about hair loss are related to the fear - and great possibility - of no longer being attractive to the opposite sex. All across the impact section are debates about what women want, what they find attractive, and how to get them. It all just seems very tiring and its had me thinking that it might be quite liberating to not try to win over the opposite sex.
My reasons are a little different: I tend to sleep with two new people a month. I also go on at least two dates a week - all sourced from online dating. These dates do not cost much - I tend to just buy three drinks for me per date and that only comes to £10-15, but do this twice a week and its £25 and do it for a month its £100. Occasionally I go for the odd meal and that comes to £25. All in all, I spend around £130 per month on dating! Over £1,500 per year. What a joke!
And this is us going halves - imagine if I were a tool who paid for their stuff!
This isn't to mention the time - two or three dates a week may only be around 10 hrs (plus sex). But I also spend another 10 hrs or so with online dating getting the dates set up. So that is 20hrs per week spent dating and shagging. 80 hrs per month. If I spent that time over the year I could have finished my novel and learned a second language!
So dating costs me thousands a year, is emotionally tiring, and takes up all my time. And yet still I come back for more.
Is anyone in the same boat? (maybe for different reasons) And have thought about retiring from the dating scene for a little while
And I've noticed that half the concerns about hair loss are related to the fear - and great possibility - of no longer being attractive to the opposite sex. All across the impact section are debates about what women want, what they find attractive, and how to get them. It all just seems very tiring and its had me thinking that it might be quite liberating to not try to win over the opposite sex.
My reasons are a little different: I tend to sleep with two new people a month. I also go on at least two dates a week - all sourced from online dating. These dates do not cost much - I tend to just buy three drinks for me per date and that only comes to £10-15, but do this twice a week and its £25 and do it for a month its £100. Occasionally I go for the odd meal and that comes to £25. All in all, I spend around £130 per month on dating! Over £1,500 per year. What a joke!
And this is us going halves - imagine if I were a tool who paid for their stuff!
This isn't to mention the time - two or three dates a week may only be around 10 hrs (plus sex). But I also spend another 10 hrs or so with online dating getting the dates set up. So that is 20hrs per week spent dating and shagging. 80 hrs per month. If I spent that time over the year I could have finished my novel and learned a second language!
So dating costs me thousands a year, is emotionally tiring, and takes up all my time. And yet still I come back for more.
Is anyone in the same boat? (maybe for different reasons) And have thought about retiring from the dating scene for a little while