Has Anyone Considered Quitting Dating?



I've been given this some real thought recently.

And I've noticed that half the concerns about hair loss are related to the fear - and great possibility - of no longer being attractive to the opposite sex. All across the impact section are debates about what women want, what they find attractive, and how to get them. It all just seems very tiring and its had me thinking that it might be quite liberating to not try to win over the opposite sex.

My reasons are a little different: I tend to sleep with two new people a month. I also go on at least two dates a week - all sourced from online dating. These dates do not cost much - I tend to just buy three drinks for me per date and that only comes to £10-15, but do this twice a week and its £25 and do it for a month its £100. Occasionally I go for the odd meal and that comes to £25. All in all, I spend around £130 per month on dating! Over £1,500 per year. What a joke!

And this is us going halves - imagine if I were a tool who paid for their stuff!

This isn't to mention the time - two or three dates a week may only be around 10 hrs (plus sex). But I also spend another 10 hrs or so with online dating getting the dates set up. So that is 20hrs per week spent dating and shagging. 80 hrs per month. If I spent that time over the year I could have finished my novel and learned a second language!

So dating costs me thousands a year, is emotionally tiring, and takes up all my time. And yet still I come back for more.

Is anyone in the same boat? (maybe for different reasons) And have thought about retiring from the dating scene for a little while


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I dont want to be offensive, but how about settling for someone? Preferably someone as busy as you. I honesly never really dated, i just had girlfriends usually for longer than a year with long phases of being too busy in between.
On the long run you have to spend time with friends. Being just productive ruins you.


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Wouldn't it be nice if feminism also included the idea that women we're also expected to wine and dine men as much as we do?


I dont want to be offensive, but how about settling for someone? Preferably someone as busy as you. I honesly never really dated, i just had girlfriends usually for longer than a year with long phases of being too busy in between.
On the long run you have to spend time with friends. Being just productive ruins you.
No, its not offensive at all.

I came out of a relationship a while ago and I was just not ready for anything serious.

I'll consider a relationship again next year.


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Wouldn't it be nice if feminism also included the idea that women we're also expected to wine and dine men as much as we do?

I have offered money on first dates but I don't push because then I get self conscious it can get to be insulting or emasculating or even embarrassing for men. Also afraid to make them think i don't like then physically if i were to push money on them...so far no one ever took money that I can remember.

I have purchased tickets and not taken money from boyfriends over years or paid for dinners etc.
But when you don't know men in beginning it's hard to do that you don't know how they take it.


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I would be more concerned with the fact that you spend, let alone have that much time to sit on a dating application to find women in a serial fashion. 20 hours a week spent on the internet messaging chicks. Something isn't right with you buddy, and I have been there. I believe you have mental issues like the rest of us, and cannot sustain a proper relationship.

It's not a matter of you want to retire, but you cannot sustain a healthy relationship with a women. I suggest you dig deeper, and figure out the roots of your problem aside from hair loss.

As I have mentioned, I was in a similar boat with the serial dating. Having met lots of women in my breif periods of the online scene, having sexual encounters but it died out. Almost every time it never went every where due to the nature of my decisions, acts and how i truly feel about myself.

Why do you think we keep having this aspie dating months where we go flat out, then despair into a depression all over. I keep repeating this over, and over again.


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Wouldn't it be nice if feminism also included the idea that women we're also expected to wine and dine men as much as we do?
Lol, have you never read about cope4life´s fairy tales reports of his male model friends? Seriously, if she is really into you, she doesn´t expect you to pay all her bills.

Yes, my hairloss got extremly terrible in the last six months. But I guess I am too superficial to lower my standards and start dating girls who are now looksmatched to me.


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Lol, have you never read about cope4life´s fairy tales reports of his male model friends? Seriously, if she is really into you, she doesn´t expect you to pay all her bills.

Yes, my hairloss got extremly terrible in the last six months. But I guess I am too superficial to lower my standards and start dating girls who are now looksmatched to me.
Slayer friends***

Drink beer all day, eat pizza, play xbox, Norwood (-1), 6'4 and slay constantly.

get it right, buddy.

As for paying. If you're asking the women out for dinner, why act surprised that you're paying. However, if I go for coffee she can buy her own.
Any decent women will offer to pay half though, or at least pay the tip from my experience.


I would be more concerned with the fact that you spend, let alone have that much time to sit on a dating application to find women in a serial fashion. 20 hours a week spent on the internet messaging chicks. Something isn't right with you buddy, and I have been there. I believe you have mental issues like the rest of us, and cannot sustain a proper relationship.

It's not a matter of you want to retire, but you cannot sustain a healthy relationship with a women. I suggest you dig deeper, and figure out the roots of your problem aside from hair loss.

As I have mentioned, I was in a similar boat with the serial dating. Having met lots of women in my breif periods of the online scene, having sexual encounters but it died out. Almost every time it never went every where due to the nature of my decisions, acts and how i truly feel about myself.

Why do you think we keep having this aspie dating months where we go flat out, then despair into a depression all over. I keep repeating this over, and over again.
I don't work full time as I don't need the money - hence the free time to date.

But note its not 20 hrs messaging people - it is more like an hour or so a day - and then two to three dates a week which adds at least 10hrs (more when we f***).

I do wonder why I date so much - but isn't it human nature? If you can f*** two or three new people a month then wouldn't most men?


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I've been given this some real thought recently.

And I've noticed that half the concerns about hair loss are related to the fear - and great possibility - of no longer being attractive to the opposite sex. All across the impact section are debates about what women want, what they find attractive, and how to get them. It all just seems very tiring and its had me thinking that it might be quite liberating to not try to win over the opposite sex.

My reasons are a little different: I tend to sleep with two new people a month. I also go on at least two dates a week - all sourced from online dating. These dates do not cost much - I tend to just buy three drinks for me per date and that only comes to £10-15, but do this twice a week and its £25 and do it for a month its £100. Occasionally I go for the odd meal and that comes to £25. All in all, I spend around £130 per month on dating! Over £1,500 per year. What a joke!

And this is us going halves - imagine if I were a tool who paid for their stuff!

This isn't to mention the time - two or three dates a week may only be around 10 hrs (plus sex). But I also spend another 10 hrs or so with online dating getting the dates set up. So that is 20hrs per week spent dating and shagging. 80 hrs per month. If I spent that time over the year I could have finished my novel and learned a second language!

So dating costs me thousands a year, is emotionally tiring, and takes up all my time. And yet still I come back for more.

Is anyone in the same boat? (maybe for different reasons) And have thought about retiring from the dating scene for a little while

yup, quit about a year ago. A friend of mine kinda pressured me into dating her this year, but I gave up on that after a couple weeks. f*** it man. The number one rule about man made ideas is that they are often wrong. The concept of "needing a partner" is created by humans. Humans are f*****g retarded. I don't buy it, i don't need it and believe it or not, no, I don't even want it.


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lol at the amount of cope in this thread.

All of you hate the idea of being single, and it's bugs you. Especially for those that spend so much time finding someone, and have little to show for it. All though when you know you can get it, and legitimately choose to be single because of problems in your life, then that's a different story all together.

@OP what do you mean by human nature to serial date as many women. Not rele, if everyone thought this way all your tinder dates would have enormous amounts of dick jizzing inside them like a c*m reciprocal every night.

Most people including myself would rather find one person, and have great experiences together then randomly swiping, and shuffling through women all day. Exerting so much energy on encounters that are empty in most cases.

it's much for fulfilling to be with one person then with many.

I believe the only mentally stable person on this forum is Wolfpack. He exhibits most normal human behaviour, and symptoms of someone with a healthy sex life, career, and social standing.

Most of us are damaged goods. Deal with it.

(cope related)


Shookwun approved


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Most people including myself would rather find one person, and have great experiences together then randomly swiping, and shuffling through women all day. Exerting so much energy on encounters that are empty in most cases.
You think the "one person" doesn´t care about your thinning hair?



I don't know how old you are but most single people I know tend to sleep around on tinder quite a lot.

It seems anyone average looking and above does it.

Sure, everyone would love to find a soul mate but in the meantime none of us want to be cellibate


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You think the "one person" doesn´t care about your thinning hair?
Of course there are women who are willing to look passed it. That's the beauty of unconditional love, and when someone is head over knees for you. They start looking passed your flaws, and see the good in you. But hair loss destroys this, and the higher the norwood the less likely you will experience this gravitating effect.

Higher the norwood, harder it is to ever achieve this.

the biggest issue you will face aside from being discriminated against is being content with your own feelings, and self-worth. If the women doesn't reject you, it's a mixture of anxiety, self-esteem and depression that will hit you hard. This all poses risk to a healthy relationship, and can platea you, from ever reaching your true potential.

Again, higher the norwood less likely to achieve a women looking passed your flaws.

it's a tough market out there, and for you metropolis folks... it's never going to happen. Go move into a shithole, or the maritime where the cities have populations under 50,000. Areas not over saturated by narcissistic phonies, and women who are willing to give men a chance. Not those who only take the top 10% off a dating application.

Dating applications are the new way of meeting people once you leave university, high school and have a full time job with no prospects. it's here to stay. Nobody uses these applications unless they are a social out cast under 23. Most people here are over 25.


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Most people including myself would rather find one person, and have great experiences together then randomly swiping, and shuffling through women all day. Exerting so much energy on encounters that are empty in most cases.

it's much for fulfilling to be with one person then with many.

Same. I hate the idea of sleeping around, I'm not saying I've never done it, but I'm over it. When it comes down to it I'm a serious relationship kinda person, and until I find that I won't put out.

(And lol at the WolfPack part)


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I don't know how old you are but most single people I know tend to sleep around on tinder quite a lot.

It seems anyone average looking and above does it.

Sure, everyone would love to find a soul mate but in the meantime none of us want to be cellibate
Don't know what kinda of women you're meeting then, because women can get a man anytime they want. Just get your tinder girl to show you her messages, and drown in your own feelings after seeing it.

it will show 100's upon 100s of messages.

Women don't like to sleep around, don't know where you heard this. Eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap. A women would much rather find a stunning hunk, and lock him down then meet random dudes looking to finger blast them in a lifted pick up.

it's guys who want to sleep with everything, and anything.

Sad part is, even as a good looking guy you wont get 1/10 of the messages an average chubby chaser gets.