These guys are Latinos but with European heritage at some not to distant point on family tree.
Thats part of the debate i was having with someone who was saying that in Latin American countries that they will go for an 'average' blonde american guy because of looks difference and will think he is 'hot'---I cant tell you how many friends i had from S. America (Venezuela, Brazil but also from Mexico and Cuba) that were natural 'dark' blondes with darker skin but blonde with light eyes.
So they have hot men with blonde hair. Most of whom are upper class/rich for their countries.
So generally speaking the HOT latina women (model types lets say) are not going to be overly impressed with a USA citizen
just because of his looks anymore than North American women. The difference is the class system of rich vs poor there is much more divided then here--generally speaking.
this is typical latino average looking guy though..not really going to get those Easters European women I dont think.
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