Has your hair loss lowered your own standards?


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This is a subject that I cant quite get my head around. Do you think that as our hair loss develops, our own standards lower?

Since my hair loss has developed, I know I have become slightly less attractive. I think in my case, I still have pretty high standards. But increasingly, I guess they are starting to lower. Im not quite sure whether I am now changing my approach and beginning to realise that having more balanced standards in terms of attractiveness is going to make it a whole lot easier, or whether biologically, pschologically, more standards are naturally becoming lower as my hair loss progresses.

Problem is I can only ever be attracted to what I attracted to - and I dont think this is naturally going to become wider just because my own looks decrease due to hair loss. What is changing is my attitude to the type of girls that I thought were slighty attractive, but werent quite as fit as the girls as I really wanted to go for, these girls Im now beginning to become more attracted to..It make you think. In general terms, how do two people have a relationship with each other if they arent phsyically attracted to each other? How do two ugly people have a relationship? Are really ugly people attracted by the same type of looks we all are? Perhaps their standards are just drastically lower..

Surely there needs to be some initial attraction, some butterflys in order to be kick start the whole thing? For example, when you talk to a girl who you arent attracted to, you are usually a lot more relaxed and yourself with her (ironically) as your not trying to impress.. I guess 6 and 7's out of 10s are the type of girls that were already slightly attractive but become more attractive and realistically attainable..those ol' 8 and 9's are slowly slipping away from me realistically!

Getting a good looking girl is half the fun though isnt it? Even as my looks decrease, as I said before, I dont I could ever artificially lower my standards..I can only be attracted to what I am attracted to.. And for someone to lower their standards artifically, surely theres no fun to that. What do others think?


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Not really but then again I was never good with girls but I am learning better social skills with them.


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Hope4hairRedux said:
This is a subject that I cant quite get my head around. Do you think that as our hair loss develops, our own standards lower?

Since my hair loss has developed, I know I have become slightly less attractive. I think in my case, I still have pretty high standards. But increasingly, I guess they are starting to lower. Im not quite sure whether I am now changing my approach and beginning to realise that having more balanced standards in terms of attractiveness is going to make it a whole lot easier, or whether biologically, pschologically, more standards are naturally becoming lower as my hair loss progresses.

Problem is I can only ever be attracted to what I attracted to - and I dont think this is naturally going to become wider just because my own looks decrease due to hair loss. What is changing is my attitude to the type of girls that I thought were slighty attractive, but werent quite as fit as the girls as I really wanted to go for, these girls Im now beginning to become more attracted to..It make you think. In general terms, how do two people have a relationship with each other if they arent phsyically attracted to each other? How do two ugly people have a relationship? Are really ugly people attracted by the same type of looks we all are? Perhaps their standards are just drastically lower..

Surely there needs to be some initial attraction, some butterflys in order to be kick start the whole thing? For example, when you talk to a girl who you arent attracted to, you are usually a lot more relaxed and yourself with her (ironically) as your not trying to impress.. I guess 6 and 7's out of 10s are the type of girls that were already slightly attractive but become more attractive and realistically attainable..those ol' 8 and 9's are slowly slipping away from me realistically!

Getting a good looking girl is half the fun though isnt it? Even as my looks decrease, as I said before, I dont I could ever artificially lower my standards..I can only be attracted to what I am attracted to.. And for someone to lower their standards artifically, surely theres no fun to that. What do others think?
Those 8's and 9's aren't attainable only because you said so. If you are going to put a woman on a pedestal because of her looks, and act as such, you will be unattractive to her and you will get turned down. Period.


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Of course your standards will adjust. Your standards are defined by your life no one is born with them.


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But the sweet isn't as sweet without the sour.

uncomfortable man

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I think when we are young and are raging with hormones for the first time that all of our emotions are stronger, we used to get crushes and feel such rapture. We were entering the prime of our lives. There was such an innocence about it. As we get older, our hearts get broken, and harden up a bit. By the time we are fullgrown adults we have our baggage and issues and somewhere along the way, that innocence was lost. The emotions are muted. What once was love has now become a sex obsession and standards based on physical features of a social attractiveness hierarchy- 8's, 9's, 4's and perfect 10's. Some still manage to find true love but the rest are just pairing themselves up with each other based on their "looks compatability". If you can't help who you are attracted to, but you are only attracted to what society calls 9's and 10's, then chances are you are brainwashed like so many others and not falling head over heels for that fat chick. Think about that.


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KANGA said:
Hope4hairRedux said:
This is a subject that I cant quite get my head around. Do you think that as our hair loss develops, our own standards lower?

Since my hair loss has developed, I know I have become slightly less attractive. I think in my case, I still have pretty high standards. But increasingly, I guess they are starting to lower. Im not quite sure whether I am now changing my approach and beginning to realise that having more balanced standards in terms of attractiveness is going to make it a whole lot easier, or whether biologically, pschologically, more standards are naturally becoming lower as my hair loss progresses.

Problem is I can only ever be attracted to what I attracted to - and I dont think this is naturally going to become wider just because my own looks decrease due to hair loss. What is changing is my attitude to the type of girls that I thought were slighty attractive, but werent quite as fit as the girls as I really wanted to go for, these girls Im now beginning to become more attracted to..It make you think. In general terms, how do two people have a relationship with each other if they arent phsyically attracted to each other? How do two ugly people have a relationship? Are really ugly people attracted by the same type of looks we all are? Perhaps their standards are just drastically lower..

Surely there needs to be some initial attraction, some butterflys in order to be kick start the whole thing? For example, when you talk to a girl who you arent attracted to, you are usually a lot more relaxed and yourself with her (ironically) as your not trying to impress.. I guess 6 and 7's out of 10s are the type of girls that were already slightly attractive but become more attractive and realistically attainable..those ol' 8 and 9's are slowly slipping away from me realistically!

Getting a good looking girl is half the fun though isnt it? Even as my looks decrease, as I said before, I dont I could ever artificially lower my standards..I can only be attracted to what I am attracted to.. And for someone to lower their standards artifically, surely theres no fun to that. What do others think?
Those 8's and 9's aren't attainable only because you said so. If you are going to put a woman on a pedestal because of her looks, and act as such, you will be unattractive to her and you will get turned down. Period.

Don't put the pussy on the pedestal!


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uncomfortable man said:
I think when we are young and are raging with hormones for the first time that all of our emotions are stronger, we used to get crushes and feel such rapture. We were entering the prime of our lives. There was such an innocence about it. As we get older, our hearts get broken, and harden up a bit. By the time we are fullgrown adults we have our baggage and issues and somewhere along the way, that innocence was lost. The emotions are muted. What once was love has now become a sex obsession and standards based on physical features of a social attractiveness hierarchy- 8's, 9's, 4's and perfect 10's. Some still manage to find true love but the rest are just pairing themselves up with each other based on their "looks compatability". If you can't help who you are attracted to, but you are only attracted to what society calls 9's and 10's, then chances are you are brainwashed like so many others and not falling head over heels for that fat chick. Think about that.

UMan, I usually agree with you, but on this one, I disagree.
I can't help who I'm attracted to at all, if I could, I would go for dudes. Seems like it would be so much easier.
I think that "attraction" is more than looks (at least I hope it is). I know that I've seen very beautiful women who I'm not attracted to, and women who would only be called "cute" who I find very attractive. Personality is a huge factor. For me, I have to find someone physically attractive, and then the personality also has to be there. "Physically attractive" certainly doesn't mean that someone has to be a 9 or a 10 (Scarlett Johansson).
For me, baldness has reduced my standards to zero. I've completely given up. Before people pile on, I speak for myself only, and my problems are not limited to baldness. Far from it. I've never been in anything resembling a relationship because I've been really self-concious about my skin (acne/rosacea/in grown hairs if I try to shave my face). I know plenty of guys whose only real physical drawback is hairloss, and they seem to do just fine with women. For me, balding was the icing on the cake. It sealed the deal.


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Definately lowered my standards! I used to have real high standards, when I still had hair, now I'm going for much less good looking women! But just for sex, I could never have a relationship with a girl like that. I know it's kinda sick, but that's the way it is....And it has been like this for several years allready.... I think I wouldn't even feel comfortable in a relationship with a really hot girl!
@Uncomfortableman I totally agree with your post, a while ago I realized that I am one of those who will never be able to have a healthy relationship again. With my Hairloss and my state of mind (which has changed cos of hair loss) I will never be able to find real love. One night stands with average to below average looking women, is as far as it gets! I allready tried to change my attitude towards women severeal times, but it really seems impossible for me!
"the emotions are muted. What once was love has now become a sex obsession and standards based on physical features of a social attractiveness hierarchy" this is unfortunately so true for me!


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uncomfortable man said:
I think when we are young and are raging with hormones for the first time that all of our emotions are stronger, we used to get crushes and feel such rapture. We were entering the prime of our lives. There was such an innocence about it. As we get older, our hearts get broken, and harden up a bit. By the time we are fullgrown adults we have our baggage and issues and somewhere along the way, that innocence was lost. The emotions are muted. What once was love has now become a sex obsession and standards based on physical features of a social attractiveness hierarchy- 8's, 9's, 4's and perfect 10's. Some still manage to find true love but the rest are just pairing themselves up with each other based on their "looks compatability". If you can't help who you are attracted to, but you are only attracted to what society calls 9's and 10's, then chances are you are brainwashed like so many others and not falling head over heels for that fat chick. Think about that.

Uman, whilst I agree with most of what you say, I think you read to much into this whole soceity thing. I think really, looks are timeless. A bueatuful girl these days will have still probably been beautiful a thousands of years ago. In all the mosaics, and the egyptian pharoes etc, they seemed to have idollised woman who had fairly thin, aqualine features etc. the ideal woman has the 'feminine frame'. I feel its biology more than society. If I child was never brought up with humans but raised by wolves say, and one day he met two girls - one ugly and one bueatiful ( in our eyyes) which do u think he would go for? Well he would still pick the beautful one.. its not just about what society tells us..its the natural symetry of someones face. its biology and nature - looks arent completely dictated by what society says is best - they are at most influenced..But attractive is attractive..


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Yes but society is to blame for idolizing what considered to be beautiful and pushing aside other important qualities, the TV is the core for this behemoth behavior, telling you "your ugly, beauty is just around the corner with our new product" and then showing you those stupid TV shows with teenagers all looking like freaking top models (as if...) its effecting the youth (as they dont have the tools yet to realize and selectively ignore the brainwash they are going throw{this is where most parents fail too btw}) and at that young age, this mental brainwashing is wired into them for their entire adulthood, i dont think that pursuing beauty used to be so important, lets say 2-3 generations back...we are all part of the screwed up sector of the "90210 generation"... :gay:


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dudemon said:
KANGA said:
Those 8's and 9's aren't attainable only because you said so. If you are going to put a woman on a pedestal because of her looks, and act as such, you will be unattractive to her and you will get turned down. Period.

Most not all of those 8's and 9's will be unnattaineable when and if you reach NW4 or 5. Period.

At that time, your odds will become much better with 5's - 7's.

The remaining 8's and 9's that will tolerate your NW5 will only do so if you can offer them other things: fame, fortune, and social status. Otherwise, forget it.

10's: 99.9% are out of the question for baldies. Just my opinion.

Bald guys can pull hot *** - I see it all the time. But it takes a lot of work.

You've got to be buff. You've got to be tan. You've got to have some money. You've got to look and act like a badass. You probably need some tattoos. Those are the only bald (I mean totally bald) guys I see with hotties. It's possible, but not a lot of guys can live that lifestyle without looking and feeling totally ridiculous.


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hair loss hasn't really affected my standards, at least for now!!! However, other aspects of my life have affected the way I deal with the opposite sex. I'm one of those guys that is sort of struggling with things at the moment and that doesn't really give me much confidence :sobbing: .

However, when I'm relaxed and I manage to concentrate on the positives, then things seem to be OK. (it's actually not that bad, it's just a temporary blip :dunno:)

dudemon said:
10's: 99.9% are out of the question for baldies. Just my opinion.



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I still cant get over how quickly I feel my looks have dissapeared.. :sobbing:

Literally in the space of a few years. I have gone from feeling good looking, to becoming a monster. My forehead gets wider and bigger. Bulbous. I really cant take it.. It just amazes me how hair on our head plays such a vital role..When I was younger I never thought twice about it. I didnt think I would lose hair. It wasnt my problem. Now I am becoming slowly destroyed.

uncomfortable man

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Some people on here act like I don't know what I am talking about and think that I am exaggerating whenever I recall situations in which people could not tolerate my baldness and were openly cruel and demeaning to me. These people who don't understand or believe that this kind of thing happens is because the stigma isn't directed at them yet because their hairloss has not gotten bad enough. But once it does, and the popular culture and whatever it affects (alot) turns against you, then you will understand the kind of messed up situation us bald guys are in. Especially when it comes to women. Yes, many of them ARE shallow, even the ones who don't consider themselves to be. Even those girls who try to make themselves seem like they are against those shallow superficial ideals will still turn around and reject a bald guy because of the stigma. I've seen it enough times to know that it is true. We are amongst the unfortunate ones.


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Thickandthin said:
Bald guys can pull hot *** - I see it all the time. But it takes a lot of work.

You've got to be buff. You've got to be tan. You've got to have some money. You've got to look and act like a badass. You probably need some tattoos....

:doh: :roll: :shakehead: :thumbdown2:


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dudemon said:
KANGA said:
Those 8's and 9's aren't attainable only because you said so. If you are going to put a woman on a pedestal because of her looks, and act as such, you will be unattractive to her and you will get turned down. Period.

Most not all of those 8's and 9's will be unnattaineable when and if you reach NW4 or 5. Period.

At that time, your odds will become much better with 5's - 7's.

The remaining 8's and 9's that will tolerate your NW5 will only do so if you can offer them other things: fame, fortune, and social status. Otherwise, forget it.

10's: 99.9% are out of the question for baldies. Just my opinion.

You keep thinking that; I know otherwise. If you truly believe that you need a full head of hair to pick up extremely attractive women, I feel really sorry for you.


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NW3 with a hardcore thinning crown and therefore I have to buzz it. I'm only 22, so having moderate hair loss for my age isn't common.

When me and my 46 year old business partner (NW6/7 and 5 foot 7) hit up the clubs, he picks up more 20-somethings than I do (most of the time, we compete alot, haha)

So, why make up excuses? Incompetence?


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dudemon said:
KANGA said:
NW3 with a hardcore thinning crown and therefore I have to buzz it. I'm only 22, so having moderate hair loss for my age isn't common.

When me and my 46 year old business partner (NW6/7 and 5 foot 7) hit up the clubs, he picks up more 20-somethings than I do (most of the time, we compete alot, haha)

So, why make up excuses? Incompetence?


Well, ex-cuuuuse me Mr. Stud!

Is that why you come on a "bald forum"? To feel "better" about yourself and to brag about how you can pull extremely attractive women - and other more balder guys can't.

Good for you! :notworthy

Your 46 y/o bizz partner and you have 2 of the 3 things hoes want: fortune, and social status. Good for you. :notworthy

Not every guy can achieve those things. I havn't been able to. A lot of (bald) guys are probably in the same boat as me (NW5/6, no career, little or no friends, etc...), and less like you and your "business partner."

So, again, excuse me...:notworthy

Although I am also one of those "ugly dudes" with or without hair. And as far as working out and a having a tan, I probably could lift as much as you - maybe more. :dunno:

But working out and having a tan means nothing if you just don't look good from the shoulders up. And, if you lack social status and money, you will be a "loser" to women - which is what I am - hair or no hair.

I stay as far away from clubs as possible. Women ignore me in those places - or they throw their drinks in my face if I say one word to them. Either that or they will have one of their male friends come over and threaten me. Oh well. :dunno:

I need a whole head transplant! Yeah, then things will change for the better! :mrgreen:

Haha dudemon, your comments amuse me. You seem like a funny guy. You have a sort of dark and depressing humour. can you show me a pic? you cant be that bad. Even if you supposedly were, i think theres someone for everyone.