The guy in this video has really poor cranofacial development. He has wide galea, vertical face and flat cheekbones. The guy on the photo as well. He has narrow jawline ,vertical face and the skin on his galea looks so damn tight.
I already wrote tons of post why I believe that the cause of male pattern baldness is not within the follicles itself. You can check my post history for studies and reference. Here's how male pattern baldness work:
Cranofacial development affects posture habits. If you have flat cheekbones and vertical face that will result in your head facing constantly forward.
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For every centimetre of forward head posture there is 2 kg weight to your neck. When the neck muscles are in continuous tension this tension propagates through the myofascia to the galea. The galea has no muscles and too much pressure on it results in compression of tissues and blood flow restrictions. When tissues are compressed an inflammatory response is activated. And this is consisted of DHT, pgd2 and histamine release. And then hair loss on the areas in tension follows. Where is most tension - the hair loss starts first - at the temples and then at the crown. If tension wasn't the cause then thee wouldn't be a pattern in male pattern baldness.
I am shocked that people still don't believe me since I post studies and so overwhelming evidence. Maybe how much the skin is pulled has an effect or I don't know or the anti inflammatory response is different in some cases. There are people with poor cranofacial development and posture who keep their hair for life. But people with good cranofacial development and posture can't be balding.