HMI-115 PRLR antibody: The Most Promising Treatment Ever


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я согласен . Лично я думаю, что многие парни говорят это из-за быстрых психологических изменений, которые происходят до и после эякуляции. Вы переходите от невероятной уверенности в себе и своем теле/волосах/внешности к более критичной и сдержанной.
Я знаю о подобном влиянии на уверенность, но это не так. С того момента, как я начал лысеть, я также начал очень быстро седеть.

Первое фото явно немного темновато в тенях, но я думаю, вы почувствуете разницу. Между фото разница 1,5 года. Я бы подумал, что это не андрогенетическая алопеция, но так как dgt является ключевым и финастерид помогает мне, несомненно. Добавлю, что сильного стресса у меня не было, седина имеет явно другой характер.
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Some of us should apply to do a PhD on this topic. The time and research spent on here is probably worth a lot more elsewhere in life


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Some people are irrationally convinced that masturbation is harmful and there's no changing that belief. You can throw logic at their theories all day long. They will just whip out another crazy theory to replace the last one. Their reasoning will do all sorts of twist & turns to maintain the idea that masturbation is bad for them.


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I am aware of a similar effect on confidence, but this is not the case. From the moment I started to go bald, I also started to gray very quickly.

The first photo is obviously a bit dark in the shadows, but I think you can feel the difference. There is a 1.5 year difference between the photos. I would have thought that this is not androgenetic alopecia, but since dgt is key and finasteride is helping me, no doubt. I will add that I did not have any severe stress, gray hair has an obviously different character.
U have male pattern baldness? Hahahha what a joke. Amazing hair lolololol.


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I assumed that there would be similar comments from "smart" guys. If you think so, then you should sit next to me and see for yourself. Boy, I've been convinced of this for 3 years, and you tell me that I'm talking nonsense and I'm paranoid. I calmly reason, I don’t panic because of a lost hair or baldness, and I’m not the kind of person who will take something from the ceiling and start writing about it. I have already said that I am confident in what I am writing and have rechecked it more than a dozen times. It's not psychosomatic.

You are an idiot. If that's what your hair is like in the pictures then you probably don't even have male pattern baldness.

Why are there so many people like this on here?


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U have male pattern baldness? Hahahha what a joke. Amazing hair lolololol.
Yes, the finasteride is working and 2 trichologist diagnoses, they were like this, this is an old photo. The first photo is before the onset of baldness, the second one and a half years later. Now it's darker and thicker.
You are an idiot. If that's what your hair is like in the pictures then you probably don't even have male pattern baldness.

Why are there so many people like this on here?
Be simpler in expressions. It just seems this way to you. As I already said, my baldness differs in how it proceeds, namely aggressively and with itching, which is influenced by the factors that I mentioned earlier.
Some people are irrationally convinced that masturbation is harmful and there's no changing that belief. You can throw logic at their theories all day long. They will just whip out another crazy theory to replace the last one. Their reasoning will do all sorts of twist & turns to maintain the idea that masturbation is bad for them.
Masturbation, p**rn and stress are not the cause of male pattern baldness, this has long been known to everyone and I am not trying to convince you of this, but this is what speeds up the process and brings your baldness closer.


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Regarding stress and its effects:
Stress factors cause an increase in the secretion of stress hormones, primarily corticotropin-releasing hormone and ACTH, which stimulate the secretion of cortisol, DHEA, and aldosterone [1, 20]. Thus, stress can lead to overproduction of adrenal androgens, which in turn affect the hair follicles.


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Here we go from a thread named „

HMI-115 PRLR antibody: The Most Promising Treatment Ever“​

To a nonsense Discussion about sperm and fitness
I wrote about this in the topic for two simple reasons. First, everything that I wrote is directly or indirectly related to prolactin and confirm many of the research papers that have been published previously and here, as far as I understand, there is a discussion about it. Secondly, there are certain people in this thread, such as Pegasus and Feelsbadman, who have developed respect for their attempt to understand the reason or find a clue and I would be interested to hear their opinion. I think these people are an example of how the fight against baldness is being conducted, and not the guys who buy finasteride and think that they will now show this genetics who the father is.


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Regarding stress and its effects:
No wonder im balding. Being a virgin at 34 is stressful enough. But p**rn and masturbation is almost a daily routine. I know a guy on this forum that thickened his hair after stopping masturbation with picture proof. I cant go a week without masturbation, it causes insomnia and being horny all the time sucks.

Ralph Wiggum

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Studies show that masturbation increases the risk of prostate cancer. Since PC and Androgenetic Alopecia are driven by the same process why wouldn't it also increase the risk of Androgenetic Alopecia?
Increases? Where are you getting that from? Studies suggest that ejaculating more frequently might reduce your risk.



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Increases? Where are you getting that from? Studies suggest that ejaculating more frequently might reduce your risk.

This is probably due to age and the mechanism that occurs at different periods of life.
No wonder im balding. Being a virgin at 34 is stressful enough. But p**rn and masturbation is almost a daily routine. I know a guy on this forum that thickened his hair after stopping masturbation with picture proof. I cant go a week without masturbation, it causes insomnia and being horny all the time sucks.
Pornography uses the same dopamine pathways as drugs. In fact, p**rn is a drug that is just as hard to get rid of. p**rn and masturbation can lead to depression, passivity, loneliness, not wanting to lead a social life, etc.


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A frequent companion of Androgenetic Alopecia is a low level of iron stores (obvious, and more often latent forms of iron deficiency). Conducting a chemical analysis of the hair reveals an imbalance in potassium / sodium, calcium / magnesium, chromium / manganese, zinc and selenium; deficiency of phosphorus and potassium is characteristic [10]. Androgenetic Alopecia is often accompanied by seborrhea, but the presence of oily skin does not always lead to baldness - after all, only sebaceous glands can be sensitive to androgens, and hair follicles may not perceive their influence [14].
Increase in sebum in the Androgenetic Alopecia zone has increased androgenic activity, which occurs after ejaculation in most of those present here (although I am inclined to believe that everyone on this forum does). And since your follicles are sensitive to this activity, your hair is losing ground much faster than you would like. I'm also inclined that prolactin has an equally important effect.

Relationship of psychological stress, increased sebum and acne:
Association with androgenetic alopecia:

I would single out a separate line from the study.
Background: Although emotional stress has long been suspected to exacerbate acne vulgaris, previous reports addressing its influence on acne severity have been mainly anecdotal.
It turns out that at first it was funny, but then everything changed.


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I had massive fapping addiction for a few years to cope with stress, it definetely didn't make me feel good. who knows :rolleyes:


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Big spike in systemic prolactin is literally involved in refractory period after masturbating, so calling someone "fanatic" for trying to think about it's implication in extreme cases is going too far bruh.

It must do something, it could be negligible/meaningless to impactful enough, hard to know until someone does a degen wanker double blind trial lmao


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Big spike in systemic prolactin is literally involved in refractory period after masturbating, so calling someone "fanatic" for trying to think about it's implication in extreme cases is going too far bruh.

It must do something, it could be negligible/meaningless to impactful enough, hard to know until someone does a degen wanker double blind trial lmao
You will get tired of sweeping your hair after such tests


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i dont understand why anyone is arguing about the long term effects of prolactin inhibition when the trials on the apes just lasted a few months and after that I strongly suspect that their prolactin levels as well as the function of their prolactin receptors has gone back to normal. it revised the hair follicles and that with a longer lasting duration but there is no mentioning that it supposedly has a continued systemic effect in the body.


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i dont understand why anyone is arguing about the long term effects of prolactin inhibition when the trials on the apes just lasted a few months and after that I strongly suspect that their prolactin levels as well as the function of their prolactin receptors has gone back to normal. it revised the hair follicles and that with a longer lasting duration but there is no mentioning that it supposedly has a continued systemic effect in the body.
It makes sense the effect would last years to return to baseline. The follicles "turned back in time" and then would slowly decay again from androgens once there is 0 effects from the drug left in the body I guess


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It makes sense the effect would last years to return to baseline. The follicles "turned back in time" and then would slowly decay again from androgens once there is 0 effects from the drug left in the body I guess
My thinking is that the antibody treatment disables the prolactin receptor, it's not just competing for binding and it takes (can take) years for the prolactin receptor to regenerate if there is virtually no prolactin signaling happening. A lot of receptors upregulate via a feed forward mechanism, that is the more stimulation of that receptor type, the more it is expressed. I'm not sure if PRLR functions that way or not but if it does, the longer you receive HMI 115, the more "permanent" (really just longer lasting) it would become.


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It doesn't degrade the receptor so there's no need for it to regenerate. We see that after 6 months without treatment the diameter of the hair shafts is significantly thinner. I think two things are at play. One is that the longer you take it the larger the DP gets. A larger DP increases Wnt and Hedgehog signaling outside of any treatment upregulating them. Additionally, some of the factors upregulating PRLR and Prl binding affinity are reversed significantly.