How Did This Place Turn From Blue Pill Land Into Shitty Advice.2?


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Of course it's hyperbolic and autistic. Nevertheless, some of their lingo and theories that used to warrant you a ban in 2013 hairlosstalk has made its way to here. There's a huge gap between "it's all about confidence" and "you are cucked for life if you don't look like Alain Delon." But one side is trolling the other was not. What happened?


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True is : This is one of the saddest forum i ever have seen in my life

So many negative impulse:D:D

I am like this positive guy in this video

Fix quickly my hair problem.

Life is too short to waste it


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Not really, no. And now anti-finasteride crusader and transcended Buddhist monk Vincent777 has joined the fray to provide me with some fresh ones. At this rate I'm at Belgian levels by the end of the week.


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In my opinion, Fred, shookwun and Swingline have been the main promoters of the dark/cynical outlook on baldness that persists around here now. Most of us other regulars have come around to it because it conforms quite well if not perfectly to what we observe in real life. There is also an absence of good arguments from the other side to counter it.

So I promote cyncial and dark but YOU are speaking from experience?
Dumbass, lol


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I see you need some help with the interpretation of that post.

As I see it, everyone has a different set of experiences and their own way of interpreting these experiences. This usually forms a set of attitudes and beliefs which we will call a "worldview". Yours, Shookwun's and Fred's have resulted in what is in my opinion a dark and cynical worldview, which you have promoted through your posts.

My experiences are similar in some respects to yours. I find they and my interpretation of them align, if somewhat imperfectly. This has made me come around gradually to something that is similar in polarity to this dark and cynical viewpoint. It seems like many others here have as well.

I'm obviously not saying that you are not basing your views on experience. I don't even know where you got that from. Maybe you shouldn't jump so quickly to conclusions and ask for clarification first?

or you can phrase better.
What have I said thats presumably cynical and dark over actually proven with studies or backed up with my own stories? Also I dont need to ask for clarification because that word "promotes" says it all. We are lurking in the shadows waiting to squash any semblance of sanity here with our dark and cynical beliefs. In fact how often do you even see me post here anymore and look what the contents of those are.


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There really isn't anything wrong with cynicism. I think most Americans could do with a bit of it as yous always seem overly optimistic.

Life is extremely unfair, if you're emotionally stable there shouldn't be any problem saying or hearing this from time to time. Hiding and pretending things are different only leads to disappointment.

On the other hand moaning on about things will eventually bring you and others down and will falsely magnify the problem in your head.

If there are unfortunate or bad things you have to accept then try and accept them, not deny them. But try not to dwell on things. It really doesn't help.


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Sorry, but you almost seem to be willfully misinterpreting me here. It's not good. You are repeating the same false interpretation of my initial post that I tried to correct.

Again, you have what I perceive to be a dark and cynical viewpoint, which is based on your own experiences and interpretations thereof. This takes the form of a generally bleak sentiment about humanity, and at its extremes the promotion of literal eugenics.

Your posts are constructive and represent a meaningful contribution to the exchange of ideas on this forum even if I don't fully agree with them all the time. The content is certainly not something I have ever considered insane or delusional.

Not even bothering with the first part of that or we will be here forever. But if you name drop someone be prepared to explain what you mean after they take it how its presented.

But now I remember who you are. I never said I preach Eugenics. If Eugenics is not wanting literal human garbage breeding then I guess I do though. I merely think people need to start thinking more before they breed. Not everyone needs to. More often than not it hurts the whole more than it helps. I would never tell a bald genetic engineer with a 180 IQ to not breed because hes bald. As long as his wife was also decent enough. I would tell a NW1 guy who works at 7-11 part time, plays video games the rest and has a stripper girlfriend to possibly wear a rubber or think about abortion as an option. I would though probably advise a short, fat, bald plumber who was picked on all through growing up because of his short comings to REALLY think if "possibly" putting another child through that is not selfish.


I came back to say, lets just agree to disagree
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Not even bothering with the first part of that or we will be here forever. But if you name drop someone be prepared to explain what you mean after they take it how its presented.

But now I remember who you are. I never said I preach Eugenics. If Eugenics is not wanting literal human garbage breeding then I guess I do though. I merely think people need to start thinking more before they breed. Not everyone needs to. More often than not it hurts the whole more than it helps. I would never tell a bald genetic engineer with a 180 IQ to not breed because hes bald. As long as his wife was also decent enough. I would tell a NW1 guy who works at 7-11 part time, plays video games the rest and has a stripper girlfriend to possibly wear a rubber or think about abortion as an option. I would though probably advise a short, fat, bald plumber who was picked on all through growing up because of his short comings to REALLY think if "possibly" putting another child through that is not selfish.

Hmm what a dull world that would be.
If Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had been more attractive in their youth none of us would be sitting here communicating with one another and able to research all these fantastic hair remedies coming out over next few years.
We dont know if that plumber would have a son who when alienated as a teen turns to science or engineering and discovers something important for his generation.
Granted we also dont know if he will be frustrated and shoot up his school.
Its just luck or fate whatever.


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Really good looking people seldom invent things of great importance.


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Hmm what a dull world that would be.
If Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had been more attractive in their youth none of us would be sitting here communicating with one another and able to research all these fantastic hair remedies coming out over next few years.
We dont know if that plumber would have a son who when alienated as a teen turns to science or engineering and discovers something important for his generation.
Granted we also dont know if he will be frustrated and shoot up his school.
Its just luck or fate whatever.

My argument is that wading through the 350K babies born each day to find one steve jobs (who honestly is a horrible example to me) is not worth the risk. Thats quantity over quality. Your merely making more cheap labor for his factory. In reality you should focus quality over quantity so on "average" you would get more steve jobs normally.
Im not arguing with "you", Im just arguing that POV in general. Its a poor example. Even when breeding animals we pick the best for what they are for. You dont breed any two horses together wasting time and money hoping for a thoroughbred. You breed TWO thoroughbreds lol


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How can one not think of this:

Just look at the grin on their faces.

But but... she's got confidence!!

f*** it, she's got a great voice. Too bad everyone is still riding on Justin Bieber's nuts.


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How can one not think of this:

Just look at the grin on their faces.

lol She looks like Jack Black way to much.
Also remember though for every ugly musician or singer there is an equally good one who is hot and more marketable. Thats why it is the way it is. Its not that ugly ones arent there or the industry itself ignores them, its that THE FANS ignore them. As much as people will preach that crap they inevitably turn against themselves every time for the hot pop/rock/rap star instead..... Musical Eugenics. Why would the industry waste money on something with 90% less return on investment.


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Swing, this is the textbook definition of eugenics. From Wikipedia:

You think I didn't look that up first? Most people will look at Eugenics, the word, though and think killing of undesirables. Social "cleansing" though.

Honestly its just the more intelligent way to further a species if people really pre thought breeding.
How in the world is THAT thought process dark and/or cynical though? I never advocated to force sterilize people. Everything I state is free will.

But but... she's got confidence!!

f*** it, she's got a great voice. Too bad everyone is still riding on Justin Bieber's nuts.

listen to her version of Rolling Stones, Wild horses. Its great

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Actually Jobs was quite good looking in his youth, when he started apple and worked for MS. You are just thinking of what he looks like now. Also that statement itself isnt fully true.


heres thomas edison


Heres tesla


Tony Stark


k that last ones a joke

lol I'm born in was NOT considered good looking. especially his teen years.


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its sad from suffering comes a lot of great art.
Janis Joplin would never be able to get play now..shame. Summertime is a classic few can sing--they can try but not same.
Whats the Leonard Cohen 'Chelsea Hotel' quote---'Never mind we are ugly but we had the music'.

Eugenics is like what Hitler tried to do with genes no? I dont know if I am confusing reality with the film The Boys From Brazil...(great movie)

I mean eugenics is opens a can of worms for more than 'looks' or intelligence. it opens up door for religion and ethnic backgrounds and even type of personalities..some people are more easily manipulated than others..thats a scarey thought if someone started to play with 'that' aspect. I mean to me its all not good to mess around with that.
I dont even like when people decide the sex of their babies. Creepy.


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its sad from suffering comes a lot of great art.
Janis Joplin would never be able to get play now..shame. Summertime is a classic few can sing--they can try but not same.
Whats the Leonard Cohen 'Chelsea Hotel' quote---'Never mind we are ugly but we had the music'.

Eugenics is like what Hitler tried to do with genes no? I dont know if I am confusing reality with the film The Boys From Brazil...(great movie)

I mean eugenics is opens a can of worms for more than 'looks' or intelligence. it opens up door for religion and ethnic backgrounds and even type of personalities..some people are more easily manipulated than others..thats a scarey thought if someone started to play with 'that' aspect. I mean to me its all not good to mess around with that.
I dont even like when people decide the sex of their babies. Creepy.

and THIS is why a conversation about eugenics can not happen. Just as stated people instantly think it means genocide. It means simply advocating that the best candidates in society breed.
Look at 3rd world nations that literally breed themselves "into" poverty. They continue to push for the breeding of lesser caste people to ensure there is not a smart enough population ever overthrow the ones in power.
Just as Im advocating the use of steered and possibly selective breeding FOR the benefit of man kind others use it to keep mankind down.
This goes right back to the conversation about music. We are breeding the population that is more enchanted with pretty singers than talented ones. We are continuing to let the more simple minded people have families of 5 while intelligent people have 1 child.
Eventually the dumb outnumber the smart in such a way that "democracy" makes the intelligent vote obsolete. Look at the fears with the European migrations (though I dont live there). Look at the people who keep getting in office here in the States. We have let Eugenics dumb us down, why not use it to get us back up.
Here in my country (Ive been through this so Ill keep it short) we reward the people who shouldnt be having kids FOR having them. for the population to pick up the slack of 350K for hopefully ONE genuinely world changing person is NOT a good investment, either time, financially or through our own labor and lives.
Work smarter not harder people.
There are levels to what people will call "eugenics"
Zircon uses the definition that we both actually found BUT that also includes the extremes. I dont consider what I talk about eugenics. Words change and evolve. I would consider what I suggest is "selective breeding". Eugenics to mean is now basically cleansing because other peoples "cynicism and dark outlooks" brought it there.

edit: I responded to Fred but retracted because I confused Gattica with a different movie.
I dont think I ever saw Gattica