How do you deal with the anger and frustration?


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Well hairloss stunted my 20th year of life severely, mostly because I wanted to shave it and people were discouraging me, telling me that I will look shitty (the same people call me now hot etc.). Also mind you that I lost hair even earlier than all my brothers and father, setting a family record. I dealt with anger and frustration by shaving head and now when someone calls me 'bald', I don't take it as an insult anymore


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It's a traumatizing event for many young guys, society doesn't give a fck though.
Of course it is, mainly because then you are not prepared for it and you are severely uncertain about the future (you don't know if your gf is going to stick around any longer)


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Most of the time I am just numb at this point. It only gets bad when my estrogen is out of control, that's when I become extremely self-conscious about it. Killing your estrogen and becoming an emotionless brute is your best bet.

My 20s are already gone (I'll be 30 in a few months) so the damage is already done. A good number of my peers have a family at this point, I didn't even have a proper relationship. Simply didn't wanna get involved knowing that without tolerable treatments this sh*t is just going to keep advancing and that at some point I would be dumped because of hair loss. f*** that. Being single is preferable.

Working from home and being far, far away from everyone, esp. women, is also helpful. Out of sight, out of mind. Occupy yourself with other things.

And pray for BAY.


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How do I cope with the fact that most 60 year olds have a better hairline than me?
Eazy, I go to the gym and hit that bag until I cant breathe.


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Well, I started balding from 16 with aggressive Androgenetic Alopecia. I am now 21. I never thought in my life that I would be balding until it hit me. Only treatments are keeping my sanity and giving me hope. Well, if there is any hope left since I am losing my progress again after great results. A miracle happened, and now I am losing it again. How much the treatments changed my life and my whole psychology. ANOTHER person with hair. How much I felt the psychological impact of hair when having and not having. I can't look back into the past. I look at my old pictures, and I hate to see myself. It's indeed something like bipolar. When I have results, and I see that my hair is good, I am resurrecting from the dead, when the opposite, I become dead. My whole psychology is affected by my hair condition. Angry, miserable, yelling, crying, everything. But even with great results, the fear of losing it again, as it happens right now, never left me. I know that with these sh*t genetics, I don't have so much time, and I know that sooner or later, I will need stronger options, etc. Here I am now, dropped out of my university, as I couldn't stand the extra pressure, losing contact with my friends and my relatives, not going out, etc. I am like a ghost. Oh, how much I have missed having a proper mental health condition and hanging out with my friends without worries, etc. This is what I am seeking. My mental health, and to feel good with me. Then have a great time with my family and my friends, but the "ghost" state, as time passes, unfortunately, is fitting more for me. I don't want to give up on this battle while I came so far. I spent so much time, dozen of hours, reading for treatments and everything. I will do whatever it takes to fight it. If I have to pay the prices, I will pay as much as I can. Nothing in this life it's coming without paying a price for it. Nothing comes free. And for anyone that believes that hair isn't affecting mental health, he should reconsider it. Even studies mention it, and at this age, hits harder.
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Isaac Newton

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I feel that if you bald before you're 20 like you should accept that's your given image because that's pretty aggressive. Blame society or whatever for putting chemicals in the water and turning frogs gay and young men bald.

Unless you plan on going on HRT or something I doubt there's much you can really do to save you. And if you're balding at 17 what can you really look back on, when you were 10 years old? Kinda never really knew the good hair life not for long at least
Lol you're just trying to get people who easily have it the worst to shut up because it makes your problems pale in comparison.

That just because you went bald before 20 means you have nothing to look forward to is f*****g ridiculous. Even for full head normies most fun and meaningful experiences are like 22/college aged and under because after that life just consists of meaningless slaving away for Weinberg to make another trillion.

Do you really think there's no life or memories worth holding on to as a kid and teen? Being a kid and teen are the best times of your life. Even college (especially modern (((college))) ) aren't as good I'd say. I just think of degeneracy when I think of college. High school is better cuz there's the pure innocent first romances that normies got to have that incels never did


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I feel that if you bald before you're 20 like you should accept that's your given image because that's pretty aggressive. Blame society or whatever for putting chemicals in the water and turning frogs gay and young men bald.

Unless you plan on going on HRT or something I doubt there's much you can really do to save you. And if you're balding at 17 what can you really look back on, when you were 10 years old? Kinda never really knew the good hair life not for long at least
I started balding in my mid-teens and I clearly remember having thick full hair.

Isaac Newton

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Nah i mean it bro, you bald in your teens then having glorious hair was never an option. Find yourself a God-fearing Christian who will be afraid to judge your hairline because it'll deny her eternal life
People have gotten hair bacj in that situation. Fred and a few people on the other forum. I think @justinbieberscombover . If anything it might be easier cuz you get to your final stage faster so u can go ahead and do a transplant

I also really really really hope you arent saying we dont have it the worst:rolleyes:

Isaac Newton

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Well I can't know your situation lol, like I once told beiberboy those who bald early are like naruto, those who had good hair a while are like Sasuke. Is it worse to never have known a family or to have known a family and lost it? Worse to never have really have had hair or to have had hair a good while and lost it? Probably equal with different mental problems
Bruh. Do you really f*****g think if you go bald at 18 you magically dont have the memory of the previous 18 years????? What the actual f***


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Well I can't know your situation lol, like I once told beiberboy those who bald early are like naruto, those who had good hair a while are like Sasuke. Is it worse to never have known a family or to have known a family and lost it? Worse to never have really have had hair or to have had hair a good while and lost it? Probably equal with different mental problems
But people who go bald young will still have had hair...

Isaac Newton

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This is so f*****g obviously you pretending to have it worse than people who so clearly have it harder


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People have gotten hair bacj in that situation. Fred and a few people on the other forum. I think @justinbieberscombover . If anything it might be easier cuz you get to your final stage faster so u can go ahead and do a transplant

I also really really really hope you arent saying we dont have it the worst:rolleyes:
It's actually nice to lose/never even have something other people always had/took for granted and wanting it badly for a long time then finally having it

I think I'm past that stage and used to it by now (not sure, SSRI withdrawal is clouding my emotions) but those first few couple months of the relationship were the most "alive" I've ever felt. Felt like screaming from a rooftop at times lol


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Well I can't know your situation lol, like I once told beiberboy those who bald early are like naruto, those who had good hair a while are like Sasuke. Is it worse to never have known a family or to have known a family and lost it? Worse to never have really have had hair or to have had hair a good while and lost it? Probably equal with different mental problems
Also does that mean it is worse to go bald at 70 than at 35?

Isaac Newton

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You aren't supposed to be thinking about hair when you're a kid so no, but I guess you would if you start balding early but I didn't know what that was like
You're stumbling all over yourself trying to justify this. Again do you really REALLY think someone who is balds at 35 has it as bad as someone who balds at 18?!?!?!?!