For me, living with hair loss is a day to day struggle. Oftentimes, I just scrap, claw, and fight to make it through the day. I get emotional more easily, I've become more needy, and my anxiety has skyrocketed. Working out does help my moods though. I really do believe that exercise does release endorphins that make you feel better. When I am in the gym, I do indeed feel better, and since I rarely get complimented on my looks anymore, at least getting complimented on muscles helps to sustain me. My previous gym was about 20 minutes away from my apartment and closed all the time. I recently joined a gym that is like 3 minutes away and has the most flexible hours, so it makes it harder for me to cheat and skip a workout. And when I get depressed (which is often), cheating is the easiest thing to do. Unfortunately though, the "high" from working out is temporary (since I am not in the gym all day), especially when I get constant reminders in day-to-day life of how much better my life would be if I wasn't suffering from hair loss.