How do you stop the bad thoughts?


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So i've got an internship in IT which pays and in two years I'm getting my bachelors degree if I make it that far. I spend 9 hours at the computer and I can't think straight, baldness is just taking over my mind all the time. Sometimes my mind just gets lost in that dark part of my mind for an hour straight. Its taking a toll on my productiveness significantly.
Thoughts about my past, how good I couldve styled that hair with my combover skills of today, about how good and respectable I could look at this age with a full head of hair. Thoughts about my hair getting comboverier and comboverier everyday till it won't work. Thoughts about the perfect version of myself - dead.
Thoughts if I will make it through university with some hair to make a combover with.
Thoughts about if only I would've been the guy and what if I hadnt been the guy who loses hair at all.... About that difference between those who are comfortable in their skin and those who hate their own bodies.
Just thoughts about the genetic lottery, they are with me 85% of the time. Anyone else ever felt like this? How do you stop thisss? Even a little?

Pm me sometime.


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To stop bad thoughts u need to get on treatments that yield results or shave your head. Basically, you need to do something about your baldness since it bothers you this much and not just sit there.

If you can't take traditional AAs like finasteride, get on experimental treatments like CB or seti.


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If you can't tolerate any treatments whatsoever and your hair is so bad you have to combover then maybe it is in your interests to just shave it bro, and I don't mean that as a joke this time, if you can't do anything about it then watching it steadily get worse is only gonna depress and distract you even more.


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Living behind a comb over wull do that to you.

Its better to embrace and work with what you got in the long run then to hide behind a make shift hairline. It wI'll only get worse, constantly fixing and making sure it is presentable. Avoiding events and activities even relationship to the safety of your insecurity.

Even wearing a hair piece is more liberating then the constant agony that's involved with a daily comb over.

Hat prisoners and comb over artists are the absolute worst. It messed me up for a very long time


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IT is a damn cool career to start with. No suits like in law and no fingerwork like in medicine. Just analytical and structural thinking. Medicine and law can get paid better but that is because of the value they can create or restore. Most IT makes things work more efficient but it is hard to see the results the next day. The value is not so well seen.


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A lot of incels in IT, no need to worry about being a stud to impress women that are non-existent.


My Regimen
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1) You have your sh*t together. You are well spoken, educated and have a good career. THESE are actually the traits that will get you far with women in the LONG run. Hair is important as hell, don't get me wrong, but start to realize the strength that is within you.

2) Please, please don't feel like your life is over because of this. If you feel like hair is that important to your physical being, then yes, losing it is logically of great importance. We are all going through this, that is why we are on here. You are not alone. Balding is something that MOST men experience at one point or another. It is indeed a cruel twisted joke played on us by some higher God. haha

3) Post some pics. You don't have to reveal your face. Perhaps we can guide you into a reasonable direction. Have you considered medication? Finasteride? Minoxidil? Sometimes losing a battle is much more glorious knowing that you fought.

4) As a last resort, there are hair transplants or hair systems. I know I am telling you things you already know, but with any struggle in life, you need some reassurance.

Post some pictures and we can better assist you. This is a horrible, horrible struggle for us all. Use this forum as a brotherhood of people that have been through hell and back and are trying to find some God D*amn resolve, like yourself. One day, things will be better my friend. This experience, in all honesty, will make you stronger. People don't realize that, but who cares is they do? Balding as a young man or woman is one of the hardest things a person can go through, in terms of society. If you can persevere through this, you can through anything - fact.


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He's a NW2 :roll:


My Regimen
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it's not a competition.


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IT is a damn cool career to start with. No suits like in law and no fingerwork like in medicine. Just analytical and structural thinking. Medicine and law can get paid better but that is because of the value they can create or restore. Most IT makes things work more efficient but it is hard to see the results the next day. The value is not so well seen.

Seconded, IT is a great career choice.


My Regimen
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Of course it is. You must be new here. Norwood 5+ or gtfo. Nothing you ever endure can match the turmoil of being completely bald.. Or, that's what they tell me, at least.

lol... try being disfigured by a hair transplant and having a hair line that looks like poorly spaced weeds growing in every direction and knowing it was because you were stupid and made ONE f*cking, 4.5 hour mistake... the ultimate point is, different people have completely different experiences and deal with them in completely different ways. One dude with a NW3 might feel 1,000 times worst on the inside about it, then the next with a NW7. and don't tell me, shut the f*ck up and deal with it, or any of that. We are here to support each other, because despite our hairlines, we all share one thing in common - suffering.


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lol... try being disfigured by a hair transplant and having a hair line that looks like poorly spaced weeds growing in every direction and knowing it was because you were stupid and made ONE f*cking, 4.5 hour mistake... the ultimate point is, different people have completely different experiences and deal with them in completely different ways. One dude with a NW3 might feel 1,000 times worst on the inside about it, then the next with a NW7. and don't tell me, shut the f*ck up and deal with it, or any of that. We are here to support each other, because despite our hairlines, we all share one thing in common - suffering.
You can argue relativity all you want, which I totally agree with, and the Norwood king hyenas on this site will still disregard your point and take a chunk outta you.


My Regimen
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You can argue relativity all you want, which I totally agree with, and the Norwood king hyenas on this site will still disregard your point and take a chunk outta you.

I get that, but they can't just say, "what norwood are you" to understand their true physical insecurities. Try saying this.

-what norwood are you
- how tall are you
- how attractive are you
- how much money do you make
- how big is your penis
- how insecure are you in general
- describe your childhood and how you were parented
- describe every relationship you've been in, in complete detail
- What body type are you

You think that all these aren't related to the impact losing hair has on an individual??? You are a NW3 as a 5'6" completely ugly dude with a small dick and no job, with parents that constantly put you down and women who repeatedly cheated on you... you are going to PRAY you are a 6'2" good looking bald dude. straight up. THIS is the simple reason I like to find out more about a person before I look at some photo and say, "f*ck off NW2, you don't know what suffering is"...

Argue with this... go on... there is NO argument that can refute this.


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My Regimen
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baldness makes life a struggle for me.

Yeah man, that NW1.5 must be hell to live with.

....oh god, I've become one of them.

But seriously. You should seek counselling or talk to someone about this if a few cm's of receded temple have got you in such a dark place.


Established Member
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I get that, but they can't just say, "what norwood are you" to understand their true physical insecurities. Try saying this.

-what norwood are you
- how tall are you
- how attractive are you
- how much money do you make
- how big is your penis
- how insecure are you in general
- describe your childhood and how you were parented
- describe every relationship you've been in, in complete detail
- What body type are you

You think that all these aren't related to the impact losing hair has on an individual??? You are a NW3 as a 5'6" completely ugly dude with a small dick and no job, with parents that constantly put you down and women who repeatedly cheated on you... you are going to PRAY you are a 6'2" good looking bald dude. straight up. THIS is the simple reason I like to find out more about a person before I look at some photo and say, "f*ck off NW2, you don't know what suffering is"...

Argue with this... go on... there is NO argument that can refute this.

I do think that, but you're still gonna get "If you aren't bald, you don't know ****.", regardless of how little sense it makes. Just prepare yourself. This site is just a baldness dick measuring contest.


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I'ld be a hypocrite to suggest to you not to worry about it.
That would be wrong for a couple reasons.
One of the worse parts of early hair loss is knowing that left untreated,
your recession isn't going to stop at just a few cm's. Sorry to minimize
your loss to make a point..

If you're worrying about it now (understandable),
then sadly the odds are that this pall of unease will follow you indefinitely.
Like trace amounts of arsenic, it can kill your self esteem overtime.
As Dench suggests, discussing it with someone can be therapeutic I think
when the "take away" produces a clearer image of strategic resolution.
In the meantime try and free up your worry some by honing in on the things you enjoy and best define you.

Just remember like your hair loss, hair loss woes too have a tendency to worsen the longer you put off intervention.
Whichever recourse you choose; aggressive med. intervention or you are resigned to finally accepting it,
the #1 importance is to be honest about it and resume what you're doing by constructively
continuing to turn this negative exp. around and to your greatest moral advantage.
Good luck.


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