How to be considered HOT when bald....


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First off, I dont have to read the whole thread to know that it is the same tired premise regurged by yet another aesthetic lover who fawns over chisled male model pictures. Just another full head who hangs their own self worth on factors beyond their control like bone size, shape and having perfect symmetry... asserting that all bald guys need to work out and problem solved, oh that and have facial bone structure of a male model that anyone can achieve with the right mindset huh?

Yeah, you definitely didn't read the thread, lol. Get the fuck outta here.


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I wouldn't suggest antidepressants to anyone after my experience. It turned out I had mild bipolar disorder exacerbated by my hair loss.

And what happens when you give an SSRI (Lexapro) to someone who suffers of bipolar disorder. This:

You enter into a manic state, which is what happened to me. People who were here in 2011 can recall my manic behavior.

Hell I even posted some videos of me singing in underwear. A few months later when I came off the drug, I was like "What the f-ck happened?! What did I do?!"

Of course the reaction of my psychiatrist was: "Oops, you were bipolar, my bad!". I got the same reaction when I got boobs from psychiatric medication "Sorry, sh*t happens!"

How can anyone trust psychiatry when I see what it did to me? My girlfriend told me her uncle just committed suicide.

He went to a psychiatrist who said he couldn't do anything for him right now and he had to come back in a month.

A few days later, his kids found him dead in the basement. Good job psychiatry.

Seriously, being a mental health professional must be the coolest job ever, provided you're not too sensitive to seeing people dying.

You don't even have to prevent your patients from killing themselves.

You don't need to have any results at all in your job and you'll still get other suckers who will come to you so you can shove pills down their throats.

I get your Fred but you need to be aware of these sides when getting on anything, EVEN finasteride!

Everything that could reap possible rewards has risks, its life's gambles. Your hair transplant had risks, maybe not life threatening unless you possible contracted staph in your head and DIED lol.

There are MILLIONS of people who use anti-drugs daily perfectly fine but then you get 3 who go off the deep end and its all of a sudden an epidemic.

And to your thoughts on psychiatrists.... I AGREE. They're a sham. No different than sitting there talking to your dog with a prescription pad. But some of the problem lies (perfect word) with the patient as well. None of us are 100% honest and love to exaggerate our issues. So sometimes its impossible to make a diagnosis because you dont know the whole story, just what the Doctor is getting from a lunatic.
I decided to self diagnose and try meds. I got them from my primary physician who I REALLY trusted, who made me come in EVERY 3 months or I didnt get a refill.

You cant whole heartedly suggest any drugs to someone, which is why I suggest he "look into some lexapro". If you are frustrated with someone you say "go get on meds" but seriously this guy needs to evaluate his life and "look into" pharmaceutical assistance.

Maybe one drug wont work but another might and sometimes it takes a couple to find the one that works. My insurance wouldnt pay for lexapro at one point YEARS ago and made me try Zoloft. It was awful and honestly made me irratic and angry (could have been psyco-sematic as well) but I didnt like it. I fought to get my lexapro covered again.

Tell you what to, some of these drugs have AWESOME sexual sides as well wink wink nudge nudge lol


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I wouldn't suggest antidepressants to anyone after my experience. It turned out I had mild bipolar disorder exacerbated by my hair loss.

And what happens when you give an SSRI (Lexapro) to someone who suffers of bipolar disorder. This:

You enter into a manic state, which is what happened to me. People who were here in 2011 can recall my manic behavior.

Hell I even posted some videos of me singing in underwear. A few months later when I came off the drug, I was like "What the f-ck happened?! What did I do?!"

Of course the reaction of my psychiatrist was: "Oops, you were bipolar, my bad!". I got the same reaction when I got boobs from psychiatric medication "Sorry, sh*t happens!"

How can anyone trust psychiatry when I see what it did to me? My girlfriend told me her uncle just committed suicide.

He went to a psychiatrist who said he couldn't do anything for him right now and he had to come back in a month.

A few days later, his kids found him dead in the basement. Good job psychiatry.

Seriously, being a mental health professional must be the coolest job ever, provided you're not too sensitive to seeing people dying.

You don't even have to prevent your patients from killing themselves.

You don't need to have any results at all in your job and you'll still get other suckers who will come to you so you can shove pills down their throats.

I back you up 100% there, Fred. I've been on many anti depressants as well and none have worked, just given me side effects. The worst was when the therapist gave me medication for schizophrenia when in reality I was depressed over hair loss. Luckily I was smart enough to throw those pills in the trash. When you are a part of the mental health system (as a patient) you are thrown around like a ball, and they throw diagnoses at you that doesn't fit. Not to mention all the medication they want you on. I feel sorry for those who are not as smart as me and don't see it like it is, and just pop those pills because they are told to. I recently read an article about a 20 year old girl that was on over 25 psychiatric medications a day and then committed suicide as soon as she was let out the mental hospital. It makes me very angry how people are treated and that they believe pills are the answer to everything. Yeah sure, if you are given the right diagnose and the right medication for it pills can be a short term solution, but so many people are misdiagnosed and treated with the wrong medication.

BTW, Fred, I surely wish I was around back when you posted those singing in underwear vids! LMFAO!


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Joining the "therapy did nothing for me" crowd. I sympathize completely with the experiences of Fred and Evillocks.

Medication and therapy are a must for those whose brains are fundamentally out of balance (i.e. paranoid schizophrenics or clinically depressed patients). For a borderline case like me, treatment just amounted to suppressing a natural reaction to the state of being an unloved failure. The advice the therapists gave to my parents was frighteningly irresponsible: I have described in other threads my complete disillusionment with positive thinking and the disastrous results it brought about in my life.

The correct response, which took me way too long to figure out, was simply to go out and work my *** off and stop being an unloved failure. As I have resolved the issues in my life (work, love, weight) the depression has mostly disappeared.

They've since shut their mouths, but at the peak of my misfortune my family was advocating heavily for meds. When I told them I wanted to turn my life around several of them told me outright that they believed I would fail and that my only hope was to start psychiatric treatment. It is still a major source of discord between us and why I'm not close with my family anymore.

I don't want to generalize my own experiences too much, but I have a hunch that a lot of people are like me; the best course of action for them is not to treat their depression with meds, but to work actively to resolve the issues that are causing them to be depressed. Going through treatment is a demeaning experience, and much of the science that underlies it is frighteningly soft (unreplicable studies abound in psychology). For most people I honestly think it does more harm than good.

You know why therapy doesnt work for hair loss? It's because it's not us with the problem. It's society that views us as the problem. We're not the ones that need fixing.


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First shoot me up with a double dose of primo grade NW1. Then we can discuss how that "fixes me" or not -).

Agustin Araujo

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Nothing will compensate for lost hair. The only thing that will compensate for lost hair, is hair!

So much for anti-depressant medications when the problem isn't coming from some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain. For so many mental health professionals there are, and can tell from my experience that the vast majority of them are utterly useless. Coming on here has truly been one great therapy I've had. Common people like you and I helping each other on here has helped one another more than what some mental health professional with a PhD who doesn't even know how to do their profession well could ever do.

Thank you.


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Yeah you can't own hair loss because you can't own something that you don't have which is hair. Sure you can shave it all off, get a tan, get tattoos and go the gym and then suffer even more discrimination.


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Thanks bruh bruh! But im pretty sure ill go back into the red zone, I disagree with lots of people here.
Lol hopefully not, you're a good dude. IMO, negs should only be reserved for trolls and those who put others down, not for just simple disagreement. You are neither (some may argue that you are a troll though). Even though they are only some red squares on the internet, I've never negged anyone in rep-based forums before. Life's too short to neg I say!


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Going severely bald in my late teens and early twenties was absolutely horrifying and yes, I think only guys like Exodus or Captain have a clue of what it's like here.

It may have been even worse for them because I had a good head shape, good height and no disproportionate facial features.

Even pretending that you can relate to what we went through would be quite arrogant. You cannot imagine the pain we had to go through.

Just like I cannot imagine how it would be like if I was stuck in a wheelchair. You have to live it. And some of you never will.

You never will in the sense that, as I see it, you made it. Most of you got out of college with little to no hair loss. I started balding severely when I was still in highschool.

So I think a lot of you here should be infinitely thankful for that at least. You had the chance to develop a strong personality while living a normal youth.

Exodus and I didn't have that chance. And let's not forget that your balding will be way less aggressive and way slower.

With the solutions we have today, you're already saved. While I will be chasing my tail for a while until I don't have any graft left to cover my huge NW6 area.
Fred, you are forgetting that there could be another disfiguring disease or condition that can affect a teenager that may "scar" him in his youth. Not only that but it could follow them into their adulthood as well and never subside. Its called really bad acne. Yes it might be temporary to extent but its not so easy to cover up like putting a hat on. Its not like you want to wear a veil to school. Make-up or concealers might be an option but just like a wig, an option that might not be best for a male.

You have never really suffered from bad acne so you don't know what its like but I can tell you from experience there were days that I got ridiculed plenty by total strangers and there was an instance when at work someone did not want me to wait on them because they thought I had some sort of disease that was contagious. I can go on and on about my experiences but its not going to change the fact that I was "scarred from it all" through out many years of my life. I think my obsession with my skin began around that time. When I saw perfect skin on men, it made me just as sick as it may make a high Norwood feel when he sees a low Norwood. I know by now some of you are saying why are telling us this? This is not an acne forum. I am very well aware of that but it is a support forum too. And I am not saying hair loss and acne are equivalent but they still can devastate someone's youth in similar ways. So I never was able to develop a strong personality and was very insecure during my teens and youth. So I can somewhat understand what it like to go thru ridicule as teen for some horrible disfiguring condition that a hat is not going to cover up. And I know acne is more common with teens than hair loss. As mentioned before they are not the same thing but they both can cause misery and depression for a young teen. Honestly most of teens I was around had perfect skin so I was the odd ball. Even my brother did not had the same problem. Accutane was not an option as it was not available or it was very risky with the liver.

As far as hair loss, I think I was receding in my early twenties but I never noticed it because my whole focus was always on my complexion and my skinny legs and body. Hair was the last place I could be bothered with. I never had great hair even as a young kid like some of the people that post on here but I never gave it any real attention since I had so many other problems.

And I do have hair loss. I have been tested and I do have the gene for those who think I came on this forum for the fun of it. It has been confirmed by may doctors as well. As my skin got better later in life and I still get acne by the way, I started to focus on other things about myself and hair was the next on my list. That is why I joined this forum and the rest is history. So if anyone thinks I don't belong here then let me know because I will be happy to remove myself if my presence is ruining your stay here.

As far as me not relating to a bald teen. That is not true. My dad starting losing his hair at 16 and lost most of it in his 20's. He said it never affected him as I have related stories on here to him. He never went thru anything like I read on here. As far as when I was growing up with him he never had comments made about his balding by anyone. I know his decade is different from today so that is why you experience all this nonsense today.

Again, I not saying acne and balding are the same but they both can affect a persons the same regardless. I am sure there times where I would rather be losing my hair and wear a hat then have to endure acne where there is no way to hide it. If I got one bad zit, my whole day would be ruined. I was a loner because of it. I never wanted to leave the bedroom and I slept every day with the hopes I would never wake up. Sound familiar?

So I can understand to an extent what Exodus is going thru as well as people like you Fred. However, like I have said numerous times, I have the most respect for you Fred because at such a young age you were able to conquer so many obstacles and become a truly great person. You may be bitter but I can see a heart of gold behind all that bitterness. And you candidness and frankness is a big plus. I never had the maturity level you had at your age. It took me decades to become the person I am today. I only hang around this forum so people don't have to make some of the same mistakes I made.

I can promise you I was very messed up from my teens and youth and it transferred into my later adult life in a negative way. I never did drugs or drank my sorrows away. Just slept it off most of the time. At least, you don't have to do that now as you did something about it. And I can promise you, I would have done the exact same thing as you and got a hair transplant if I would have been in your shoes. Fred, as I said before, you remind me of my younger self, of course you got perfect skin so I hate your for that:). However, you are much more emotionally advanced and socially advanced than I ever was at that age. So that is why people need to understand you are really a good person who sometimes is not great with delivery because of all that bitterness. Once you let it go, like I have learned to do, you will get much better respect and reception. Fred, I would be proud if you were my kid. Your parents are very lucky to have such a son who has conquered so many obstacles at a young age.


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Doctor I'm going to have to leave if you keep this up. -)

uncomfortable man

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Your position on this forum was never in dispute since you are a well respected and liked member of the community. What bothers me though is how you can admit that people have openly ridiculed you and how much abuse you recieved at the hand of strangers, yet deny my testimony based on the fact that you have not whitnessed anyone being ridiculed for hairloss and of course your fathers experience. I've never seen anyone openly mocked or treated poorly because of acne.... does that mean it never happens? Of course not, I'm sure it happens all the time as we know there are plenty of jerks out there. So why cant you wrap your head around the fact that bald guys are getting **** on out there?


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UM, maybe you and I just live in a "parallel" universe like in Fringe. :) Just kidding. I have never denied the fact that people don't get mocked for being bald as I know that it happens so don't think that I don't acknowledge it. Maybe I have said I don't experience it first hand but I know it happens. However, some of YOUR incidences seem so "unbelievable" and I mean that both figuratively and literally. However, I don't think you imagined them or made them up. I do really believe they happened but your perspective may have been totally different of why it really did happen. I have said this before in previous posts that due to you being tall and good looking you give this presence of authority and confidence and people are jealous of you. And all they can think of is to make fun of your bald head as its the only thing they feel might bring you down and it does. I think Fred might have been targeted in the same way. It would for me too if someone called me "pizza" face like my brother did all the time.

Of course, after watching that video with that bald guy showing how baldness is portrayed in the media as evil, I won't deny that one either. That is very true indeed. And I will not deny the fact that everyone in this world is going to and will always in the future be mocked by whatever trait stands out as different or not the norm for their age. And hopefully some day, baldness can be cured so its one less thing to worry about.

So my point is just so you understand my position is I do acknowledge that balding men or bald men are and will always be mocked by society. And I can wrap around my head it did happen to you but what I will never understand is why a person as smart as yourself wants to wallow in self pity and bitterness when you have both a wife and a child that loves you unconditionally. However, you are entitled to live your life whatever way you chose and that I do understand. I honestly don't think Fred is going down the same bitter path as you. I hope not for his sake. You have so much more to offer yet you don't want to because of your past and present. All you seem to want is the company of misery and again if that is what you want then I respect your wishes. Society is definitely a "hellish" place. I will not deny that either. However, once you let go and don't let society dictate who you really are and be yourself, you will feel so much better knowing that the majority of those past events happened because most people are extremely jealous of you. And those people who mocked you are mostly likely miserable and live very miserable lives. I have seen your photos and I would be jealous of you too. People use "mocking"as a tool to gain power over you. It will never work if you don't acknowledge the "mocking" in the first place. In all those instances, if you acknowledged the fact that those who mocked you were just "scum" of society and were jealous, you would feel so much better knowing just how powerful you were and still are. You are smart enough to pick up on stuff like this but I think all your bitterness clouds your judgement. However, still you are a great person regardless so don't think I have lost respect for you as I know you are doing the best you can in this "hell" we live in.
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This is all well known advice - of course to be good looking and bald you need certain features, but they're genetic... I see many men without suitable heads for baldness. What do they do?

For many men hair loss is life over, at least their old life. Now they are lepers, like short men or ugly men, they have to try just to get what is easy for everyone else. Respect. Love. Admiration. Even jobs are harder, and sometimes impossible - I never see bald bar workers or retail workers (sometimes but very rare). Everyone wants young, good looking people. Male youth maters


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Another example.

Being bald does NOT affect his looks negatively, and he can easily **** LEGIT hotties in their prime easily.

Why? Exceptional facial aesthetics + skull shape.
