Since we said there's no medical literature that indicates we cant antagonize duta/fina with aromatase inhibitors, and even of we manage to do that, it would affect insulin resistance with consequences on the endothelial layer and so it would still lead to erect disf, imho we should stop pushing T and estrogen with sistemic dht blockers and start topic at dosage proved to be both safe and effective (0,005% finasteride, butilenic glicole/water/ alcohol), using minoxidil in separate lotion and different timing, then start supplement pincolinate zinc, magnesium and vitamin D3, but most of all or should focus on intermittent fasting in order to get the GnRH-induced LH response
and on insulin resistance: there are several studies that indicate IR as the common cause behind sides effects that some of us have experienced, if you dont take care of it, no matter how much you manage to raise your T and control estrogen, you will continue to suffer the side effects of this hormonal displacement.
Because when we raised estrogen of this famous 15% we also affected insulin resistance. When insulin spikes, this lead to lower levels of SHBG, that binds excess estrogen and testo in the blood. If SHBG Is low, insulin increase testosterone, which is converted into even more estrogen.
We should supplement Inositol IP6 (vitamin B8)in order to be effective on insulin resistance and so balance estrogen(which are useful and necessary btw), along with IF, diet, zinc ,magnesium and vitamin D3