You don't have any baseline values, do you? It doesn't matter if prolactin is still in range, if it's twice as high as it's supposed to be - in your case! Prolactin doesn't do anything good - as far as I know, but it may reduce your libido significantly, increase your refraction period, and make it hard to sustain an erection. Forget about other supplements than zinc.epro said:Enden said:Yes, all medications are available without prescriptions. You don't need a doctor to prescribe anything. Of course, you can't buy them at your local pharmacy without a prescription, but there are other sources.epro said:unavailable?
Ok, but my prolactin is in range so why i should lower it? I though about some supplements like yohimbe or tribulus for libido.
When you have an orgasm, sex is the last thing on your mind - for a while, no? That's because prolactin is secreted...