How to deal with side effects from Propecia


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epro said:
Enden said:
epro said:
Yes, all medications are available without prescriptions. You don't need a doctor to prescribe anything. Of course, you can't buy them at your local pharmacy without a prescription, but there are other sources.

Ok, but my prolactin is in range so why i should lower it? I though about some supplements like yohimbe or tribulus for libido.
You don't have any baseline values, do you? It doesn't matter if prolactin is still in range, if it's twice as high as it's supposed to be - in your case! Prolactin doesn't do anything good - as far as I know, but it may reduce your libido significantly, increase your refraction period, and make it hard to sustain an erection. Forget about other supplements than zinc.

When you have an orgasm, sex is the last thing on your mind - for a while, no? That's because prolactin is secreted...


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Yeah, honestly it may be a better alternative... But TRT is complicated. At least make sure you get Telogen Effluvium/C in 10 ml vials, and learn to administer weekly doses yourself, or I promise you that you're going to regret it. Nowadays they use TU (Nebido). What happens is that you get a shot every 3 months, and your testosterone level drops from high range (in some cases your T level will go beyond after an injection) to low range within that period. It drops off gradually within 6 weeks, and your testosterone level will be low for the remaining 6 weeks. You don't get another shot before it's below the normal range, if you let them treat you this way.

However, I suggest you experiment a bit more with Arimidex for now.


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Ok, but my prolactin is in range so why i should lower it? I though about some supplements like yohimbe or tribulus for libido.[/quote]
You don't have any baseline values, do you? It doesn't matter if prolactin is still in range, if it's twice as high as it's supposed to be - in your case! Prolactin doesn't do anything good - as far as I know, but it may reduce your libido significantly, increase your refraction period, and make it hard to sustain an erection. Forget about other supplements than zinc.

When you have an orgasm, sex is the last thing on your mind - for a while, no? That's because prolactin is secreted...[/quote]

Is ejaculate volume connected with prolactin, and what about sport, what kind of exercises are the best for me, i mean: boxing (raises adrenaline), sprints (raises growth hormone), weight lifting (raises testosterone).


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The ejaculate volume has nothing to do with prolactin, but DHT affects this - because it stimulates the prostate.


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Does it matter what type of zinc one takes? I've been taking 30-45mg (2-3 15mg tablets per day) zinc citrate for a short while, but I've not experienced any changes. Just ordered zinc gluconate 50mg. I want my libido back.

Been off finasteride for about 3 1/2 months by the way. If zinc restores me back to normal, will I need to continue take it or can I get off it and live happily ever after?


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The type of zinc matters. If I remember correctly, 150 mg zinc gluconate equals 50 mg zinc picolinate - the latter is a lot more effective. I'm not sure about citrate, but nothing beats picolinate, as far as I know.

Most likely, you'll maintain when you come off treatment, but you may need a second round. Take it once a day, before bed, and adjust treatment according to morning erections. It's very important that you quit treatment immediately, when you get a solid morning erection.


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Enden said:
The type of zinc matters. If I remember correctly, 150 mg zinc gluconate equals 50 mg zinc picolinate - the latter is a lot more effective. I'm not sure about citrate, but nothing beats picolinate, as far as I know.

Most likely, you'll maintain when you come off treatment, but you may need a second round. Take it once a day, before bed, and adjust treatment according to morning erections. It's very important that you quit treatment immediately, when you get a solid morning erection.

Thanks for your help Enden. I've upped the dosage of zinc to 90-105mg zinc citrate lately, and in the last few days I've been feeling much better and more normal. Not quite all the way there yet, but getting closer to 100%.

I'd never have started taking zinc if it wasn't for this thread, so thank you. Feeling very relieved right now, I was afraid I'd permanently damaged myself for a while there. Fingers crossed that it doesn't reverse.


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I'm glad you're feeling better. Using zinc as an aromatase inhibitor is Dr. Shippen's idea.


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Hello, I am new to this forum. I was on propecia when from 17-18, about 16 months. I noticed my morning erections disappeared and loss of interest in girls , and because of that I quit the drug. This was 3-4 years ago, I am 22 now. I tested myself in august 2011, and it showed that I now have total testosterone levels outside the normal range. I have however regained some morning erections and libido since quitting propecia.

I have joined this forum because i want to resolve the issues, not whine on

My tests:

P-SHBG 17 nmol/L range 10-80

P-Tesosteron 7.3 nmol/L range 8.0-30

P-Lutropin (LH) 5.1 IE/L range 1.7-8.6

P-Progesteron 3.1 nmol/L range 0.7-4.3

P-Testo/SHBG kvot 0.43 range 0.3-1.1

I am currently trying supplements, Tribulus, ZMA and Zinc Picolinate. I'm gonna add D3 vitamin to my supplements also.

Im also thinking about an nolvadex PCT treatment, 20mg for 2 months. You guys have any comments or ideas? Then please tell me :)


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You don't need to go over and whine on propeciahelp. There are a number of men that have tried Nolvadex on there that could help you out.

A restart using clomid and nolvadex isn't a bad idea. Buy from unitedpharmacies.

Here are two forums that will be very useful for you if you get more blood tests: ... hings-Male

I can't understand why you have came to a hair loss forum for advice on endocrinology - your choice i guess.


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Joe-1991 said:
You don't need to go over and whine on propeciahelp. There are a number of men that have tried Nolvadex on there that could help you out.

A restart using clomid and nolvadex isn't a bad idea. Buy from unitedpharmacies.

Here are two forums that will be very useful for you if you get more blood tests: ... hings-Male

I can't understand why you have came to a hair loss forum for advice on endocrinology - your choice i guess.

Thank you for your reply.

I came to this forum, or this thread, because I wanted to talk with other people that have experienced the sides from propecia. I am Swedish, and in Sweden the endocrinologists don't event know what nolvadex or clomid is. The only treatment in Sweden for low testosterone is testosterone replacement therapy.

I was hoping for tips from people that have recovered from the propecia sides.


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I am suffering with worsening side effects for 17 months since quitting the drug. Seriously, just do yourself a favor and register to propeciahelp or post up your blood results on the bodybuilding forums i suggestes. There are plenty of men on propeciahelp that have used Nolvadex, which has not helped them. In fact, it is something what most long term members have tried.

Hormone therapy for men is generally sh*t everywhere, unless you do your own research and find the right doctor. I am surprised you can't get more help in Sweden:

The first propecia side effects video was filmed there and they were the first country to start warnings about propecia.

"In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety investigation of finasteride and subsequently advised that the use of finasteride may result in irreversible sexual dysfunction. The Agency's updated safety information lists difficulty in obtaining an erection that persists indefinitely, even after the discontinuation of finasteride, as a possible side effect of the drug"


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There are also ongoing lawsuits which you may be able to find information on via propeciahelp? did you get your finasteride from a doctor?


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I must say this is some scary sh*t in this thread. I'm confused now. Does taking zinc work now or not with sexual sides? I kinda got lost in the thread. And at the beginning it says that that AIs don't work?

This is a nice starter for endocrinology in this thread unfortunately I'm not trained in this field. It just scares me to think that I may end up having to experiment with all these drugs to get my dick back while at the same time losing my hair because I quit Propecia.


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You are ON the drug right? apparently Zinc will help to maintain healthy levels of testosterone, yes. It is also a weak anti estrogen.

Unfortunately, 'playing with drugs' is no way out once finasteride fucks you over. Many of the guys on propeciahelp are seeing some of the best endocrinologists in the world, looking into every avenue and generally the worst affected are not getting better. There are a couple of guys who have spent probably over $40,000 and one who i dread to even imagine. A bunch of guys just went over to Greece, paid a doctor $9,000 to give them Prostatitis treatment for a month - and no improvements.

You can take all the supplements you like on the drug but i honestly don't think they will stop the damage that finasteride can do, if your body can't handle it. I was taking fish oil, zinc and iron when i crashed. I am sure you will be fine though, not everyone gets side effects. Somehow i have wound up in a very small subset of men with persistent problems.

By the way, if you are looking into buying supplements - buy the right ones. Iherb is probably the best place to get them. I take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, zinc picolinate, spirulina, magnesium citrate as staple supplements. They haven't done anything to fight the horrible persistant side effects of finasteride though. I just have great skin and decent energy.

It doesn't take a long time to learn some basics when it comes to supplements and nutrition. Do some googling and bookmark your favorite/ most informative sources.


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Joe-1991 said:
You are ON the drug right? apparently Zinc will help to maintain healthy levels of testosterone, yes. It is also a weak anti estrogen.

Unfortunately, 'playing with drugs' is no way out once finasteride fucks you over. Many of the guys on propeciahelp are seeing some of the best endocrinologists in the world, looking into every avenue and generally the worst affected are not getting better.

You can take all the supplements you like on the drug but i honestly don't think they will stop the damage that finasteride can do, if your body can't handle it. I was taking fish oil, zinc and iron when i crashed. I am sure you will be fine though, not everyone gets side effects.

By the way, if you are looking into buying supplements - buy the right ones. Iherb is probably the best place to get them. I take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, zinc picolinate, spirulina, magnesium citrate as staple supplements. They haven't done anything to fight the horrible persistant side effects of finasteride though. I just have great skin and decent energy.

I'm not on the drug, I quit over 3 years ago. First year after quiting, the only sides I had were loss of morning erections, and lowered sexual drive. I felt fine otherwise. One year later, I developed prostatitis. Due to my young age, I asked my parents about the possible side effects I had from propecia, and they said it was probably nothing, my doctor said the same. So, I was treated for prostatitis, and did not make the connection between propecia and prostatitis. I have had prostatitis for a year now.

In august this year I visited my urologist for prostatit and got a muscle relaxant that have helped me alot, its called Paraflex. I also asked him to check my hormones, and the levels is extremely low as stated in my other post.

What should i do from here?

Sorry for my english :)

I should add, that i had a testosterone treatment in puberty to stop my height.


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I was talking to 'Willnotletithappen'.

Wow, you have been diagnosed with prostatitis? you really, really need to register on Propeciahelp and read this thread: ... start=1460

As i just mentioned. Prostatitis has gathered a lot of hype on the boards recently and over 12 men flew over to greece for $10,000 treatment for prostatitis. Prostatitis, is no f*****g joke - i am very scared my problems are caused by it. I have no idea as to how Propecia has induced prostatitis but it seems a lot of post finastride sufferers have it.

Why the hell are you trying to treat hormones when you have been diagnosed with prostatitis? it could make things a lot worse. Prostatitis can wreak havoc with the endocrine system.

Don't worry about your English, it's fine. You will not get the help you need on this forum and there are certainly no definite answers for you anywhere - period. I suggest you do your research and make sure your doctor has the best intentions for your treatment of prostatitis.


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Joe-1991 said:
I was talking to 'Willnotletithappen'.

Wow, you have been diagnosed with prostatitis? you really, really need to register on Propeciahelp and read this thread:

http://www.propeciahelp/forum/viewtopic ... start=1460

As i just mentioned. Prostatitis has gathered a lot of hype on the boards recently and over 12 men flew over to greece for $10,000 treatment for prostatitis. Prostatitis, is no f****ing joke - i am very scared my problems are caused by it. I have no idea as to how Propecia has induced prostatitis but it seems a lot of post finastride sufferers have it.

Why the hell are you trying to treat hormones when you have been diagnosed with prostatitis? it could make things a lot worse. Prostatitis can wreak havoc with the endocrine system.

Don't worry about your English, it's fine. You will not get the help you need on this forum and there are certainly no definite answers for you anywhere - period. I suggest you do your research and make sure your doctor has the best intentions for your treatment of prostatitis.

But my testosterone is like an 85 year old man? A normal guy in my age has at least 18-30 testosterone levels, mine is 7.3! Shouldnt i try to treat that? I thought that low testosterone could be whats causing prostatitis?


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Consult your doctor about that. You can try to treat the testosterone but if you have an underlying issue like prostatitis the chances are that testosterone will come straight back down in time.

Of course, i cannot be sure of that - i am not a doctor and you certainly shouldn't be looking for treatment advice on a hair loss forum when you are dealing with chronic prostatitis. The fact is - nobody with any illness gets better until they treat the root cause. If your prostatitis is wreaking havoc with your endocrine system then you can throw all the hormones that you want into it, but it will only provide temporary relief and may well worsen your condition.


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Consult your doctor about that. You can try to treat the testosterone but if you have an underlying issue like prostatitis the chances are that testosterone will come straight back down in time.

Of course, i cannot be sure of that - i am not a doctor and you certainly shouldn't be looking for treatment advice on a hair loss forum when you are dealing with chronic prostatitis. The fact is - nobody with any illness gets better until they treat the root cause. If your prostatitis is wreaking havoc with your endocrine system then you can throw all the hormones that you want into it, but it will only provide temporary relief and may well worsen your condition.

I cannot offer you anymore advice. Prostatitis can be a very complicated issue and urology does not have any good answers for it, unless it is just acute. I am in a very bad way myself from using finasteride and am constantly investigating what has happened to me via doctors and keeping up with activity on propeciahelp.