As another example, I have balding genetics. However no one has ever seen me as obviously balding and I will die with a full head of thick hair at this point.
So which is more important? The fact that I have balding genetics? Or the fact that I will never actually go bald?
Environmental factors play a big role. For example adenoid overgrowth from allergies and not being corrected as a kid is one of the leading causes of needing jaw surgery later in life.
Daro is an environmental factor that is actively regrowing hair for me despite balding genetics.
It's easy for you to talk about "loving yourself as you are" because you've never actually been significantly limited or treated poorly in your life due to your looks. If you spent a life of it, you'd realize there's nothing fundamentally precious about your "natural" self and anything that reduces suffering and poor treatment in life will seem worth trying.
One of the most serious environmental factors that inhibit aesthetics is the deformity of bone structure - rickets
It mostly affects legs, and the bigger part of the cases are refugees with darker skin living north.
This is directly correlated to Calcium (Ca2+) turnover in the human body and UBV light making cholestorol into vitD3.
The endocrine organ of thyroidea glandula is also in the mix with it's calsetonine, but plays a (relatively) small part.
So we know that too little sunlight (VERY relative - this is the point) causes inhibition of testosterone (jaw, sperm
production, potency, red blood cells etc etc), affects iron and calcium turnover, thyroid hormones, growth hormone
negative feedback...
Well in general tgis single very important factor tell us, you should live where your ancestry comes from. The situation
in the world today isn't exacty very permeable for a major part of the people to manage this.
Just my opinion,
Scary thing about it is - it's very little studied, and we're going to be witness to a lot more of it as a consequence
of heavy duty refugee wave coming in (wars, climate change).
In general, in medicine, still very little is known about just how much our genetic makeup is flexible and suitable
for heavy changes in it's living environment.