I Am Absolutely, Monstrously Ugly And It’s Ruining My Life


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This weekend I witnessed a girl stare at my brother and continue staring at him (and even smile at him) when he saw her. How the f*** am I supposed to go on knowing that’s never, ever going to happen to me for reasons totally out of my control?

This question is essentially what this entire forum boils down to. A life is a long thing to go through when you spend it alone.

I was once in your brother's position with girls sustaining eye contact and smiling at me. But I struggled with autism and narcisissm (a combination which makes you a real social butterfly) so the interest was usually extinguished within ten seconds of a conversation beginning, if I made it that far.

My personality evened out over the years, and at the same time I was transformed into a monster by hair loss. Life began to open one avenue toward companionship, then closed it in the most definitive way. Mid 20s is too early for this isn't it?