I am in a private Hairloss Discord group and I know a few of the users there have been using Zix, I don't believe they've seen any regrowth but they sure do like to talk about it a lot.
it Wasn't really a thing when i was researching into hairloss, after looking into an abundance of studies and finding a cheap and effective regime I went off hairloss research massively. I still occasionally check back to see what is happening but I don't actually know much about Zix. Based off of Reddit it seems it's a mix of Zinc and Vitamin B6? I was struggling to find the actual product but I did come across a website that supports Zix, the studies it used to support itself were all over the place. A couple of the links were broken despite not linking to an external website and one was just an outright story.
I did find a Twitter account for the supposed Zix creator,
In which case if it's the creator, based on his ability to articulate I'm just going to say he seems like an idiot. (image attached)
Honestly it all just seems like Broscience, especially with zero studies and little documentation. That's not to say it won't work, it's just that personally I wouldn't put my faith into it. It's hard finding actual documentation on it or what's even in it. But things like Zinc have been shown to have drastic results for certain types of alopecia but not so much Androgenetic Alopecia.