The crunching is actually most likely to be fluid from edema which is swelling but it does sound like you're doing it right, I feel it's sort of hard to describe the massages perfectly over words. I'd probably need to make a video to really explain it but then I'd need to figure out a way to censor my face and a site to host it haha, I don't particularly want to create an alt Youtube for a single video upload. This is the closest thing that I could ever find that describes how I do it.
I do it a lot faster and more forcefully though and I also periodically run my nails across my scalp to help release dandruff followed by rubbing and combing my hair with my fingers to release it along with any hairs that had fallen out whilst massaging. I tend to cycle between these 3 techniques throughout my massage, as far as I'm aware I'm the only one who does this and you're the first person I've mentioned it to haha, I wouldn't call it a necessary step but it's just something I add in.