I Castrated Myself To Halt Baldness

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Lmao, at least if you would use this to transform it into something funny but i'm 99% that you are serious on what you say !

Stop the tranny regimes and get the f*** out of the house and live your life !
I can't, ive asked out 34 girls in real life and 2 girls online and they have all rejected me
ive never kissed a girl
ive never hugged a girl
ive never held hands
ive never had intercourse
ive never had intimacy with the opposite sex
all the girls ive asked out have either called me ugly or brown


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I can't, ive asked out 34 girls in real life and 2 girls online and they have all rejected me
ive never kissed a girl
ive never hugged a girl
ive never held hands
ive never had intercourse
ive never had intimacy with the opposite sex
all the girls ive asked out have either called me ugly or brown
you're only 17


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I can't, ive asked out 34 girls in real life and 2 girls online and they have all rejected me
ive never kissed a girl
ive never hugged a girl
ive never held hands
ive never had intercourse
ive never had intimacy with the opposite sex
all the girls ive asked out have either called me ugly or brown
So, when you paid that girl, nothing happened? Or actually the whole event never happened?


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So, when you paid that girl, nothing happened? Or actually the whole event never happened?
well I mean like I said for the 4th time, prosti*tion doesnt count

its not like guys are paying their girlfriends for sex. Only ugly guys like me have to pay.


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So in fact it's the hair's fault. In half of the men it's weak to certain degree - some lose part some lose all - and in other half it's not. Most of you/us here wouldn't even have a clue about DHT if not for losing hair. Hormones and more so a balanced hormonal profile, are crucial and and whenthey are working in sync. Like anything, if they don't work properly they become a burden.

It’s the hormones fault, it also leads to other androgenic issues such as acne and oily skin. I’m not sure what your point is, because testosterone is poison particularly for those who do suffer with androgen dependant issues.

lol. nice assumption, but don't flatter yourself. I'm not offended by your opinion whatsoever. I only posted in this thread at first assuming this guy wasn't a trans, but turns out he is so that obviously changes things. Then every post after my first were replies to people addressing me. ( am I not allowed to do that?), including that silly reply you gave me containing some weird version of the word testosterone.

". All of those features you mentioned are automatically dismissed if you’re balding"
How does that check out? that makes zero sense whatsoever. dismissed in what way? by whom? by you? as I said, at one point I was of a similar mindset. I thought what's the point in ANYTHING if I'm going bald. I grew up though. apparently, you never did.

oh and there's literally a user here saying testosterone is flat out poison. Not even circumstantially. just flat out poison. so uhh. yeah. that's why I was chiming in also.

AND for the record. this post is in the 'success' section of a mainstream hair loss forum. You can't blame me, a 'normie', to stumble across it and give me 2 cents. If the post was more aptly titled "I'm a trans and I castrated myself to stop baldness" I wouldn't have even read the thread in the first place.

Beauty has standards; don’t take it personal. And, I don’t need a lecture from you, I find my decision great.

You are acting as if he was aware that he was transgender back then. It appears to be something discovered lately, rather than previously. He said he was transgender one message before you responded to me, I’m surprised you didn’t notice. In fact, the person who responded said ‘no, I don't have a problem. That explains everything. For people who are not trans - they would never do such a thing, but for trans it seems almost logical, since low, feminine, round hairline is extremely important in regards to passing. NW2 won't fly with MtF, you would instantly get clocked. But skull dimensions are important as well. Anyway, it makes sense you did that and good luck in your journey’ just before you commented.


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well I mean like I said for the 4th time, prosti*tion doesnt count

its not like guys are paying their girlfriends for sex. Only ugly guys like me have to pay.

Of course prostitution counts, you still had sex, maybe bad sex maybe demeaning but you are not a virgin.


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you are not inside our minds and cannot possibly know that people are just justifying instead of being legitimately bettor off and happier as they claim.

I don't garden or even own a TV. and there's still nothing wrong with enjoying those things, better than being dead or living for decades while bald.

you are literally doing the same

of course, you can't know or predict anything to certainty.. but I believe there's a higher chance to living longer and better on female hormones than otherwise

maybe for you, but one persons bullshit reasons are legitimate for another because we have different priorities and preferences.

They probably wouldn't be happy whether they did or didn't.. There's also many others whose lives we improve with our ideologies and information. So what is the lesser of 2 evils?
and we are not forcing anyone to do anything. I've been honest and warned multiple times about the effects of hormones to give others an accurate idea of what to expect if they so choose.

our hair follicles produce both 5ar and aromatase locally, when testosterone reaches the scalp it might get turned into DHT or estrogen and can hurt or help. In order to have an accurate study we would need to inhibit both enzymes..

besides testosterone literally has affinity to the androgen receptor, the difference between it and DHT is that its weaker

Omfg, as i said, it's clear that you are stuck and there is no point in this discussion... And i asked you for scientific evidence of TEST causing hair loss, not your anecdotal based on nothing opinion .... "IT MIGHT" LOL...Ok, go and tell the scientific community what a "discovery" you made...
And keep thinking that others also spend 24/7 on hair loss forums, but in reality, it's just you, the incels and the other trannies and your post history proves that !
Regarding the other things we can sit here and argue until we puke cos nothing is gonna change anyways, and even if i know that most of you are just "attention w****s" that crave for it, somehow i still ended up in debating sh*t with some of you...
Your facts and opinions are based on sh*t, especially the scientific ones that most of you claim like they were and are proved, but as i said, you can believe what the f*** you want anyways, that does not mean it's true also...


My Regimen
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I can't, ive asked out 34 girls in real life and 2 girls online and they have all rejected me
ive never kissed a girl
ive never hugged a girl
ive never held hands
ive never had intercourse
ive never had intimacy with the opposite sex
all the girls ive asked out have either called me ugly or brown

Mate, your only 17, get the f*** out of the house and enjoy life, stop spending so much time on the internet and especially on this forum.. Drop the tranny sh*t regime and keep your health intact and do sports, you have no male pattern baldness anyways.. Start reading and learn something new move on with your life and do something with it... And stop worshiping incel mentality and stop taking sh*t studies for granted that have no base in them and have nothing to do with reality... As soon as you change your mind and mentality things will start to change also around you, and people will treat you differently according to your attitude and mentality...
It's normal to be confused at your age, we all were i think but don't do sh*t know that you will regret 10 times after because you won't be able to bring this time back and you will hit your head on the wall later every f*****g day for every f*****g stupid thing and wasted time ...
And stop it with the BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT i'm black, but i have a small pewee but i am short but BUT BUT BUT excuses... Do the f*** the best of you and what you can with what you got and move the f*** on.. Stop wasting your life in trying to change things that can't be changed and try to transform them into opportunities!
I could learn something from this also...


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This is not a success story . This is insanity. Where men are converting themselves into woman . For few strands of hairs on top of their head . It is disturbing. Not just one but many members did this . Stay away for hairloss success story and go to transgender stories. lol. Anyone who is looking for hair loss prevention drug or treatment should take propecia and minoxidil and dermaroll . If nothing works go for a hair transplant. And if that doesn't work just shave it. This thread and many threads like this are really disturbing.


My Regimen
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This is not a success story . This is insanity. Where men are converting themselves into woman . For few strands of hairs on top of their head . It is disturbing. Not just one but many members did this . Stay away for hairloss success story and go to transgender stories. lol. Anyone who is looking for hair loss prevention drug or treatment should take propecia and minoxidil and dermaroll . If nothing works go for a hair transplant. And if that doesn't work just shave it. This thread and many threads like this are really disturbing.

Very true !


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I can't, ive asked out 34 girls in real life and 2 girls online and they have all rejected me
ive never kissed a girl
ive never hugged a girl
ive never held hands
ive never had intercourse
ive never had intimacy with the opposite sex
all the girls ive asked out have either called me ugly or brown
If girls is what you want, you are in the wrong thread my friend.


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I try not to pass judgement as everyone has different priorities but for the general male population I would agree that what has gone on in this thread is crazy.

Especially making decisions like this in teenage years or early twenties as medically the brain hasn’t fully matured at that point which means irreversible decisions can be made which will have consequences later on.

Also need to point out that some individuals here give the impression that once they have great hair they will be the most beautiful creatures to ever live. Not saying that’s impossible, but more than likely other people will just see them as regular individuals who have good hair, and that will be it, not knowing the extreme sacrifices individuals here have made for that hair.

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My Regimen
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I try not to pass judgement as everyone has different priorities but for the general male population I would agree that what has gone on in this thread is crazy.

Especially making decisions like this in teenage years or early twenties as medically the brain hasn’t fully matured at that point which means irreversible decisions can be made which will have consequences later on.

Also need to point out that some individuals here give the impression that once they have great hair they will be the most beautiful creatures to ever live. Not saying that’s impossible, but more than likely other people will just see them as regular individuals who have good hair, and that will be it, not knowing the extreme sacrifices individuals here have made for that hair.


Most of us are old enough to make decisions for ourselves (besides @DHTcel, but he's the same person who would purchase enzalutamide if he could find a reasonable source). Once users are old enough to make decisions for themselves, which is the age of eighteen, they should be able to do what they want with their body.

This is not a success story . This is insanity. Where men are converting themselves into woman . For few strands of hairs on top of their head . It is disturbing. Not just one but many members did this . Stay away for hairloss success story and go to transgender stories. lol. Anyone who is looking for hair loss prevention drug or treatment should take propecia and minoxidil and dermaroll . If nothing works go for a hair transplant. And if that doesn't work just shave it. This thread and many threads like this are really disturbing.

Alright, but your words aren't going to stop us from using these medications so continue hating.


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Most of us are old enough to make decisions for ourselves (besides @DHTcel, but he's the same person who would purchase enzalutamide if he could find a reasonable source). Once users are old enough to make decisions for themselves, which is the age of eighteen, they should be able to do what they want with their body.

Alright, but your words aren't going to stop us from using these medications so continue hating.
Where do you see the hating? Not everyone that is disturbed by this self-mutilation is a hater.
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My Regimen
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Where do you see the hating? Not everyone that is disturbed by this self-mutilation is a hater.

I did not call you a hater, so I'm not sure why you're concerned. Nonetheless, Goodwill is a hater and continues to call us 'transgender'. Although, it's hilarious because it shows how he lacks knowledge with such basic information; you need to suffer with gender dysphoria to be classed as transgender when using these medications. Most of us don't suffer with gender dysphoria, unless hair loss is a point of dysphoria, in which it's not, otherwise those who use finasteride must have gender dysphoria too. And, I'm not sure what people are gaining by commenting on what has already been done. I am much more interested in his hair regrowth and transition, and that's what others should be interested in.


My Regimen
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well I mean like I said for the 4th time, prosti*tion doesnt count

its not like guys are paying their girlfriends for sex. Only ugly guys like me have to pay.

Change your hair up. Make it more wild. Shave your face. Work out for a month straight, build up a regimen, keep it up. Change your clothes. Straighten your posture.

In a year, if results are still as bad, then maybe it's a lost cause. But often, it's just as simple as changing a few things. Keep yourself neat, tidy, and ripped. Don't even think about attracting women for a while: be you. Succeed or at least be competent. Then it all falls like dominoes.


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You guys talk about test show important it is. If you want to get laid with women then yes, of course, women will always want high T guys and despite low T men. I even read they can taste testosterone via saliva. Low T also affects bone health and if you don't have proper hormonal profile you can develop osteoporosis and have less energy and all that, BUT that is important for heterosexual MEN. OP is a MtF transgender person, which means he wants to be a woman, right? In that case, these traits are not that important, especially the drive, fighting ability, macho attitude and sex appeal to women and ability to lift heavy weights. In OP's case he probably did the right thing considering his circumstances. Bald men are accepted, but bald women are not. Nothing more disgusting then obvious balding men who decide to transition in mid-age and end up looking like crossdressed freaks. If OP wants to pass for a female he HAS to have feminine, even "weak" facial features and perfect NW0 hairline. So he did the right thing IMO.
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