recovering from male pattern baldness is awesome and fascinating especially at the beginning, but we still have to acknowledge the dark side of HRT and altering your healthy hormones, depression, fatigue, suicidality and social rejections is huge among trans people. personally, iam not happier all the sudden because i have a full head of hair, so to anyone who has BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) please get treatment before altering your hormones permanently, and consider the long term side effects of HRT. BDD is a b**ch, once your hair is recovered it will pick on something else like body weight, nose shape, etc.. it wont really end and happiness is not guaranteed in the long run.maybe being bald and having healthy hormones , building a family and having energy to go the gym is better than obsessing over follicles idk so please consider you reasons behind all this and get treatment if you have BDD or a mental disorder