You are right, I am aware that my perspective of life will change probably at mid age that is why I banked my sperms prior to the surgery and for gyno there is always the surgery
What did I lose by going this road
-fertility---I banked sperm
-gyno----there is surgery that is permanent and quite cheap it is actually cheaper than a Hair transplant
-Erection-----unaffected, I still can maintain an erection in fact I know guys who have normal testosterone level but can't get an errction due to diabetes or obesity. it's s all about blood circulation and healthy bmi
-muscles loss-----who needs big muscles nowadays, we are all sitting in our desks and women dnt like bulky guys anyway
-beard----the same, a little patchy but that is fine, most men clean shave anyway
-libido----is reduced which is an advantage at least for me and many others(I went from masurbating 2 time a day to 2 times a month) yea! I am not a libidious pervert anymore
-memory and cognitive fuction----estradiol will take care of that
+Less body hair, clean skin, less shaving time, less body odor, calmness are all side bonuses
What did I lose???