I Completely Understand The Idea Behind Eugenics Now..


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In GENETICS,their is one Hardy Weinberg law,

The HardyWeinberg law, states that allele and genotype frequencies in a population will remain constant from generation to generation in the absence of other evolutionary influences or mutations.

And the exact point of eugenics and genetic engineering is to induce these evolutionary influences externally, and on purpose.


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FredTheBelgian should be sterilised. Not is he only severely bald but he is quite crazy as well.


he is tall, well-build from nature (bones), has a good face

the only problem is balding but he is aware of it so will check kid's head every f*cking day and will ring a bell as soon as there will be any recession (and start to injecting finasteride intravenously)

honestly I refuse to believe that in 20 years old people will be still have same "tools" to beat the baldness...

there will be more advanced ways to fix it


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Not havings kids because your balding.... Deary me

And you wonder why women wont go near you

Normally I'd disagree with you, but seeing as a cure is likely to be here by the time our potential children grow up, I'm going to say: don't let it stop you. (I still don't want them for other reasons)


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Not havings kids because your balding.... Deary me

And you wonder why women wont go near you

If balding is the only flaw like Zinadine Zidane has... So it worth it.

If you are short (or f*cked up face or another flaws) & bald just do not reproduce, sorry.


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Thats stupid. I knows guys 6ft plus and their dads are tiny. Some people on here are dead inside


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Thats stupid. I knows guys 6ft plus and their dads are tiny. Some people on here are dead inside

I know them too, but chances are lower.

Chance not to get balding is low.

Chance grow taller than father is low as well.

Just sum up this.


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Baldness has made me incredibly depressed and completely ruined my youth, I decided long ago I will never have kids no matter what happens.


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I honestly don't want to have kids either and knowingly pass a defective gene onto a child. Especially if you have a son. Even if you have a daughter she still will carry the gene and if she has a son he will get fucked over too.

It's a never ending cycle.

I'm 5ft 8, a little below average height.
I live in Canada and the average male height here is 5ft9.

If you are extraordinarily short below 5ft6 you are fucked with or without hair.


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I don't understand people who argue against genetic engineering.

They talk about genetic engineering having moral and ethical qualms and being a bad thing for the human race, and it's usually the people who don't have any issue with theirs.

We are 100% certain going to be engineering people against severe debilitating genetic diseases, as well as genes that carry a high risk of developing things like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and such. Not doing so would be a disservice to humanity if we can utilize the technology to make people's lives better.

Well I ask, why stop there? If we will be able to do those things, we might as well stop anyone from being short, bald, ugly, smalldicked. Why would those things get a free pass? It doesn't make any sense.

Well, because ideas like these are bat-sh*t fuckin crazy. People with small dicks and hairline recession can live extraordinary and happy lives. Hung NW1s can turn out to be miserable. Childbirth is a crapshoot. Purposely remaining abstinent for fear of passing on Androgenetic Alopecia means you might NOT create a wonderful human being who makes the next big astronomical discovery or an instrumental contribution to cancer research. Or you might have created someone as handsome as Tom Cruise who would have ruined his life with drugs and gang violence. That's why eugenics is bullshit. Works on paper but on practice it's definitely unethical.


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@CopeForLife But it's nice to see that Fred has his legions of shiny white knights to defend his insanity. One day you will take over HairLossTalk.com and write to UN for baldness to get the same imprtance as cancer. Which is a good thing.

lol at this

I just wrote that baldness itself is ok if you do not have other flaws and made fred and zidane as examples

not sure how white knights are related to this


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Well, because ideas like these are bat-sh*t fuckin crazy. People with small dicks and hairline recession can live extraordinary and happy lives. Hung NW1s can turn out to be miserable. Childbirth is a crapshoot. Purposely remaining abstinent for fear of passing on Androgenetic Alopecia means you might NOT create a wonderful human being who makes the next big astronomical discovery or an instrumental contribution to cancer research. Or you might have created someone as handsome as Tom Cruise who would have ruined his life with drugs and gang violence. That's why eugenics is bullshit. Works on paper but on practice it's definitely unethical.

I'm not talking about being abstinent. I'm talking about genetically engineering your future child to avoid all these potential things that could ruin his life or make him miserable.

Your argument in that context is nonexistent. You're basically saying "I want to obstruct technological progress that could be used to improve the living standards of all human beings because people with severe deformities and handicaps can still live happy lives."

If you knew your child was about to be born as a Down's syndrome sufferer, and you had the opportunity to genetically modify it to be normal, you're telling me you wouldn't do it? Similarly if a child was about to be born blind, deaf, or with any other disease that could significantly alter his life. Sure he could be "happy" because he wouldn't know any better from the day he was born, but would you consciously put him through that knowing you could have SAVED him from this suffering by using technology?

My point thus is that once we have the capability to do this, we will also have the capability to correct for any other potential "minor" deficits like being born predisposed to baldness, or to being short. Or are you going to tell me the above is ethical, but correcting for "cosmetic" problems isn't? :rolleyes:


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Gene Modification,well do u know about Zica virus,it is said that it was created in 1947 with making genetically modified mosquito by Rockfellar Foundation,i have not taken deep jump in this topic but Genetic modification is evil as f***.

Read about ZIca.


and post from american mouth piece..

Not so dangerous thread.
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Gene Modification,well do u know about Zica virus,it is said that it was created in 1947 with making genetically modified mosquito by Rockfellar Foundation,i have not taken deep jump in this topic but Genetic modification is evil as f***.

Read about ZIca.


and post from american mouth piece..

Not so dangerous thread.

It is also said that HIV was genetically created in a lab by the CIA in the late 80's to wipe out parts of the overpopulated african population and to wipe out gay people.


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I think lots of fullheads or lower Norwood's will think how this section is BS. Yet people who are truly bald will be singing a different tune. People who have never been bald will not think twice about having children that could possibly be bald. But I guarantee that truly bald men will think completely differently, because their lives probably have been adversely affected by baldness. As I always stress on here, the difference between an NW2 and an NW6 is like the difference between night and day.

Of course I do not advocate sterilizing bald men. That would be crazy. But I do really think that people should think long and hard before they have children, and the possible genetic defects that they could pass down to them. Today, people have children like it's the simplest thing in the world. Many women just have an obsessive desire to have children and even stop taking their birth control pills so they can get pregnant, while the guy just goes with the flow because he want to keep the hot woman that he is with. I know, because I believe this happened to several people I know personally. Having a child is not just some simple thing. It should require long, hard thought, and that does include what kinds of genetic defects a person can pass on to their offspring. And baldness is not just some cosmetic thing that most men simply "get over" and accept. It is a life-altering, appearance-altering defect that, I believe, negatively affects the vast majority of people who suffer from it. Especially the ones go bald at a young age. I will not put a child through what I am going through right now. I refuse to do it. Most people's presence on this forum (especially the virtual fullheads) is evidence that they do think baldness negatively affects a person's life.

Buckthorn, that is really commendable if you're seriously going to a adopt a child. It does feel great when you can positively impact a child's life and make a child feel better about themselves. When I was powerlifting at my old gym, I used to always have this insecure, yet very nice kid give me spots on bench. I knew that I could do the weight, but I asked him to spot me because I knew it would make him feel better about himself. I actually used to referee a few high school arm wrestling tournaments and me and my buddy are possibly thinking of getting involved in volunteer coaching youth football.


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I think that if there ever was some sort of "breeding criteria" implemented it shouldn't be concerned too much with physical traits. How many world changing scientists, politicians, engineers, etc have you seen that have looked like brad pitt? I have met a LOT of awkward looking people, with genetics deemed to be "undesirable" by society that somehow, someway are still happy. I don't understand how they do it, but they manage. They are happier than 90% of the better looking people on this forum. The orthopedic surgeon that basically saved my knee because he was a genius? 5'4", odd looking and yet a complete bad *** that I hope has children.

Different weaknesses in this world create different strengths. This world would be no where without unusual genetic complementation. imo at least.

That being said, I totally agree with 90% of your post. If you are a dead beat pos - they should chop off your f*cking balls or cut out your ovaries. If you are a convicted serial rapist? they should torture you, then cut off your balls, then bury you with no casket deep below the frost line. ;)

Heres what I say to people with that response. Its selfish.
1) The last part of my post was opinion based on what you had to deal with and what you might put on your kids. Its all up to them to weight the options. But even then its almost like a "I have no friends so lets have a family and make our own". I never said that physically impaired people should not be allowed to have kids but should just weight the options."
2) secondly its selfish because you are saying let generations of bullying and torture happen to multiple people because ONE "may" be able to fix something I am going through that sucks.

In my eyes the options of having a good looking person be a geneticist/biologist that cures something as opposed to an ugly person is equal and all a game of odds. You MAY see more ugly people in a lab because the good looking ones do something else where their looks can be used to make even more money. Working smarter not harder usually. But again thats a "may" as none of us are in a lab and can really verify there are any more uglier people there than working in some business building, or a burger king.
You are preaching fear that if there were only good looking people that NONE of them would be scientists because they would all be consumed with working out and grooming. Thats kind of a biased attitude. In reality if there were only good looking people its pretty much assumed enough of them would still go into feilds like medicine and science or engineering. I will leave out your politician example because most politicians are sociopaths who probably got that way from being bullied growing up anyway.
Either way no one is saying the world should be all 10s. What Im saying is less is more in the aspect of humans. We are all quantity and no quality.

Think about whether you should have a kid. As a society we should not be rewarding people who have multiple kids with the assumption society will pay for them. Sorry you get help for one, for a limited time then get offered a vasectomy or your tubes tied. If you agree we can continue to assist you but if you decline you are saying "I accept all risks from here on out".
I feel this way about abortion as well (I am SUPER pro choice). You have people who scream pro choice but then NEVER use the choice. To me if this option exists and you choose to support it then you have to be ready to prove it when the time comes. I dont want to hear about how you feel about other people.... I want YOU to prove it. If you are preggers and cant support a child then step up to the plate. If you choose not to then again you eat the risks financially.
I also think ANY woman who is pro choice, and refuses to get an abortion should NOT be allowed to take a man to court for support. That is if the man is also pro choice and willing to sign a waiver saying he agrees to an abortion.
If the woman is willing to keep the child but he doesnt want to then its her risk. Sorry but 99% of these idiots are all talk and no action.


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I don't understand people who argue against genetic engineering.

They talk about genetic engineering having moral and ethical qualms and being a bad thing for the human race, and it's usually the people who don't have any issue with theirs.

We are 100% certain going to be engineering people against severe debilitating genetic diseases, as well as genes that carry a high risk of developing things like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and such. Not doing so would be a disservice to humanity if we can utilize the technology to make people's lives better.

Well I ask, why stop there? If we will be able to do those things, we might as well stop anyone from being short, bald, ugly, smalldicked. Why would those things get a free pass? It doesn't make any sense.

I will love when this is available and you will still get those hippie parents who want their child to be "natural". Then in 16 years the kids becomes an angry serial bomber because his parent left him a troll when he could have been an Adonis.


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Everyone can support a child financially, at least in Europe. My female best friend and her boyfriend have never worked a day in their lives, yet they have two kids. They live off welfare.

So when anyone mentions the financial aspect of having children, I just can't take that argument seriously.

Everyone wants children, it's a biological imperative. People who repress it will never be truly happy, just like people who don't get sex regularly. Arguing otherwise is coping.

Yes live off welfare... WHY didnt I think of that..... OH WAIT I DID....

Did you read anything I wrote or just wait your turn to type Fred?
My entire post was about fighting welfare slobs gaming the system for people who actually work.
And there are LOTS of people who just dont want kids and arent "fighting" it. Thats honestly the dumbest thing Ive heard today. My brother just broke up with his girlfriend because of the "kid" subject. Not EVERYONE wants kids.
Whats going to happen now with all these refugees flooding everywhere? These people have 10 kids. GREAT, 10 more mouths for everyone else to feed so HOPEFULLY one cures baldness......
Anyone want to come to the corner market with me? Im going to piss my life savings on scratch offs.


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Everyone can support a child financially, at least in Europe. My female best friend and her boyfriend have never worked a day in their lives, yet they have two kids. They live off welfare.

So when anyone mentions the financial aspect of having children, I just can't take that argument seriously.

Everyone wants children, it's a biological imperative. People who repress it will never be truly happy, just like people who don't get sex regularly. Arguing otherwise is coping.

I've spent enough time on child-free forums to know that there definitely ARE people who are not cut out to be parents, or simply don't WANT children, and they'd tear you a new one for even suggesting that they should have children.

While the majority of people may feel this biological imperative there are also those who don't. Besides, are you doing what nature wants or whatever you want to do with your life? Nature also wants you (and everyone here) to go bald. Should we do that?

There is more than one way to live a life, Fred. I normally agree with you but here you're just going off the deep end.


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Heres what I say to people with that response. Its selfish.
1) The last part of my post was opinion based on what you had to deal with and what you might put on your kids. Its all up to them to weight the options. But even then its almost like a "I have no friends so lets have a family and make our own". I never said that physically impaired people should not be allowed to have kids but should just weight the options."
2) secondly its selfish because you are saying let generations of bullying and torture happen to multiple people because ONE "may" be able to fix something I am going through that sucks.

I understand my friend and I MOSTLY agree. But, for myself, it's just hard to determine where the line is drawn. I may be a NW1 and have kids with a woman who carries the recessive Androgenetic Alopecia genes and not even know it. I could breed with a gorgeous woman and have a kid with aspergers, or another condition for which they are bullied. I have a really slow metabolism myself, there is no guarantee my child won't inherit it.

It's not necessarily selfish. If you have money, a completely healthy body and will be a loving, giving, responsible parent the kid will have the potential for an amazing, prosperous life despite certain genetic "flaws". I would definitely have children with the right woman, despite my Androgenetic Alopecia. You raise a kid properly and are involved in their schooling, then bullying can be avoided or drastically reduced. I will love him / her and play to their strengths.

Being unattractive is a hellish part of life, I am not denying that. But I have seen sooooo many 9/10 NW1s that may have easy lives in a societal respect, but had such messed up families that they are living in a different kind of hell. Some of them don't even know it because people have blown smoke up their *** all the time, but they are mentally f*cked and when they lose their looks in their late 30's, they are in for living a nightmare.

I simply think there are way too many variables to even have this discussion.