I think that if there ever was some sort of "breeding criteria" implemented it shouldn't be concerned too much with physical traits. How many world changing scientists, politicians, engineers, etc have you seen that have looked like brad pitt? I have met a LOT of awkward looking people, with genetics deemed to be "undesirable" by society that somehow, someway are still happy. I don't understand how they do it, but they manage. They are happier than 90% of the better looking people on this forum. The orthopedic surgeon that basically saved my knee because he was a genius? 5'4", odd looking and yet a complete bad *** that I hope has children.
Different weaknesses in this world create different strengths. This world would be no where without unusual genetic complementation. imo at least.
That being said, I totally agree with 90% of your post. If you are a dead beat pos - they should chop off your f*cking balls or cut out your ovaries. If you are a convicted serial rapist? they should torture you, then cut off your balls, then bury you with no casket deep below the frost line.