I found a 100% genuine women thought on bald men


My Regimen
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Yeah, I know, I saw that. Still though, why would he take Propecia for 10 years if he didn't think hair was that important to a person's appearance? Unless he had some drastic change of opinion.

It should not be so perplexing that someone can be balding yet try to maintain an objective outlook on things. Imagine, for example, that we deleted all of the posts on this forum except for someone like hellouser's. Imagine a man who has just discovered he's losing his hair, Googled hairloss support, and come to this SUPPORT forum, only to be greeted with a bunch of pessimism, ugliness, and bile about what he can expect for the rest of his life. That every woman he's ever going to meet from that point onward is going to find him disgusting. Would you find that personally helpful to you? When someone says something like it's "game over" once a man is bald, do you think that's beneficial in anyway to someone coming here seeking some support? It doesn't seem particularly helpful to me and I think as a community, we can do better.

As for me, I'm not one of those guys who says "shave it" at the loss of a single hair. I believe you should fight the good fight, using the Big 3 or whatever else is at your disposal. I've recommended it in several threads and there's been no drastic change of opinion here. I know hairloss is a traumatic experience and want people to feel good about themselves. Once that hairloss fight is over though and the battle is lost, I certainly don't think it's game over. To put things in perspective, I'm 5'7". If you want to know a handicap with the ladies, I can tell you right now from firsthand experience, there is no greater handicap than being short. Most women, both from studies and from firsthand experience, will not date a guy shorter than they are, so imagine how diluted the dating pool can get when you're 5'7". That being said, I've been this way my entire adult life. I haven't had a choice but to accept it. I guess I could find shortguytalk.com and spend all day posting about what a miserable SOB I am, but I don't feel like that's a worthwhile venture. I'd rather make better use of my time. Does accepting my condition of being short mean I wouldn't take a pill to make me taller if it existed though? Heck no. I would absolutely take that pill.

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.


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It should not be so perplexing that someone can be balding yet try to maintain an objective outlook on things. Imagine, for example, that we deleted all of the posts on this forum except for someone like hellouser's. Imagine a man who has just discovered he's losing his hair, Googled hairloss support, and come to this SUPPORT forum, only to be greeted with a bunch of pessimism, ugliness, and bile about what he can expect for the rest of his life. That every woman he's ever going to meet from that point onward is going to find him disgusting. Would you find that personally helpful to you? When someone says something like it's "game over" once a man is bald, do you think that's beneficial in anyway to someone coming here seeking some support? It doesn't seem particularly helpful to me and I think as a community, we can do better.

As for me, I'm not one of those guys who says "shave it" at the loss of a single hair. I believe you should fight the good fight, using the Big 3 or whatever else is at your disposal. I've recommended it in several threads and there's been no drastic change of opinion here. I know hairloss is a traumatic experience and want people to feel good about themselves. Once that hairloss fight is over though and the battle is lost, I certainly don't think it's game over. To put things in perspective, I'm 5'7". If you want to know a handicap with the ladies, I can tell you right now from firsthand experience, there is no greater handicap than being short. Most women, both from studies and from firsthand experience, will not date a guy shorter than they are, so imagine how diluted the dating pool can get when you're 5'7". That being said, I've been this way my entire adult life. I haven't had a choice but to accept it. I guess I could find shortguytalk.com and spend all day posting about what a miserable SOB I am, but I don't feel like that's a worthwhile venture. I'd rather make better use of my time. Does accepting my condition of being short mean I wouldn't take a pill to make me taller if it existed though? Heck no. I would absolutely take that pill.

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Honestly, you sound intelligent and well-intentioned with your post, but as I can see by your join date, you are also relatively new to this forum. Once you become more experienced on here, you will probably see that there are 2 camps that inhabit this forum: 1. The people who are Norwood 2.5 or less (and are not close to being bald at all), who preach acceptance and say that hair loss is not all that bad after all. Primarily because they have never been even close to being bald themselves. and 2. The people who have experienced the devastating effects of true baldness and are singing a completely different tune because they know from experience. I know that you mean well, but it's easy to preach the Serenity Prayer when you have most of your hair (NW2 or less) and you have your hair loss relatively under control. But I guarantee you that you would probably be singing a different tune if you were a complete NW6 horseshoe bald. I know a female bartender who loves that Serenity Prayer and actually has it tattooed on her lower back. But I'd bet my tits that if this lady was going bald and had no way to curtail it, that she would not simply accept it and move on with her life. When I was an NW2, I was thinking the same thing that you are: that if I ever lost my hair, I would just shave it off, grow a goatee, and become a bad-***. When I was an NW2, hair loss forums were the furthest thing from my mind. But experiencing it firsthand and saying what you would do if you experienced it are two different things. I know because I've experienced both.

I try to preach positivity sometimes as I have one friend who, when he was going bald completely shaved his head and moved on with his life. I commend him for that because although I may not be able to abide by it, he practiced what he preached. But from most cases I've seen, most balding men are not like him. I have a friend who bought a wig when he noticed the slightest sign of baldness and I have several friends who are hiding underneath wigs and hats as I am writing this. As a matter of fact, since Propecia causes me terrible side effects, I've invited several friends of mine to shave their heads with me (because some of them said they would as a sign of solidarity and support). But when push came to shove, all of them backed out, except for a guy who was 53 years old. They wouldn't even shave their head for a single day!!!! Even knowing that their hair would grow in after a week or two. That was really my wake up call, an indication not to take advice from people who live by their words and not by their actions, especially when it comes to hair loss. I know you probably do mean well man, but until a person experiences true hair loss for themselves, they will never understand the devastating effects of it. I know from first hand experience.


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Honestly, you sound intelligent and well-intentioned with your post, but as I can see by your join date, you are also relatively new to this forum. Once you become more experienced on here, you will probably see that there are 2 camps that inhabit this forum: 1. The people who are Norwood 2.5 or less (and are not close to being bald at all), who preach acceptance and say that hair loss is not all that bad after all. Primarily because they have never been even close to being bald themselves. and 2. The people who have experienced the devastating effects of true baldness and are singing a completely different tune because they know from experience. I know that you mean well, but it's easy to preach the Serenity Prayer when you have most of your hair (NW2 or less) and you have your hair loss relatively under control. But I guarantee you that you would probably be singing a different tune if you were a complete NW6 horseshoe bald. I know a female bartender who loves that Serenity Prayer and actually has it tattooed on her lower back. But I'd bet my tits that if this lady was going bald and had no way to curtail it, that she would not simply accept it and move on with her life. When I was an NW2, I was thinking the same thing that you are: that if I ever lost my hair, I would just shave it off, grow a goatee, and become a bad-***. When I was an NW2, hair loss forums were the furthest thing from my mind. But experiencing it firsthand and saying what you would do if you experienced it are two different things. I know because I've experienced both.

I try to preach positivity sometimes as I have one friend who, when he was going bald completely shaved his head and moved on with his life. I commend him for that because although I may not be able to abide by it, he practiced what he preached. But from most cases I've seen, most balding men are not like him. I have a friend who bought a wig when he noticed the slightest sign of baldness and I have several friends who are hiding underneath wigs and hats as I am writing this. As a matter of fact, since Propecia causes me terrible side effects, I've invited several friends of mine to shave their heads with me (because some of them said they would as a sign of solidarity and support). But when push came to shove, all of them backed out, except for a guy who was 53 years old. They wouldn't even shave their head for a single day!!!! Even knowing that their hair would grow in after a week or two. That was really my wake up call, an indication not to take advice from people who live by their words and not by their actions, especially when it comes to hair loss. I know you probably do mean well man, but until a person experiences true hair loss for themselves, they will never understand the devastating effects of it. I know from first hand experience.

Sigh, if going bald ruins your looks you were never attractive to begin with. I don't know how many bald/balding men I have seen with hot women and they all had one thing in common they looked good. i.e. tall, lean, handsome face, in shape, hair very short, nice clothes, walked with confidence etc. Height and facial structure are 10 times more important than hair, hair is just an accessory that's why you can buy wigs or hair extensions. You can't buy a new jawline or eyes or an extra 6 inches of height.

If you were average to being with and don't suit being bald then I can understand why it's devastating but don't speak for all men experiencing hair loss please.


Senior Member
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Lol man, get real!

With this if you go bald and are not attractive you were never good looking to begin with. That's absurd.

I've first hand seen good looking guys with decent facial structures go bald and it's decimate there looks. You need a very wide compact face to pull the look off, and that doesn't mean bring attractive. Simply means pulling it off.

If a dude with hair comes into the equation he will trump that bald dudes *** so quickly it isn't even funny. Muscle and hair is what makes a man peacock. Without it you're average and are never turning heads. Sure a women will show interest if yu put in work, but it'sit's laughable to think a bald dude is pulling in clubs without effort and copious amounts of drugs.

A women's preference will always be a man with hair. Her second balding guys. Essential you are a second hand pick always. Just accept it.

Great! You can pull it off. Kudos.


Established Member
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Lol man, get real!

With this if you go bald and are not attractive you were never good looking to begin with. That's absurd.

I've first hand seen good looking guys with decent facial structures go bald and it's decimate there looks. You need a very wide compact face to pull the look off, and that doesn't mean bring attractive. Simply means pulling it off.

If a dude with hair comes into the equation he will trump that bald dudes *** so quickly it isn't even funny. Muscle and hair is what makes a man peacock. Without it you're average and are never turning heads. Sure a women will show interest if yu put in work, but it'sit's laughable to think a bald dude is pulling in clubs without effort and copious amounts of drugs.

A women's preference will always be a man with hair. Her second balding guys. Essential you are a second hand pick always. Just accept it.

Great! You can pull it off. Kudos.

Women also prefer taller men or men with broad shoulder or men with lots of money or men with strong jawlines etc so without those you will be second pick i.e. women focus on the whole package.

A tall lean handsome bald guy will kill every average height average looking full hair when it comes to attraction. I've seen it played out so many times it's untrue. You are correct though if a tall lean handsome guy with hair came along he would trump the bald guy so it's always better to get more hair if you can.