I hate commercials

uncomfortable man

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They can be so insulting, even when they are not directly criticizing your flaws they still do it by inferring them. Hair product commercials for men just devastate me now. Like this commercial for Gillete's new shampoo/conditioner that shows these young, handsome successful men (black, white and asian) playing with/styling their hair in front of the mirror with that oh so confident look. Going out for a hot night on the town after closing that important business deal (stupid fucks). Women throwing themselves at them, running their fingers through their....f*****g bastards. They assume beautiful hair is the pillar of all f*****g civilization. Whats worse is this horrible commercial for Just For Men. The narrator says,"The generation that promised they would never get old...didn't."(talking about the hippies) while these geezers are surfing, shooting hoops with young guys and playing lead guitar at a show with some 20something hanging off his jock- are you fuckin kidding me? So they are not considered old because they were lucky enough to not have the balding gene? Some stupid a**h** said that 40 is the new 30 and 30 is the new 20 but if you are a young bald guy then that doesn't apply, it goes in reverse. Balding is the new lepercy. Assholes.

uncomfortable man

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Yeah mon, (rasta) but one of the guys uncomfortably says afterwards, "Let's go back to shoes." to draw attention away from that issue. Sketchers are whack anyway.


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UM, are you allowed to see your daughter?


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I've seen thisone awhile ago, at first made me abit angry, but after I saw it once, it was really funny to watch ^^ enjoy :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBgcUSljfh8 :)
(im not sure what its for cause i cant understand the writing at the end, but if just for the record i think eveything is a rip-off so dont think that whatever they advertising there will help you .. its all posion crap!)


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Yeah thats a good business strategy making fun of your potential market. :jackit:

uncomfortable man

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I don't read German, but I'm sure it has something to do with hair restoration. Sad thing is I would be happy with that guys hair. It pisses me off how critical they are of people in far better situations than me only INFERING that I should be hiding under a rock or even better off dead.
Obsidian, I see my daughter twice a week. She knows that I am bothered by my hairloss and she tries to cheer me up by saying,"Daddy, your hair is growing back.". It isn't but I just give her a big hug and say thank you.


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I took a little look and my first impression is that it's a serious site dedicated to teaching about hair loss and treatments of it. My German isn't that good, though, so I might be wrong.

uncomfortable man

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Thank you Norsk. I heard about this commercial for an Australian online dating site called RSVP in which an attractive woman (of course) is at some fancy club talking about all the men she finds to be beneath her and unacceptable to date like that guy is too short, that guy dresses funny and that guy's got a bald spot. But then they elaborate more on the hair by bringing up this pseudo-norwood display that has pictures of guys in various balding patterns and then these bold red x's getting slashed across each picture. That sounds pretty blatantly offensive to me.


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You guys remember Austin Powers the third movie? When Dr. Evil's son goes bald (just like his dad) and everyone in there goes ewww, that crap depresses me.


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I'm sorry that cracks me up everytime I see it, even as someone who is loosing their hair. Especially the scenes in Kingpin where both guys (Woody Harrelson and Bill Murray) combover flies up.

uncomfortable man

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Comb overs are fair game to make fun of as far as I'm concerned because it is so obvious and screams, " I'm insecure about my hairloss!". But the reasons that drove that poor individual to resort to combovers are unfortunately very real. Probably because hairloss is not a life threatening disease that people find it the perfect topic to make fun of to assert their own vanity. We all know it is super unfair, but what are we willing to do to combat that mentality?


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“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.â€￾

uncomfortable man

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barcafan said:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.â€￾
I see you took "combat" literally....works for me. :devil:


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I hate those commercials, because they're actually lying. You can't have much success with Regaine only. We don't have those commercials fortunately.

uncomfortable man

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Fanjeera, does your avatar represent your level of baldness?

uncomfortable man

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Nobody that age would resort to a combover. There was a Snickers commercial that was even worse. Some guy at his office job had made a toupe from snicker bar wrappers. He was confronted by his fellow co-workers who told him that they all know he is bald and he should loose the snickers toupe. He denied it, but later after work he was crying in his car, pounding the steering wheel. The snickers toupe was actually funny, but to make light of his suffering like that I found to be unconscionable.


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UC, you may not be blessed with hair but you are blessed just in a different way. Your daughter is your blessing. There are alot of men with a full head of hair that wish they had such a blessing. I tape mostly all my shows so I fast forward thru the commercials. Most products are always going to be sold by people with great hair. Even the Rogaine foam commercial guy has a great head of hair still. Men with is full head of hair is a sign of sex appeal in the commercial setting to sell the product. This is our world. Its not going to change. You are just going to have to change your attitude about yourself. Am I wrong or has HatPris taken a break form here?

uncomfortable man

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Thank you House, my daughter is a blessing that I will never take for granted. I am trying to do right for her as well as myself by going back to school and getting my degree. I start in a few weeks and I am naturally nervous but my resolve is adamant. Finding work has been a pain in the *** as I'm sure HatPrisoner can attest to as well. That is the main reason he has not been around, besides realizing that this forum will not help him get his life together. Tbh, I am so proud of that guy for facing his fears and doing what needs to be done with a sense of urgency. He has been dressing up and going to interviews without his hat and although nothing has panned out for him YET he would not have been able to muster the courage to do this just a few short months ago so :bravo: HP!


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uncomfortable man said:
Thank you House, my daughter is a blessing that I will never take for granted. I am trying to do right for her as well as myself by going back to school and getting my degree. I start in a few weeks and I am naturally nervous but my resolve is adamant. Finding work has been a pain in the *** as I'm sure HatPrisoner can attest to as well. That is the main reason he has not been around, besides realizing that this forum will not help him get his life together. Tbh, I am so proud of that guy for facing his fears and doing what needs to be done with a sense of urgency. He has been dressing up and going to interviews without his hat and although nothing has panned out for him YET he would not have been able to muster the courage to do this just a few short months ago so :bravo: HP!
UC, do you think this forum helped him slightly or it had nothing to do with his progress. Yes get a degree. I never have to worry about finding work because my degree( or license) is always in demand. What are you going to get a degree in?