I need only food and sex from girls. Is it a disorder?

Isaac Newton

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Based and redpilled: Mental illness denial, Zionism, Machiavellianism, Ultra-Capitalism

Cringe and bluepilled: Traditional gender roles.

I think trad gender roles made sense back in the day when household production was far more important and cheap reliable contraception didn't exist. In the modern context I find trad roles fairly cringe.

I do support marriage and stable families, and I think that the prevalence of fatherlessness is a big problem in many communities. But I don't think marriage and stable family requires trad roles. For example, if you read Charles Murray's Coming Apart, you see that marriage rates in certain segments of society (e.g. college graduates in high-IQ occupations) are pretty damn good. However, those people aren't exactly living a trad lifestyle.
the problem is these rich successful women are still hypergamous and want the man to be richer and more successful than them so barely any men are good enough for them. . and also the kids hardly get any attention with both parents working.