I used to get women..


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Back in high school I was pretty successful. I had 4 girlfriends and banged 6 girls. I had it better than most, I'm pretty sure at least half of my friends were not getting any at the time.

I started losing my hair when I was about 16, and by that I mean I was in the very very early stages that you would only notice if you really analyze hairlines. Then when I was 20 my hair loss really started to accelerate. I really didn't care that much at the time, I didn't think it would affect my ability to attract women...how wrong I was. By the time I was 21 I was a bad NW3. That whole year, my last year of uni, I had absolutely no luck with women, not even a hug. Still I convinced myself that I was just going through a normal dry spell completely unrelated to my hair loss, god I was naive.

By 23 I began to worry. It had been over 2 years since I so much as kissed a girl at that point, and I was putting in a lot more effort than I did when I was actually getting women. I had a shaved head for a little over a year but the ladies just were not into me. I got on the big 3 but it was too little, too late. I regrew some hair on my vertex but my hairline didn't improve at all.

In the past 8 years I have only been with one woman, and she was a fat 36 year old with a kid and was just using me for money. I had to pretty much beg her the little sex I got from her. Considering how she was just using me for money and how much trouble her kid was I would have been better off using a prostitute. I have no idea how many women I approached, easily hundreds. I approached some seriously unattractive women, but even when I approached a woman with a bad case of female pattern baldness she rejected me within seconds.

I wish I had got on the big 3 when I was younger but I was too damn naive and confident. Then again it might not have mattered since my case of male pattern baldness is pretty severe it seems. But the big 3 did really slow down my hair loss so I don't know.

Da Crow

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Well, as far as your hair, stick with the treatments until something better comes out, or when you have the money just get a transplant which will maintain with the medications.

As far as women... I'm only 21 so I can't exactly speak for all Ladies, but from my empirical observation and experience, there are obviously a lot of variables. Some women are programmed to want Money more than Love, others are programmed to want a "perfect" image as their mate, like a ****in pet, other's may take a spiritual/intuitive/psychic approach and may see you for how developed your Consciousness is, while other's just want to be Loved (usually these are the most unattractive Physically, unfortunately)

Then again, Im just spouting out nonsense because as I said there are so many variables, but there will definitely be some type of common theme because after all, we are just evolved apes apparently ;)



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Damn that's discouraging, feel for you man. Well at least you had your time with the ladies... women were never fond of me, even when I had hair.


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Damn that's discouraging, feel for you man. Well at least you had your time with the ladies... women were never fond of me, even when I had hair.

Sorry to hear that man. I know a lot of guys who are in the same situation as you though. They were just never visible to women no matter what they did. I know quite a few guys who are virgins in their mid to late twenties and beyond. Even more I suspect are and just would never admit to it. My older brother was a virgin until he was 32 and he lost it to some obese b**ch in her late 30s with three kids, and now he's engaged to her. She makes him pay for everything and does nothing but complain. He spends most of his free time taking care of and driving around three kids that he took no part in making. What kind of life is that?


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why does bad things happen to good people? why is god so unfair to create some perfect and some not so?


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No offence, but god has **** all to do with this (or anything).

personally this is what i feel else it is our own body. but why are some good and some bad?

think about it. not here to quarrel with anyone


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why does bad things happen to good people? why is god so unfair to create some perfect and some not so?

I really don't believe in god or any sort of new age babble like "everything happens for a reason" and karma. You're looking for fairness in a naturally unfair world. The truth is life is not a fairy tale where everything always works out in the end if you are a good person and evil people get what's coming to them. This world is full of so many good men who have worked themselves to the bone their entire lives, lived a ****ty life full of many hardships and few rewards, and never had anything to show for it. Likewise there are many ****s and douchebags who have had everything fall in their lap because of the circumstances of their birth (good genes, rich parents or just being born a girl) and live life on easy street until the day they die. That's just how it is.

Some people look good and others look ugly because that's simply what happens with genetic diversity. The whole idea of everyone being equal is just a fantasy. Some genes are better than others and evolution is proof of just that. This doesn't mean that men with "good" genes all "deserve" to reproduce and men with "bad" genes "deserve" to be alone, but that's generally how things work out. This world is not based on fairness, and you are experiencing weltschmerz because of that.


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No offense, but personality counts too. Maybe as a teenager you were a really good looking guy with a bad personality, and now you're an average looking guy with a bad personality? Are you funny? Charming? Nice? Likable? Interesting? Maybe you're a really cool guy, maybe you're targeting the vacuous scene types and need to go for a different type of woman? There are many factors, but if you were a vacuous shallow guy, and you went for vacuous shallow girls, then baldness isn't gonna help with that demographic, you get me?


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Many girls like guys with/without hair. Women smell confidence-get confident!
I am in my mid 30s trying to maintain my hair.... Hair is hair. Don't obsess over it.
Losing hair sucks but there are many ways to maintain. Work on all aspects of yourself....


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I really don't believe in god or any sort of new age babble like "everything happens for a reason" and karma. You're looking for fairness in a naturally unfair world. The truth is life is not a fairy tale where everything always works out in the end if you are a good person and evil people get what's coming to them. This world is full of so many good men who have worked themselves to the bone their entire lives, lived a ****ty life full of many hardships and few rewards, and never had anything to show for it. Likewise there are many ****s and douchebags who have had everything fall in their lap because of the circumstances of their birth (good genes, rich parents or just being born a girl) and live life on easy street until the day they die. That's just how it is.

Some people look good and others look ugly because that's simply what happens with genetic diversity. The whole idea of everyone being equal is just a fantasy. Some genes are better than others and evolution is proof of just that. This doesn't mean that men with "good" genes all "deserve" to reproduce and men with "bad" genes "deserve" to be alone, but that's generally how things work out. This world is not based on fairness, and you are experiencing weltschmerz because of that.
Wow, If I viewed the world thru your "glasses", I would be a real miserable person. Why are so many celebrities who have good looks and fame and fortune have to rely on drugs and alcohol for comfort and joy. Zac Efron and Cory Monteith are both blessed with good hair and good looks and yet one is dead the other may be if he falls off the wagon again. Happiness is an inside job. I agree with you to extent, we are living in "hell" but we all created this "hell".

I have experienced and have seen signs from a higher power which I do call God and let's just say I am amazed what he can do in certain circumstances. I am glad he empowered someone special to create this very forum so people can unite and give each other insight and allow people to vent. This place was a blessing for me. If you want to be happy, be your own person. Respect is never just given to you, you have to earn it. The more people respect you, the more you enjoy life. Reality is created by your mind and perspective.

I got some pearls of wisdom when it comes to women or even really just anyone, if you treat someone with kindness, show you are unselfish, show some humor, show some vulnerability,show you are interesting and intelligent , show some humility, and make them feel much better about themselves, you will look very "attractive" in their eyes no matter how much hair you have. The problem is alot of our society is the complete opposite of this and most people care more about themselves than anyone else. It all about power. As Da Crowe said, Take the Power Back. As Eckert Tolle says, Live in the Power of Now. As Rhonda Byrnes says, Love is the most powerful frequency that exists. Once you start loving yourself, and loving your friends and family, you will feel the Power in full force. UCM, I love you my brother :)


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Dr house speaking so much truth again.

His last paragraph sums it up best. Treat woman nicely and some/most will be interested in you.


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Wow, If I viewed the world thru your "glasses", I would be a real miserable person. Why are so many celebrities who have good looks and fame and fortune have to rely on drugs and alcohol for comfort and joy. Zac Efron and Cory Monteith are both blessed with good hair and good looks and yet one is dead the other may be if he falls off the wagon again. Happiness is an inside job. I agree with you to extent, we are living in "hell" but we all created this "hell".

I have experienced and have seen signs from a higher power which I do call God and let's just say I am amazed what he can do in certain circumstances. I am glad he empowered someone special to create this very forum so people can unite and give each other insight and allow people to vent. This place was a blessing for me. If you want to be happy, be your own person. Respect is never just given to you, you have to earn it. The more people respect you, the more you enjoy life. Reality is created by your mind and perspective.

I got some pearls of wisdom when it comes to women or even really just anyone, if you treat someone with kindness, show you are unselfish, show some humor, show some vulnerability,show you are interesting and intelligent , show some humility, and make them feel much better about themselves, you will look very "attractive" in their eyes no matter how much hair you have. The problem is alot of our society is the complete opposite of this and most people care more about themselves than anyone else. It all about power. As Da Crowe said, Take the Power Back. As Eckert Tolle says, Live in the Power of Now. As Rhonda Byrnes says, Love is the most powerful frequency that exists. Once you start loving yourself, and loving your friends and family, you will feel the Power in full force. UCM, I love you my brother :)

if they are so unhappy being famous and good looking with hair, if they are op i think they will be truckloads more miserable and that guy who ended his life would probably end it earlier not trying to be cruel. well of course they have their own problems. but will they be happier being op/ts? i do not think. every one celebrity who kills himself there are tons of average guy probably bald or unemployed who suicide but unreported after all they are nobody famous


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if they are so unhappy being famous and good looking with hair, if they are op i think they will be truckloads more miserable and that guy who ended his life would probably end it earlier not trying to be cruel. well of course they have their own problems. but will they be happier being op/ts? i do not think. every one celebrity who kills himself there are tons of average guy probably bald or unemployed who suicide but unreported after all they are nobody famous

These are the true words of wisdom.


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if they are so unhappy being famous and good looking with hair, if they are op i think they will be truckloads more miserable and that guy who ended his life would probably end it earlier not trying to be cruel. well of course they have their own problems. but will they be happier being op/ts? i do not think. every one celebrity who kills himself there are tons of average guy probably bald or unemployed who suicide but unreported after all they are nobody famous

The point house is trying to make is even being famous, good looking, rich etc etc you can still feel like crap...people here talk about its better if you are rich, great body, with hair etc etc yet they are dying all over the place...what does that tell you? that even when you have it all its still not enough to be happy inside.


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The point house is trying to make is even being famous, good looking, rich etc etc you can still feel like crap...people here talk about its better if you are rich, great body, with hair etc etc yet they are dying all over the place...what does that tell you? that even when you have it all its still not enough to be happy inside.

true enough, even when you "have it all" (looks, fame, money) you can still be miserable. i was never famous but i had the looks and enough money. still i was miserable and suicidal from age 17-18 because of my anxiety and depression disorder + my chronic fatigue and insomnia problems. life was hell then, or so i thought. now with hair loss i know what true hell is, and i think that is the point verysad is trying to make. you think you have it bad, but something worse can always happen to you. i am assigned to a mental institution and "socialise" with other patients, a few older men with full heads of hair. i catch myself thinking "if i had that head of hair i would not be here", despite my continuous anxiety/depression/fatigue/low self esteem problems that made my life hell before. now that i am unwillingly on "this side" possibly and probably forever, i'd give a limb to be on the other side again, with at least a chance to work through the problems, like people who suffer mental problems (not to underestimate this as i know the power of the mind too well) or problems like trauma or alcohol, drugs etc. hard things to get through, but not impossible like hair loss. that's why hair loss is so destructible to the mind, cause it's one of the rather few things a lot of people cannot do **** about except for to watch the hair go. while people tell you "it's only hair, it's not like you are dying". ok so i'm not actually dying, but dying on the inside definitely. and i'd actually rather be truly dead and buried in the ground than being dead on the inside like now.


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DoneWithIt and Danny got my point. I was not able to make "heads or tails" on what verysad meant but I think you explained it better DoneWithIt. DoneWithIt, in my opinion, I feel you do belong here just for some mental support. This place is about losing hair but its more about seeing changes in our image we just can't accept due to our insecurity. We all want to be accepted. This is a place where people need to stop judging who has the worst case scenario. We are suffering. We don't like what we see in the mirror. That is our common bond. If you can move on, then do so. But if you want to rant then let it all out. Don't keep it bottled up. Stress is deadly. DoneWithIt, I don't make this place a contest, so you have my support.


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I'm relatively decent looking (clear complexion and in good shape) and I'm an extrovert that makes friends easily and my hair loss is pretty minimal, norwood 1 at 23 yet I've only had sex with 1 girl in my entire life so your still more successful than me by a longshot. Still, I'm not a horny guy to begin with so I didn't really try to get any. The 1 time I had sex was when a girl seduced me while we were drunk and I was too wasted to really even know what was going on yet I woke up naked next to her, legs intertwined so yeah lol...

Regardless hair isn't the only factor as one of my friends is 26 and Norwood 4 and in great shape and he gets laid regularly, like every few days, my other friend is Norwood 6 and barely gets laid yet still gets more than me but then again he eats unhealthy, is overweight, and smokes yet he tries extremely hard to get laid.

I think it's more about your overall health+charm+body image, and desire to get laid than just having hair.