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I'm relatively decent looking (clear complexion and in good shape) and I'm an extrovert that makes friends easily and my hair loss is pretty minimal, norwood 1 at 23 yet I've only had sex with 1 girl in my entire life so your still more successful than me by a longshot. Still, I'm not a horny guy to begin with so I didn't really try to get any. The 1 time I had sex was when a girl seduced me while we were drunk and I was too wasted to really even know what was going on yet I woke up naked next to her, legs intertwined so yeah lol...
Regardless hair isn't the only factor as one of my friends is 26 and Norwood 4 and in great shape and he gets laid regularly, like every few days, my other friend is Norwood 6 and barely gets laid yet still gets more than me but then again he eats unhealthy, is overweight, and smokes yet he tries extremely hard to get laid.
I think it's more about your overall health+charm+body image, and desire to get laid than just having hair.
Dont forget standards. What are your friends standards like? Also you may think they are getting sevens when the majority of people would see them as threes.....
Just sayin.
Anyway famous, good looking people do drugs because they have nothing else to do and spend their money on. When you have so much money you have done everything else all that is left is superficial and synthetic highs from drugs and debauchery (debauchery is nice tho wink wink). Trust me I grew up DIRT POOR in the ghetto, yup white boy in the ghetto, not fun. The most kids did when I was young was weed. When my folks split up I went to live with my aunt in a very wealthy area of the state. I couldn't believe the stuff these kids did. They were all rich and good looking and did nothing but go to the place I used to live to buy coke, acid, etc from the people who only smoked weed. They had nothing better to do.
Its not a matter of happiness with these people its just boredom. Boredom and money are a VERY bad mix. Funny I moved back to the ghetto and ran into someone I actually used to like from the rich area. Very popular but quiet and modest kid. He told me almost all of them (even this girl I had a HUGE crush on) landed in rehab and institutions.
number 2)
You can say love yourself, ooze confidence, be nice, treat them with respect.... yadi yadi yadi BUT thats BS. You will have to then meet girls from friends for this to work. You go out in public and 90% (made up figure and I think Im being nice) of women wont even give you the chance to show all your good features.
Its only after they have been used up and thrown out by better looking guys they MAY give you a shot long enough to prove your "great inner qualities". Trust me I was that better looking guy. I never treated girls bad though. I actually mainly had long relationships which I HIGHLY REGRET doing now. I should have flaunted solo way longer, but hey who think their looks will die so fast?
Your inner beauty is only good on the already broken, VERY patient, or the blind.
Im not saying any of this with a pout or anger either, Im just saying how it all really works. Fantasy is nice but really inner beauty is fantasy and inner beauty doesn't make your penis hard.