I used to get women..


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I'm relatively decent looking (clear complexion and in good shape) and I'm an extrovert that makes friends easily and my hair loss is pretty minimal, norwood 1 at 23 yet I've only had sex with 1 girl in my entire life so your still more successful than me by a longshot. Still, I'm not a horny guy to begin with so I didn't really try to get any. The 1 time I had sex was when a girl seduced me while we were drunk and I was too wasted to really even know what was going on yet I woke up naked next to her, legs intertwined so yeah lol...

Regardless hair isn't the only factor as one of my friends is 26 and Norwood 4 and in great shape and he gets laid regularly, like every few days, my other friend is Norwood 6 and barely gets laid yet still gets more than me but then again he eats unhealthy, is overweight, and smokes yet he tries extremely hard to get laid.

I think it's more about your overall health+charm+body image, and desire to get laid than just having hair.

Dont forget standards. What are your friends standards like? Also you may think they are getting sevens when the majority of people would see them as threes.....

Just sayin.

Anyway famous, good looking people do drugs because they have nothing else to do and spend their money on. When you have so much money you have done everything else all that is left is superficial and synthetic highs from drugs and debauchery (debauchery is nice tho wink wink). Trust me I grew up DIRT POOR in the ghetto, yup white boy in the ghetto, not fun. The most kids did when I was young was weed. When my folks split up I went to live with my aunt in a very wealthy area of the state. I couldn't believe the stuff these kids did. They were all rich and good looking and did nothing but go to the place I used to live to buy coke, acid, etc from the people who only smoked weed. They had nothing better to do.
Its not a matter of happiness with these people its just boredom. Boredom and money are a VERY bad mix. Funny I moved back to the ghetto and ran into someone I actually used to like from the rich area. Very popular but quiet and modest kid. He told me almost all of them (even this girl I had a HUGE crush on) landed in rehab and institutions.

number 2)
You can say love yourself, ooze confidence, be nice, treat them with respect.... yadi yadi yadi BUT thats BS. You will have to then meet girls from friends for this to work. You go out in public and 90% (made up figure and I think Im being nice) of women wont even give you the chance to show all your good features.
Its only after they have been used up and thrown out by better looking guys they MAY give you a shot long enough to prove your "great inner qualities". Trust me I was that better looking guy. I never treated girls bad though. I actually mainly had long relationships which I HIGHLY REGRET doing now. I should have flaunted solo way longer, but hey who think their looks will die so fast?
Your inner beauty is only good on the already broken, VERY patient, or the blind.

Im not saying any of this with a pout or anger either, Im just saying how it all really works. Fantasy is nice but really inner beauty is fantasy and inner beauty doesn't make your penis hard.

uncomfortable man

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Can't you see that those social standards dictate your "preference" just as it dictates most women's distain for baldness? Most men hate fat chicks. Most chicks hate bald dudes. Why?! Because that is what we are all brainwashed to believe and just because some people like to choose to believe otherwise doesn't mean other people will.


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Yeah those social standards are made by "society". No one is convincing or forcing all these people to find bald and fat people unattractive its just how we all work. I will say I see less and less bald men in recent year around me. To me this is just subcocious survival of the fittest.

uncomfortable man

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Yeah those social standards are made by "society". No one is convincing or forcing all these people to find bald and fat people unattractive its just how we all work. I will say I see less and less bald men in recent year around me. To me this is just subcocious survival of the fittest.

Well, you're wrong but I don't have the strength to correct you right now. Maybe later.


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I'm not wrong. When you say society I know your talking media. We dictate the media not the other way around, if they suddenly tried to make fat bald Melrose place i highly doubt all of a sudden we would like fat and bald people. We are built to sek out the pretty, strong and fit for the betterment of our species. That is what made us like what we like now. Fat is unhealthy and causes many health problems, this is why we are programmed to not find it atractive. Baldnes shows age, possible sickness and really holds no underlying positive features.
Againd why we are programmed to not find it attractive.

I am not wrong, I am so right. You can only blame you for how you feel, not society, not the media, not your neighbors black Labrador.


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I have had a similar experience to yours. When I was younger with hair things were much easier and it took almost no effort as girls seemed to line up for me with my full head of hair. Then male pattern baldness hit and it felt like my dating possibilities were disappearing faster than my hair. I had a pretty long dry spell at that point for probably about 2 years. I shut myself off from the world because I didn't know how counter the negative outlook society in general has for bald people. When I actively tried to date again, I met the same active dismissal from the opposite sex as you mentioned.

You may never fully get your mojo back but with a little effort you can improve your success rate with women. In my case I initially dressed like a prep school frat boy which didn't work for me when I lost my hair. Losing your hair ages you and for most people gives a drastically different first impression. In my case I looked like a 30 something bald frat boy at 18 and as you can guess that didn't quite work out for me lol. In my case it took a brutally honest ex to walk me through my denial. So I evolved my dress style to fit my new bald look. Remember growing up and how the basic social groups in school were set up and how the people in each group looked dressed and acted very similarly to each other, well society just booted your *** out of your old social group. So find a look that suits your present appearance and let go of that old image of yourself. Your confidence will eventually come back as well as new social circles and the women that interact with those circles. It can be a long road and this may not be the case with everyone but I suspect it is for a lot of us balding/ bald folk.

uncomfortable man

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It's not enough for me to throw my hands up in defeat and say " oh well, I guess that's just how it is, derp". No! If people hate me I need to know why. I need to understand why I suffer. WHY GOD DAMMIT!!!


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It's not enough for me to throw my hands up in defeat and say " oh well, I guess that's just how it is, derp". No! If people hate me I need to know why. I need to understand why I suffer. WHY GOD DAMMIT!!!

You drive yourself to an earlier grave doing that dude at the end of the day people will dislike you cause of your bald head or not just the way it is...i was kinda like that once wanted to know why so and so disliked me its not good...if its a friend or family member etc i suppose its ok to ask just dont over do it but IF its a stranger you probably never ever see again? just let it be...its not about "throwing my hands up in defeat" its about being the better man.


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Back in high school I was pretty successful. I had 4 girlfriends and banged 6 girls. I had it better than most, I'm pretty sure at least half of my friends were not getting any at the time.

I started losing my hair when I was about 16, and by that I mean I was in the very very early stages that you would only notice if you really analyze hairlines. Then when I was 20 my hair loss really started to accelerate. I really didn't care that much at the time, I didn't think it would affect my ability to attract women...how wrong I was. By the time I was 21 I was a bad NW3. That whole year, my last year of uni, I had absolutely no luck with women, not even a hug. Still I convinced myself that I was just going through a normal dry spell completely unrelated to my hair loss, god I was naive.

By 23 I began to worry. It had been over 2 years since I so much as kissed a girl at that point, and I was putting in a lot more effort than I did when I was actually getting women. I had a shaved head for a little over a year but the ladies just were not into me. I got on the big 3 but it was too little, too late. I regrew some hair on my vertex but my hairline didn't improve at all.

In the past 8 years I have only been with one woman, and she was a fat 36 year old with a kid and was just using me for money. I had to pretty much beg her the little sex I got from her. Considering how she was just using me for money and how much trouble her kid was I would have been better off using a prostitute. I have no idea how many women I approached, easily hundreds. I approached some seriously unattractive women, but even when I approached a woman with a bad case of female pattern baldness she rejected me within seconds.

I wish I had got on the big 3 when I was younger but I was too damn naive and confident. Then again it might not have mattered since my case of male pattern baldness is pretty severe it seems. But the big 3 did really slow down my hair loss so I don't know.
"Just be confident bro" led to his demise.


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Why isnt this guy here anymore ?
Maybe if someone ressurects him, this is the answer to his question:
Yeah. It's like every decade you have a generation of regulars. The big 3 10 years ago was s.a.f , uncomfortable man, and seb.

This generation had feelsbadman, janey (who is banned), and probably doubleindemnity. Then you have @DoctorHouse observing from a distance like a Jedi.


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Yeah. It's like every decade you have a generation of regulars. The big 3 10 years ago was s.a.f , uncomfortable man, and seb.

This generation had feelsbadman, janey (who is banned), and probably doubleindemnity. Then you have @DoctorHouse observing from a distance like a Jedi.
An that Jk Peterson toxic dude an polar bear but both banned. Idk if Goku black is someone else now.

But we can assume that Dr House is a ageless being who will stand watch on HairLossTalk.com till the end of time


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Damn.. That

Damn.. His story really makes me sad. He once had it and then lost it. He knows how it feels to have it, and lost it without fault of his own. Thats really cruel. You're better of when it never began for you. Trust me.
Life is दुःख.


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Damn.. That

Damn.. His story really makes me sad. He once had it and then lost it. He knows how it feels to have it, and lost it without fault of his own. Thats really cruel. You're better of when it never began for you. Trust me.
Im in the same category.
Its soul destroying to be good looking and then go bald.


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Im still trying to accept that the universe and fatties want me to date fatties.

i am not calling you or anyone ugly, but im somehow certain that to most woman, balding men are as attractive as fatties are to men...

i understand your position of course...


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i am not calling you or anyone ugly, but im somehow certain that to most woman, balding men are as attractive as fatties are to men...

i understand your position of course...
You dont have to call me ugly, bro, I know I am.
Baldness made me a 3/10 from a 7/10 (probably 7.5 with a suit on a great hair day) so you can imagine how this sh*t affected me.
And yes, you are completely right.
Bald men are to women what obese women are to men. Doesnt matter 1 is controllable and the other is not.


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You dont have to call me ugly, bro, I know I am.
Baldness made me a 3/10 from a 7/10 (probably 7.5 with a suit on a great hair day) so you can imagine how this sh*t affected me.
And yes, you are completely right.
Bald men are to women what obese women are to men. Doesnt matter 1 is controllable and the other is not.
na, i still dont believe anyone here is really
ugly, as in monster level ugly...

yeah that is the thing behind it... one is controllable, one isnt and it doesnt really matter...
at least i usually read/hear that women are not against men doing something against hairloss...
though probably there are enough who want a jacked dude, but one who has never entered a gym to get jacked*^