I used to get women..


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na, i still dont believe anyone here is really
ugly, as in monster level ugly...

yeah that is the thing behind it... one is controllable, one isnt and it doesnt really matter...
at least i usually read/hear that women are not against men doing something against hairloss...
though probably there are enough who want a jacked dude, but one who has never entered a gym to get jacked*^
You dont have to be Smeagol.level to be ugly. Just by default bald = ugly (in 95% of cases)
One time when I was in an entourage of chads, one dude shaved his head because the barber (a good friend of his) made a mistake.
Swear to God dude went from 10 to 8 just because of the shaved head, lol.


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have you tried lifting? have you tried examining your facial features to see if you need some surgery? because i mean.. i get it that past 30 you cant get any. but at your 20's even while bald you still have a chance