There's a term: "cognitive tax".
In my case it's the cognitive tax of f*****g stemoxydyine, RU, minoxidil, nizoral, conditioner, needing to be careful on haircuts, and knowing that propecia would likely solve all my problems but possibly give me new problems.
Treatments need to be applied every day or close to it. Don't forget ! It's an anchor on the new day. Make sure to order replacements when supplies are low.
I'm going to New York for three days to visit family. I had to think about which toiletries to take. For most people it's toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, deoderent and they're done. No thinking involved. Very little space and weight in luggage. Thirty seconds of effortless and anguish-less packing. For me it's a more complex cost-benefit analysis. Add in the skincare products and the issue amplifies.
Most normal people can dedicate their precious intellectual and psychological energy to other important things. We only have so many fucks to give in a day, and I'm sure other aspects of my life have suffered as a result.
Don't forget that, for most people, the solution for bad hair days is taking a shower and drying hair. For us, washing our hair is the start of a new adventure about what it will look likeThere's a term: "cognitive tax".
In my case it's the cognitive tax of f*****g stemoxydyine, RU, minoxidil, nizoral, conditioner, needing to be careful on haircuts, and knowing that propecia would likely solve all my problems but possibly give me new problems.
Treatments need to be applied every day or close to it. Don't forget ! It's an anchor on the new day. Make sure to order replacements when supplies are low.
I'm going to New York for three days to visit family. I had to think about which toiletries to take. For most people it's toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, deoderent and they're done. No thinking involved. Very little space and weight in luggage. Thirty seconds of effortless and anguish-less packing. For me it's a more complex cost-benefit analysis. Add in the skincare products and the issue amplifies.
Most normal people can dedicate their precious intellectual and psychological energy to other important things. We only have so many fucks to give in a day, and I'm sure other aspects of my life have suffered as a result.
"cognitive tax
Have you ever heard about Hegel's theory on how people make the language but - in its turn - the language makes people?The girl I'm seeing now is great, in part because she's so hilariously cold and blunt. We were having a discussion and she told me that she felt the focus on looks in society was getting out of hand. She said we shouldn't be judging others on their appearance. "Yet you always left-swipe bald guys", I countered. Her answer: "well yeah, but I can't consider someone I'm not sexually attracted to for a relationship!"
That made my heart sink. My impression? She's not alone. Bald guys who manage to spark genuine attraction are a rarity. Her friends are all with NW1s and they are much less attractive than her.
I pray she'll stay through my transplant and recovery period. Legit best girl I've ever dated.
As you guys know I'm getting my hair transplant early next year as well
I'm going into debt for it, but yeah, the money is inconsequential. Peace of mind is priceless.
The combover is making its final stand in my life(given the procedure is a success). Right now I'm wrestling with whether I should ride it out up to surgery day, or just getting a short cut/shave my head now. It is a liberating thought that if I were to cut it today, I will likely never deal with the combover again
my life as a bald man will be lesser than my current one with hair.
The girl I'm seeing now is great, in part because she's so hilariously cold and blunt. We were having a discussion and she told me that she felt the focus on looks in society was getting out of hand. She said we shouldn't be judging others on their appearance. "Yet you always left-swipe bald guys", I countered. Her answer: "well yeah, but I can't consider someone I'm not sexually attracted to for a relationship!"
That made my heart sink. My impression? She's not alone. Bald guys who manage to spark genuine attraction are a rarity. Her friends are all with NW1s and they are much less attractive than her.
I pray she'll stay through my transplant and recovery period. Legit best girl I've ever dated.
I'm not sure if it was through reading about Hegel that I picked up on this, but yes I'm well aware of linguistic determinism and theories related to that. Your application in this context, and the understanding of image sharing on social media as a "language", are intriguing. I'll have to mull over those ideas for some time.
The age of image sharing and social media puts a huge premium on good looks, it's true, but beyond all it puts a premium on the absence of visible flaws. It makes sense: In today's world, you are not just someone to love or befriend, you are someone to be shared and presented to the outside world as a reflection of the worth of those around you. Someone with visible flaws, however genetic or beyond the individual's control these flaws may be, is by extension a reflection of low worth. Today's image-driven world of friendship, romance and desire therefore has no use for the bald man, just as it has no use for those with cleft palates, facial scars and crooked teeth. He is confined instead to a dark, austere netherworld of mediocrity and compromises. I might end up there eventually, but at least I'll have given it a good fight before I do.
I rarely post here these days, partly because I think so many people here have a skewed view of the world for this one. You're really comparing normal male balding to cleft palate? Yet again I can think of many men off the top of my head who are bald or balding and have attractive women in their lives. More and more I think dealing with balding is just a case od how you deal with it...styling wise etc ... Yes it can be sh*t...but practically any bald man can look decent/respectable if he gets regular close cuts and keeps himself in shape.
Good luck with the hair transplant but I hope you've researched it properly and thought of all the possibilities. I spent some time reading another forum recently and a poster called topcat gives some great insight to how corrupt many surgeons are and how many guys will regret their hair transplants in future because a master plan is not followed/bulk measurements taken etc.
It's a calculated risk. There is no history of advanced hair loss in my family, so as long as I stay on finasteride I believe I should be able to maintain my native hair well. I've been on finasteride for four straight years now and am still at baseline.
I'll need another procedure down the line, that's a given. If things don't work out as planned that'll just accelerate the follow-up procedure in time.
Regarding this master plan, is there more to it than staying on medication / preparing for more transplants in the future if need be?