Thanks for sharing the Paolo Nutini (whose father has Tuscan origin. I am from Tuscany!) song.
I agree that we "Westerners" (although I consider myself more of a "Southerner", at least in Europe), have f***ed up values.
Nonetheless, I am going to tell you a different story, told me a couple of months ago by the guitarist of a band I play with (I play drums).
During rehearsals, we were discussing hair styles of musicians. The guitarist told this story: "I am from Ukraine. My stepfather (I have never known my father, who escaped when he knew my mother was pregnant) was a dissident during Soviet years. He was jailed for years for political reasons. He was put in front of the execution squad twice (it was a scaring technique in Eastern Europe). He never gave up the names of the other dissident intellectuals.
When he got out of jail (thanks to the "glasnost"), he was homeless for a whole year before finding a job.
Then he knew my mother and his life started to go better.
After these terrible years, in which he never knew if he would survive one more day, he started losing his hair. He was bald in a couple of years.
So, this man, who had suffered anything, who had been so strong as to survive the Soviet jails, immediately gets himself... a GIANT HAIRPIECE, basically a wig. And there was no way to convince him it was unnecessary. He simply couldn't look at himself in the mirror without hair."
Losing your hair (at least for me) is not about how good you're doing in life, or what your values are. It's about how you perceive yourself. You cannot rationalize. If you don't like yourself, and how other people perceive you, thinking of more unfortunate people won't help. If it helps you, good for you: you sound like a thoughtful, sensitive person and you deserve it.