i'd give up so much...what would YOU give up?


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i'd give up everything but the people in my life i love. i'd give up my talent, any hope of making a good enough amount of money...and not necessarily for a full head of hair...but a decent amount. damn. i know...this is sad. but, it's not so i can be accepted by others...it's to avoid being a victim of LIFE. my life has been so hard (perhaps as anyone else can say for themselves)...i don't even want to talk about it. well, anyway...it's been hard, but on top of that, as a reward, i get this...hair loss. this makes me feel so terrible, an i would give up anything but the ones in my life, whom i love. ANYTHING but them. ANYTHING. even my health.

what would you NOT GIVE UP?



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^^Uh, if you give up your health, then i'm guessing you're on your way to death? I wouldn't go that far.


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Would give up:

A leg. 5 years of my life expectancy. My sense of hearing. A lot of things.

Would NOT give up:

People I love.


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Crazy muthafuckasss!! :shock:


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Honestly not much. I will do everything I can to keep the hair I have but I would not trade anything for it.

A bit depressing to be sure but I'll overcome it in some fashion, be it going all the way bald or restoring all my hair by giving it all I've got.


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FORGOT ABOUT IN-LAWS! and...i have been through a lot of Health issues...NO BIG DEAL. bring it on! all good answers, so far. Thanks for responding.



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I would give up posting on this forum for a guaranteed lifetime of a full head of thick hair.......................................... :whistle:


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Ok, so you would give up a limb for hair but think finasteride side-effects are intolerable :whistle:

The kind of people that say they would give up anything for hair will be the first ones to sue an HM company if the treatment gives them cancer... always happens


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bigentries said:
Ok, so you would give up a limb for hair but think finasteride side-effects are intolerable :whistle:

The kind of people that say they would give up anything for hair will be the first ones to sue an HM company if the treatment gives them cancer... always happens

You can get a prosthetic leg, you can't get a prosthetic dick.


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BornIn89 said:
bigentries said:
Ok, so you would give up a limb for hair but think finasteride side-effects are intolerable :whistle:

The kind of people that say they would give up anything for hair will be the first ones to sue an HM company if the treatment gives them cancer... always happens

You can get a prosthetic leg, you can't get a prosthetic dick.

But you can get prosthetic hair :dunno:


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bigentries said:
BornIn89 said:
bigentries said:
Ok, so you would give up a limb for hair but think finasteride side-effects are intolerable :whistle:

The kind of people that say they would give up anything for hair will be the first ones to sue an HM company if the treatment gives them cancer... always happens

You can get a prosthetic leg, you can't get a prosthetic dick.

But you can get prosthetic hair :dunno:

Touche! :laugh:


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anybody who is serious in regards to being willing to give up an arm, leg, eyesight or hearing in exchange for hair has some intense problems and should be sitting in a psychologists office instead of on their computer chair. I'm sorry, but its just utterly absurd. Go tell a Norwood 1 who has one of the aforementioned conditions that you would rather share their plight than be bald and see what they say....


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I think a finger is as far as I'd go, I could sacrifice that I think.

Actually upon further consideration. I only need 3 fingers.. to sexually please a woman I need but 3.

So in total 4 fingers, but that's it.

And maybe some toes.


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Smooth said:
qball01, what are you doing here m8?!... :dunno:

trying to be the voice of reason for people who are claiming that they would rather lose a vital appendage (that actually plays a role in daily bodily function) than lose their hair...what are you doing here friend?!


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Smooth said:
pouring my sorrow apparently ... :/

trust me...I know it can be hard man. Believe me, I'm not fully comfortable with this at my age. I've used hairloss as an excuse or justification many times but I think what differs me from some other posters is that deep down I understand that life boils down to things that are far more important. That no matter what, we do have control over things and that we can't let something that is ultimately only an aesthetic disadvantage determine our place in life. I've come to see it as a sort of test of character...its a chance to really get in touch with yourself and cultivate a personality that is strong enough to override the negative affects of having an "aesthetic flaw." Its about learning to have faith in yourself as a human being and knowing that you are worth something regardless of your god-damn norwood classification.

It just pains me to see how deeply this affects some people (at time..myself included). But the idea that hair is worth more than eyesight, or having both legs is just absurd. I think its really key to observe the difference between the bald men who are successful and happy and those who are lonely and miserable. It has to do with what they value and focus on. Somebody who would rather be deaf than bald simply has their values out of order...The grass can always seem greener. But I can guarantee that if you actually gave that person permanent hair, but then took away their eyesight or hearing in exchange...they would rescind their wish almost as quickly as they made it.


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@qball, amen!