I'd have enough reasons to kill myself

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Gotta tell you the truth man,
You're just like me, and it sucks.

We both think looks is all , and that's a result of an unsuccessful growing during the teenage years.

I am balding too. I never had any girl.
I don't think I look good at all,
never was and when the hair thing started it just crashed me.
My character sucks, I'm a loner, can't have a coversation with a person , not even talking about girls.

I know when it started,
but I also know I'm reflecting the situation on how I look,
but deep inside I know it ain't got nothing to do with it.

People said to me a few times I can even be a model,
I always assumed they were nice and were just trying to raise my confidence but never believed them.
I still get some of those comments even now , but as you can see it doesn't matter.

I always believe on ' what you reap is what you sow ' .
You're smart - youll get good grades.
Youre good looking - youll get girls.

When that equation doesn't take place, it should mean something.
Ofcourse theres the other way , if youll study hard - youll get good grades.
If youll learn enough how and try even single woman youll see,
I believe you my friend as far as it's hard to believe - youll get one.

like I said,
You're just like me.
And I know you won't take any of what I just wrote.


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Gboy2k8 said:
Gotta tell you the truth man,
You're just like me, and it sucks.

We both think looks is all , and that's a result of an unsuccessful growing during the teenage years.

I am balding too. I never had any girl.
I don't think I look good at all,
never was and when the hair thing started it just crashed me.
My character sucks, I'm a loner, can't have a coversation with a person , not even talking about girls.

I know when it started,
but I also know I'm reflecting the situation on how I look,
but deep inside I know it ain't got nothing to do with it.

People said to me a few times I can even be a model,
I always assumed they were nice and were just trying to raise my confidence but never believed them.
I still get some of those comments even now , but as you can see it doesn't matter.

I always believe on ' what you reap is what you sow ' .
You're smart - youll get good grades.
Youre good looking - youll get girls.

When that equation doesn't take place, it should mean something.
Ofcourse theres the other way , if youll study hard - youll get good grades.
If youll learn enough how and try even single woman youll see,
I believe you my friend as far as it's hard to believe - youll get one.

like I said,
You're just like me.
And I know you won't take any of what I just wrote.
thx 4 the post.

However, you've been told (and still get comments) that you look good? I never did.


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by none !.

that's my entire point.
It's all in our heads, and there's no way we will let that out.


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Gboy2k8 said:

by none !.

that's my entire point.
It's all in our heads, and there's no way we will let that out.

fore me it's the brutal reality, it's not in my head.

Bald Dave

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Firstly, noone is perfect and I have seen many ugly guys with attractive girls. Women don't care about looks as much as men do. Women go for funny, charming and confident guys. Looks are secondary to women! I know alot of people on this forum don't believe it but its true!

I am not an ugly guy (I might be short and have a receeding hairline) but I am deffinitely not ugly but yet I didn't lose my virginity till I was 26 (to a prozzie) and I am 27 now and I have been with my first gf for 5 months now. The reasons why I didn't get girls before was because I was low on self-confidence but now I have come to realise that looks do not matter to women! The other day I was on the train and there was a guy who looked like a caveman (a long sloping jaw and a big fat nose) and his gf was very attractive. But I also noticed that he showed alot of self-confidence. I have come to realise that women don't care about looks and nor should you guys otherwise this self-obsessing is gonna take over your lives like it did with me :hump:

My advice is to hit the gym, buy some nice clothes and keep your hair short. You will feel alot better about yourselves. Try not to put too much pressure on yourselves on meeting girls and just go out with friends and do your thing and it shall happen when you least expect it. You are only 20 and you've got your whole life ahead so just try and follow your dreams and don't about looks!


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- I look old. Many people thought i was 26 at the age of 18.

Many teenagers actually prefer looking older than they are... I probably looked a bit older than my peers when I was a teenager. I'm the same age as one of my housemates and I probably look at least 3 years older than him... It doesn't bother me tiny little bit.

- Hairloss since 16 years old. I'm 20 now, diffuse Norwood 3.

It's not the end of the world.

- I have a horrible deep voice.

So what?

- I'm very big. I don't mean tall (I'm 1,85m), but BIG. I have the biggest head possible (you have to believe me in that case).

Well.. I am big as well. I lost lots of weight and I've been told being slim doesn't suit me. Huge head on a slim body is not the best look. I actually like being bigger than average.

Now that I'm slim I'm trying to put on some muscle weight. I want to be big again, but in a fit way.

- It's just out of this world, if I look on pics where I'm standing beside other people it looks like I've been photoshopped into the pic by an amateur (if you see the difference in size).

I have this with some of my friends. Standing next to them I look so strange. But it's not me, it's them that are too small :)

- My shoulder is kind of deformed: Even if I have my normal weight, i look fat because the shoulders increase the appearance size. Some made fun of my "round shoulders" as well.

It depends on how round.... I sit in front of the computer all day and it's not helping me with my shoulders at all. One of the reasons for my regular exercises is to keep my posture up right. I have a problem with my posture as well.

If you are too round, go and see a specialist. I think there are some treatments.

- My left boob has increased in size on propecia, and never went back. This also takes part of the fat-looking thing.


- After years of masturbation my dick lost a lot of sensibility. As i don't have much luck with girls, i masturbated pretty much. (not like 3-4 times a day, but very much in the past 6 years or so). I don't believe that i'd ever be able to come via sex.

that's crap talk.. you don't know what you are talking about. You won't know until you experience it.

- My right foot is deformed: I can't wear shoes normally. Must have been a too tight shoe in the childhood. Today I can't play soccer properly.

see a specialist. There is about half a size difference between my feet. No one is perfectly symmetrical.

- I have horrible dark circles und the eyes since quitting propecia


- I have a sleeping disorder. It usually takes me 2-3 hours to fall asleep, in the worst phases it took me about 5-6 hours to fall asleep (i wish i was kidding)


- I'm 20 years old, and never had any luck with girls.

go out and socialise.. if it doesn't happen, try again.


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Gboy2k8 said:
Gotta tell you the truth man,
You're just like me, and it sucks.

We both think looks is all , and that's a result of an unsuccessful growing during the teenage years.

I am balding too. I never had any girl.
I don't think I look good at all,
never was and when the hair thing started it just crashed me.
My character sucks, I'm a loner, can't have a coversation with a person , not even talking about girls.

I know when it started,
but I also know I'm reflecting the situation on how I look,
but deep inside I know it ain't got nothing to do with it.

People said to me a few times I can even be a model,
I always assumed they were nice and were just trying to raise my confidence but never believed them.
I still get some of those comments even now , but as you can see it doesn't matter.

I always believe on ' what you reap is what you sow ' .
You're smart - youll get good grades.
Youre good looking - youll get girls.

When that equation doesn't take place, it should mean something.
Ofcourse theres the other way , if youll study hard - youll get good grades.
If youll learn enough how and try even single woman youll see,
I believe you my friend as far as it's hard to believe - youll get one.

like I said,
You're just like me.
And I know you won't take any of what I just wrote.

You need to get out more... If people are telling you you are good looking, take the positives and feel better about yourself....

If you don't socialise and get to know the girls, you'll never have a girlfriend... They don't go out with guys they don't know...


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Do you have any pics to illustrate this? You think your head is big? Mine is huge. I have to wear size 7-1/2 to 7/3/4 size fitted caps. And this is is with NO HAIR. Imagine with hair how high the number would be?

Shaving isn't an option for me either but what choice to I have? It's all gone.

So do you have any pics of this?


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ali, i KNEW that someone would pick every point apart. But you missed the worst one: the nose: You can't get that away with "exercise" right?

hatprisoner, I've got european size 62 i think. Don't know which american size this is. I'll try to get a camera for pics but how would it help you in terms of the size of my head?

Women don't care about looks as much as men do. Women go for funny, charming and confident guys.

Quote of the year, where are you from, the 80ies?

I am not an ugly guy (I might be short and have a receeding hairline) but I am deffinitely not ugly
Yeah, that explains that. See how it goes if you were a bit uglier.

I looked way better 2 years ago. Now I look tired, older and have those dark circles i can't get rid of. And i advance from a Norwood 1 to a diffuse NW3 of course. But the thing that bothers me most is the fact having a very big, "bumpy" nose and now getting 2 sebaceous cysts on it. That sucks you know?

EDIT: the hat size is 7 3 / 4, just found it. You know what sucks? Everytime i tell people about some bad things about me, they come like "Man, you have no idea, I have it worse". But when we investigate it further, i always come up having the worse one.


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amsch said:
ali, i KNEW that someone would pick every point apart. But you missed the worst one: the nose: You can't get that away with "exercise" right?

The thing is... it's possible that you have confidence issues and you are overplaying everything in your mind. So, even if your nose wasn't that bad, you'd think it was bad...

One of the girls I went to school with had a nose job. TBH, if I wasn't told I wouldn't have noticed, because I never thought her nose was ugly.

amsch said:
You know what sucks? Everytime i tell people about some bad things about me, they come like "Man, you have no idea, I have it worse". But when we investigate it further, i always come up having the worse one.

I never said I had it worse... I see those things as "normal", I'm content with my body size. It's not about me or you having it worse. I was trying to tell you that what you perceive as "out of the norm" is actually rather normal.


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ali777 said:
amsch said:
ali, i KNEW that someone would pick every point apart. But you missed the worst one: the nose: You can't get that away with "exercise" right?

The thing is... it's possible that you have confidence issues and you are overplaying everything in your mind. So, even if your nose wasn't that bad, you'd think it was bad...

One of the girls I went to school with had a nose job. TBH, if I wasn't told I wouldn't have noticed, because I never thought her nose was ugly.

That's again what i was talking about. Unfortunaetly, it IS that bad. Like I said before, many people come up like "Dude it can't be so bad" and it turns out to be even worse. I didn't get some comments about my nose for no reason.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
You think your head is big? Mine is huge. I have to wear size 7-1/2 to 7/3/4 size fitted caps.

amsch said:
hatprisoner, I've got european size 62 i think.

I got the tape measure and measured it for you... I'm around 61cm, which is the same as HP and 1cm smaller than amsch.

I found this chart: http://www.thehatsite.com/measuring.html

As you can see, we have XL head. Amsch, you said that you are big. HP, you said the only people taller than you are the NBA players... So, XL is proportionate to the rest of your body...

Stop complaining about it!!!!!!!!


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ali777 said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
You think your head is big? Mine is huge. I have to wear size 7-1/2 to 7/3/4 size fitted caps.

amsch said:
hatprisoner, I've got european size 62 i think.

I got the tape measure and measured it for you... I'm around 61cm, which is the same as HP and 1cm smaller than amsch.

I found this chart: http://www.thehatsite.com/measuring.html

As you can see, we have XL head. Amsch, you said that you are big. HP, you said the only people taller than you are the NBA players... So, XL is proportionate to the rest of your body...

Stop complaining about it!!!!!!!!
Yeah you see? I'm the one who takes the crap again.


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catch a grip man. You are who you are. hooking up with girls is easy. Go out and get smashed and have fun with your mates.

If being a virgin bothers you so much just remember.. pussys pussy. Go with a fat chick. On the positive side she will have serious set of ba jangs. :)


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please post some pics so we can all agree it's nowhere near as dire as you say.

for example, gboy2k, he posted pics, and not only did it reveal he had minimal to no hair loss, he appears to be a pretty good looking dude.

for him it really is a psychological issue. so let's see you back up this hunchback of notre dame mentality with some pics.


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ali777 said:
As you can see, we have XL head. Amsch, you said that you are big. HP, you said the only people taller than you are the NBA players... So, XL is proportionate to the rest of your body...

Stop complaining about it!!!!!!!!

I was exaggerating some but I am over 6 feet tall. But I'm also not chubby. So having a big head looks bad. I've had people make fun of it since I was like 5 lol. It was worse then as my head was in NO WAY having any proportion to the rest of me.

BUT, I had hair then and it helps. When you have absolutely NO HAIR on your head. You can't really hide how big your head is.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
ali777 said:
As you can see, we have XL head. Amsch, you said that you are big. HP, you said the only people taller than you are the NBA players... So, XL is proportionate to the rest of your body...

Stop complaining about it!!!!!!!!

I was exaggerating some but I am over 6 feet tall. But I'm also not chubby. So having a big head looks bad. I've had people make fun of it since I was like 5 lol. It was worse then as my head was in NO WAY having any proportion to the rest of me.

BUT, I had hair then and it helps. When you have absolutely NO HAIR on your head. You can't really hide how big your head is.

I've got one question: Why do you care? You have a gf, she likes you the way you are. I bet most of us are in "the average" range, the problem is that we have a skewed opinion of what average is.

Also, if you feel like your head is disproportionate to the rest of your body, go to the gym and beef up. I know I have a larger than average head, but it doesn't bother me. According to the chart in my previous post, our heads are XL. My clothes size is L/XL, so having a XL hat size seems kinda normal to me. Can you see the logic? If you are 6ft+, you are in the L/XL group by default...

I know for a fact being slim doesn't suit me, I've been told so in a polite manner. A few of my close friends told me that I look better when I am bigger. Ideally I would like to have XL shoulders that go with my XL head, but I wouldn't cry about it. The only part of my body I'm not content with is my hair...


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I heard the bigger your head the better you can take a punch (in combat sports). Is this true?

Is it bigger than these guys?




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