If it were not for the women, would you care about baldness?


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Primo said:
Women is undeniably a big factor, especially if you're in the 18-25 category because everyone else just seems so physically perfect.

However once you get older I think there's is less of a premium on males with that perfect head of hair. Women get sellulite, stretch marks on their stomach, their breasts begin to sag, they get wrinkly faces and their vaginas get completely ravaged by child birth, so I think it's fair to say their hollywood expectations for men's physical appearance begin to fall once they get into mid20s and begin ageing themselves.

It's mainly the 18-21 female group who are really bitchy about baldness, that's why I feel for guys who virtually lose it all at this age because it must take superhuman confidence to get through it.

Women was not the only concern for me though. As a young male it can affect even the most trivial things, for example dress sense. I like rocking all kinds of clothing styles, but when you're a NW3 there's only so much stuff you can pull off, as when you go for younger looking clothes it can look a bit weird and loserish. Ironically enough the slick look is a lot more versatile and suits a lot more styles, so at least I got that to look forward to I guess :woot:

The way you wrote that made me laugh!

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, I have a strong feeling I would still want hair. If not for anything but to fit in with the other guys.


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Of course I would! If a superhot women come up to me and say I look handsome bald it doesnt change the fact that I still want my hairline back. Its more a question of getting the best out of my potential.


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A few days ago something happened that just ruined me for the next couple of days. There is this new cute chick working at the gas station I always go to. She is kinda white trash and her teeth are messed up but she has an incredible body and is just hot all around. Well, as you could imagine every time I've seen her I've been covered but this time I wasn't. I was cleanly buzzed and shaven so it wasn't that I looked like a slob but none the less I was hoping she wasn't working. She was. When she saw me I could instantly tell by the look on her face that she was overwhelmingly disappointed and I could see any positive opinions she may have previously had about me (flirty) withered and shriveled up into a charred husk. She said she didn't recognize me and all I could do is just shrug my shoulders and tell her, yeah I get that alot.

I know how it feels. I "dated" a girl for 2 months. She told me i was beautiful. She showered me with admiration and praise. We were super romantically involved. I was able to stay covered almost every time we went out (there were a few times here and there i wouldn't wear a hat but i made sure she couldn't see the top of my head). Well one day we decided to workout together at the local gym. I said screw it. If i don't wear a hat it's a win-win. Either she will accept me for my nw3 baldness, or she won't and ill know she's not the one for me.

I told her before i was thinning up there. She said she knew. And she said she didn't care. Well we worked out in that very illuminated building with the top of my head being fully exposed. She left me 2 weeks later. I'm only 26 and i'm not giving up the fight to reclaim my youth. Even if i have to use a full hair replacement system i'm going to take it, because being able to attract pretty women is extremely important to me.


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In more insecure days, I would have problems about what other guys would think.

Not anymore. I admit my problem is mostly about what women think about the way I look, considering I'm still young and single.

I don't think I'm any different than anyone else. That is the same reason why people (men and women) fatten up after they marry, once they are out of the market they stop caring about the way they look because they think it doesn't matter anymore. If they actually take care of themselves after a while, they usually do it because they are insecure about their relationships

I don't think I should be called shallow or anything, I'm not really looking for a supermodel girlfriend, it's just the way things go, single men and women try to market themselves the best they can. And yes, I know there are fat, short, bald men who can still sell themselves really well (like GemiX used to). But the reality is that, not all of us has the charisma to compensate for an unattractive physical trait

Yeah this is me. I don't really give a **** about going bald except for how it affects my chances with women. I used to think "what's the big deal about going bald? Looks aren't everything." Then I discovered women absolutely loathe bald men, and going bald could very well mean being lonely for the rest of your life.


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that very illuminated building with the top of my head being fully exposed.

This can be brutal. I often see guys who look ok-ish face to face, and I guess that's what they see in the mirror, but then I see them from a height (like when they are sitting down), and it is brutal. Thin hair failing to cover a shining dome. I was that guy when I was 21. And then there was one day when I was holding a mirror, looking at the back of my shining head reflected in another wall mirror. Gut wrenching realization that I had lost the battle. I stopped rogaine soon thereafter.


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Many people taunts me to do something about hairloss or no girl will marry me,i did not want to hurt them as many are older than me so i just laugh and stay quiet or sometimes say i am going to do hair transplant soon.


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My Regimen
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Of course I'd care. I have a strong disdain for biological flaws of any kind - I think they should all be eliminated, aging included. If I was a scientist with unlimited funding, I'd have cured that **** a long time ago in my basement, bypassing all the regulations that take years. We wouldn't still be wondering if topical JAK inhibitors work or not.
Nature sucks man. It ****s up all the time - we can do better.


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Realistically, I wouldn't care less. It's an advantage to be bald in some respects. You don't need to spend any money on shampoo. No hair care. You're less likely to experience an itchy scalp.

I wouldn't care about looking worse if women didn't care. I probably wouldn't even know.


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I believe it's a confidence booster to have great looking hair. If you look good, you feel good which in turn will have a positive impact on different aspects of your life


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I believe it's a confidence booster to have great looking hair. If you look good, you feel good which in turn will have a positive impact on different aspects of your life

This. It isn't all about picking up women. Sure it is nice to know you are "still in the game", but there is much more to it. Your appearance has an effect on just about every thing in your life.


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This. It isn't all about picking up women. Sure it is nice to know you are "still in the game", but there is much more to it. Your appearance has an effect on just about every thing in your life.

I agree with both posts. I think many men feel like they they have lost a part of their youth, or identity, when they're losing their hair. It's not always about appealing to the opposite sex. As someone that is losing their hair, I sure know it makes me feel unhappy when I look in the mirror.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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It isn't all about picking up women. Sure it is nice to know you are "still in the game", but there is much more to it. Your appearance has an effect on just about every thing in your life.

Same here. Appearance does affect everything in life. And that's what's so frustrating about hair loss, it affects appearance so negatively and there's absolutely nothing that can be done about it unless treatment is used, and that itself isn't an option for everyone.


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Hair can make an un-attractive person look acceptable even to the point of providing the illusion of being attractive.

A prominent forehead, and lack of temple points can throw your facial harmony off balance.

I may seem hypocritical, but it just illustrates the importance and decimation every little MM lost has on your image.





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Honestly, there are plenty of 7-10 young women who don't care, I lost all my hair at 18 to shock and shaved it bald and yeah got turned down some, but always held standards on looks high and did fine, it's in your head all young girls hate bald,